Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1269


Chapter 1269 Group Battle (Subscribe)

After Xu Sheng finished his class for Class Zero, he also At noon...

I saw his eyes looked towards the students of Class Zero below, and he asked with a smile, "There is still a whole day left, what are you going to do!"

Wei Xiaofeng called the head, boringly said, "I don't know, we have only seven people in the whole class, what can we do?"

Zhang Yangzi echoed, "That is, although the welfare and resources of the zero class are relatively good, But there are too few people!"

Wang Jinxi pouted, "I don't know what the dance teacher called Tang Wulin, should it be a small stove for him?"

Wei Xiaofeng's eyes lit up, "It's possible! The dance teacher seems to attach great importance to Tang Wulin, and I don't know what good things have been given to him, otherwise why not bring Xie Xie"

Xu Xiaoyan sipped. Lip, explained to Tang Wulin, "Maybe I just want to say something alone, even if it is a small stove, can you realize that it depends on Tang Wulin's innate talent?"

Gu Yue is also nodded, approved This statement, "Well, the possibility of opening a small stove is not ruled out, but even so, it is beneficial to the whole class of Zero Class!"

She doesn't value these things. If there is no innate talent, even if No matter how you turn on the small stove, it can't be improved or it can't be improved!

Wang Jinxi rolled the eyes, "Xu Xiaoyan, Gu Yue, you two are really open to each other, that guy is already so powerful with just one ring, if he improves it a little more, he might throw us all away. It's behind!"

Wei Xiaofeng echoed, "That's right, think about it, what will other people think of us in the future??"

Gu Yue's exquisite beautiful eyes revealed disdain. Looking at him, he sarcastically said, "In that case, doesn't that just show your incompetence?"

I don't pay attention to improving my own strength, but blame others for improving too quickly. What's the point of this?

Wei Xiaofeng, who was scolded, gave the former a fiercely look, gritted his teeth and said, "You...hmph! Forget it, I'm too lazy to compete with women!"

Xu Sheng listened When they were talking, the corner of his mouth raised an arc, "In this case, Tang Wulin is not here anyway, and you happen to be six people, why don't you do three-on-three training?"

"It can improve you guys. The actual combat experience and tacit understanding can also prepare for the Tianhai Alliance grand competition in the future!”

With such a special existence as Tang Wulin, it may be a help to promote the zero-class people.

After all, being able to enter this class has a lot of self-esteem, and naturally I don't want to be distanced by others!

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yangzi immediately stared at Xu Sheng and said, "Master Old Xu, I agree! Since the dance teacher opened a small stove for this guy, we also took the opportunity to improve ourselves!"

Xie Xie clenched his fists and said, "That's right, even if he can't improve his speed, he has to crush him in terms of teamwork!"

He didn't want to lose to Tang Wulin!

Xu Xiaoyan's cheeks were hesitant, and he asked, "It's possible...but how to divide the team?"

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes narrowed, suggesting "Why don't we all form teams freely?"

Xu Sheng smiled lightly, shook his head and swiped, "No, I have already divided you into groups! If you follow the normal free initiative, it will not improve your tacit understanding. !”

Skysea Alliance grand competition, although there can be many substitutes, each Academy can only have one team participating!

So this also requires that each opponent's tacit understanding is not low, so that they can be arranged to play!

Wang Jinxi nodded lightly, "Since Mr. Old Xu said so, let's do it!"

The other students didn't refute either, they all looked towards Xu Sheng......

I saw the latter calmly opened the mouth and said "Gu Yue, Wei Xiaofeng, Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jinxi, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan!"

Wei Xiaofeng sucked in a breath of cold air, "Hey... Master Old Xu has completely separated the people we are familiar with!"

Zhang Yangzi nodded, "That's right, seems to be true. It's much better than our free team!"

If you form a team yourself, you will definitely choose Wei Xiaofeng or Wang Jinxi! I'm sure they both feel the same way!

Wang Jinxi stared at Wei Xiaofeng, said with a sneer "Wei Xiaofeng, you can finally smack your giggling mouth!"

Wei Xiaofeng's corner of the mouth raised , "hmph, you don't know who's going to shoot! I trust Gu Yue's commanding ability more than you!"

In his heart, although he regards the other party as his brother, he still has no idea about his commanding ability. Absolutely not very convinced!

Similarly, Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue from the control department looked at each other like this, and a bit of fighting intent ignited in their hearts...

See you The current situation has achieved the effect he expected, Xu Sheng said leisurely, "Then give you five minutes to discuss tactics. When you are ready, go downstairs to prepare for the duel! The losing group will have a penalty of fifty laps. !”

Now, in Heaven Dou Cemetery!

Tang Wulin, who was full of doubts, followed Wu Zhangkong into it slowly...

naked eye It can be seen that there is a tomb full of gloomy atmosphere in front of him. Many tombstones are placed with pale white bouquets...

And Wu Zhangkong's hands are naturally no exception, she is gently holding a bouquet exuding a faint fragrance...

If you look carefully, you will find that his eyes are full of tenderness, and you can no longer see the coldness in normally...

It seems like a different person!

Tang Wulin swallowed his throat and whispered, "Wu teacher..."

However, I don't know if Wu Zhangkong didn't hear it or didn't want to answer, and didn't do anything. The reaction...

Tang Wulin pursed his lips and didn't make a sound to disturb...

After walking for a few minutes, Wu Zhangkong suddenly stopped in front of a tombstone , staring at the words engraved on it with gentle eyes like water...

Then just fell to the ground and whispered, "Long Bing, I came to see you, I don't know how you are doing now. Is it?"

After finishing speaking, he put the bouquet in his hand on the top of the tombstone...

Tang Wulin, who had a brilliant ear next to him, just heard the key words clearly, He secretly asked, "Long Bing? Who is this?"

Could it be a relative of the dance teacher?

No wonder today's dance teacher is so gentle, so he came to visit his deceased relatives...

Thinking of this, he just stood by the side so quietly, without a trace The voice, for fear of disturbing Wu Zhangkong...

After that, Wu Zhangkong began to narrate selflessly, "Long Bing, I am now teaching students again, according to your wishes..."

"By the way, those children, innate talent is very good, and set up a zero class"

"If you are still should teach them with me..."

Until Wu Zhangkong's eyes were already red and swollen, Tang Wulin couldn't bear it, and Brace oneself reminded "Wu teacher, although I don't know what happened, I would like to ask your condolences"

To be able to make the cold dance teacher look like this, I'm afraid something happened that will hit him hard!



(end of this chapter)

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