Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1274


Chapter 1274 first round duel (please subscribe)

Wei Xiaofeng corner of the mouth raised, shoot Holding his chest, he said, "Don't worry, Master Old Xu, we will definitely smash the heads of his students!"

Wang Jinxi nodded echoed, "en! You dare to mock Master Old Xu, then pray that when they meet us, Can hold on for a few more minutes!"

Xu Sheng's status in their hearts is very respected, and now he is ridiculed by other teachers, which will definitely bring back his face!

Tang Wulin hesitated and said, "It's better not to be so self-confident in the grand competition. If they can participate in the Tianhai Alliance grand competition, their strength must not be very weak."

Zhang Yangzi immediately said unhappy " Tang Wulin, what you said is wrong! That guy mocked Master Old Xu so much, he has to pay a price.”

Xie Xie also said contemptuously, “That’s right! Why are you so cowardly? Bullied to the door of the house!"

Although he still doesn't have a high opinion of Xu Sheng, at least he has been taught by the latter for so long, and he regards him as a teacher from the bottom of his heart!

How could it be possible to allow others to be easily insulted!

Tang Wulin covered his mouth and coughed, "cough cough...cough cough, that's not what I meant"

He just asked everyone to be careful, how could he become a coward... ...

Gu Yue, who was next to him, retracted his gaze and said indifferently, "I just made a general observation, and the team led by that guy is not very good. If we are right, we should be 100% sure. Win!"

Xu Xiaoyan looked towards Xu Sheng curiously and asked, "Master Old Xu, which three should we send to the showdown in the first round?"

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "No hurry... No. 11 is relatively late, so you can observe the situation of other teams more! Focus on those strong teams!"

After listening to this sentence, Class Zero Everyone was nodded looking thoughtful...

At this moment, there was another word on the radio...

"Now, please draw the two teams that won number one. , immediately select three students to arrive on the duel stage! The duel will begin immediately!"

In an instant, three students arrived on the left and right sides of the duel stage...

With the " The duel begins" sounded, and the six students immediately released their Spirits and started the duel without any hesitation...


It lasted for several hours , the dazzling Spirit and Spirit Ability made everyone in the zero class look a little tired...

Xie Xie yawned and said, "How do you feel... The team in the grand competition of the Sky Sea Alliance doesn't seem to be what we thought. It's so difficult"

Tang Wulin nods and Gu Yue agrees, "en! Many of these teams, if we meet, can be solved with no difficulty!"

Holding his chin up, he analyzed, "The only threat is the strong teams and senior teams!"

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes looked at the two teams on the duel stage. Victory or defeat, he reminded "Everyone, look, this showdown is over, the next one should be us!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yangzi looked Xu towards Sheng with bright eyes, eagerly He asked, "Master Old Xu, who should we send on stage?"

Xu Sheng glanced at everyone in Class Zero, and after thinking for a while, opened the mouth and said "Wei Xiaofeng, Tang Wulin and Xu Xiaoyan will play this time"

Xu Xiaoyan was a little surprised and said, "Huh? Master Old Xu... me? "

It seems that didn't expect Xu Sheng to let her play in the first round...

After all, her situation is really embarrassing in the zero shift, offensive is not as good as anyone, and controlling It's better than Gu Yue...

"Well, what's wrong, is there a problem? "

Xu Xiaoyan's face flushed a bit, shaking like a rattle, ", just a little...a little surprised"

Gu Yue encouraged " Xu Xiaoyan, believe in yourself! "

Xie Xie also rarely said, "Yeah, don't forget that your first Spirit Ability can even control the 1,000 Year Spirit Beast!" "

When facing the Crystal Bear, if she hadn't used the first Spirit Ability, she would have been sent out of the virtual space!

Xu Xiaoyan took a deep breath, Firmly said "en! I'll try my best! "

Wei Xiaofeng patted his chest, "Xu Xiaoyan, you just need to assist or protect yourself in the rear, and leave the rest to me and Tang Wulin"

Tang Wulin also agreed, "No. wrong! ”

He is still very confident in terms of strength!

At the same time, the other side drew No. 11!

The contestants The three students all looked towards the middle-aged man who mocked Xu Sheng before!

One of the students opened the mouth and said "teacher, it's time for us to play! Any plan to make? "

middle-aged man sneered, "No need, your opponent is the Eastern Sea Academy that counts down all the year round, just deal with it and you can win"

The tone is full of admiration for Eastern Sea The Academy's disdain...

It's just a countdown Academy, what can I do to fight them?

I guess even the participating students don't have two rings!

Hearing this answer, the three students looked at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes...

However, they had to replied "I...we understand, teacher! "

"This match is over, Tiansheng Academy wins, please draw the two teams that have drawn No. 11 to the showdown stage immediately..."


When the three Tang Wulin and the three students on the opposite side all arrived at the duel stage...

Wei Xiaofeng's eyes narrowed, and she was the first to say "hmph, it's your team's teacher." Dare to mock us? "

Hearing this sentence, the three students on the opposite side covered their mouths and laughed with a smile, "Which year was your Eastern Sea Academy not a laughing stock? Is this weird? "

"That's right, counting down all the year round, I really don't know why I still have the face to participate in the grand competition of the Sky Sea Alliance!" "

"Don't worry, when the grand competition starts, we will give you a good experience of what the gap is!" "

Wei Xiaofeng's eyes filled with anger, "You..."

Tang Wulin next to him immediately stretched out his hand to hold him, coldly said "See the real chapter under your hand, tell them this More useless! "

Wei Xiaofeng heard the words, gritted his teeth and calmed down...

Xu Xiaoyan next to him stared at each other with beautiful eyes, ready to act at any time!

After the two sides looked at each other for a few seconds, "The showdown begins! ! "

Almost at the same time as the words fell, all three of Tang Wulin released their Spirit...

Qingying Snake, Star Wheel Ice Staff, Blue Silver Grass, especially It's the latter, unexpectedly conspicuous on this duel stage!

Seeing this, the students on the opposite side said, "Ha! No wonder you dare to participate in the grand competition of the Sky Sea Alliance, didn't expect your broken Academy to have students who have reached two rings! "

"I'm dying of laughter, there is another person who is Blue Silver Grass Spirit!" "

"Sure enough, it's the last-ranked Academy, so let's see what the gap is!" ”

After the words fell, their three people quickly released their Spirit...

There are five spirit rings under their feet!

Light In terms of imposing manner, it is much stronger than Tang Wulin and the others!!




(End of this chapter)

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