Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1280


Chapter 1280 Changes (please subscribe)

Xu Sheng heard the words and showed a soothing smile to everyone in Class Zero, "It's okay, you guys have a good game, I'll leave for a while! No one can hurt my teacher!"

Hearing this, the old man's eyes narrowed, and he secretly said "hmph The teacher of this Eastern Sea Academy has such a big voice!"

If he really moved his hand, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave the Eastern Sea city alive!

After all, attacking the participating teams during the grand competition of the Sky Sea Alliance was a blatant provocation!

The students of Class Zero are quietly relaxed, and their hearts are full of confidence in Xu Sheng...

Their teachers are six rings Spirit Emperor, and their strength is still beyond common sense. Estimate! Basically, no one can

Wei Xiaofeng patted his chest and said, "en! teacher, don't worry, we will win this round!"

Wang Jinxi also said firmly. "We believe that Master Old Xu, you will never do such a thing! Just wait for our good news!"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded echoed, "That's right, even if there is no Master Old Xu, you Now, we are determined to win this duel!"

At this moment, the elderly man interrupted their conversation, coldly saying "it's almost time, teacher, please follow Me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room...

Long Hengxu then cautiously asked, "Teacher Old Xu, shouldn't those teachers be real? Did you kill it?"

Xu Sheng glanced at him, and said very calmly "I killed it! But the situation is a little different"

Hearing the former without The slightest hesitation admitted, Long Hengxu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked suspiciously, "Is it because Class Zero defeated the team they led, so they want to do something to Master Old Xu?"

The corner of Xu Sheng's mouth raised an arc, lightly said with a smile, "It's almost, but as long as you don't speak out, Director Long, the Sky Sea Alliance alone is not enough to speculate that it was me who did it"

This confident smile made Long Hengxu's heart suddenly cool, and he took a deep breath and said, "Since you are so confident, Mr. Old Xu, that would be great!"

didn't expect After beheading the rest of the teacher, Old Xu was able to keep his face expressionless, even a matter of no concern to oneself!

It's really not a shot, it's ruthless as soon as you make a shot!

After speaking, the two of them took steps to keep up with the elderly man who had left some distance!

Immediately, seeing that the morale of everyone was a little low, Gu Yue said softly, "Okay! Everyone, don't think about it anymore, Master Old Xu is so strong, he will be fine, we will be fine. The most important thing is to win the next duel!"

"In this way, we will not fail the teaching of Master Old Xu!"

However, when they walked out one after another Behind the door, I was surprised to find that Wu Zhangkong was waiting with a cold expression!


On the other side, Xu Sheng and Long Hengxu followed the old man to a place, which was where Xu Sheng and other Academy teachers started work last night!

You can vaguely feel the faint smell of blood in the space...

Apart from this, it is a bunch of staff from the Sky Sea Alliance who are surrounding the "rotten meat". Appraisal...

The old man suddenly turned his head, his deep eyes stared directly at Xu Sheng's cheek, opened the mouth and said "This teacher, you must be familiar with this place? After all, it is What just happened yesterday"

Xu Sheng said surprisedly, "Oh? Why do you ask? It's unfair to convict me without authorization!"

The former is still somewhat So tender, trying to find the answer from his face!

When the old man heard these emotionless words, his eyes narrowed again, and he secretly said, "I can't see any guilty conscience, is it really not his hand?"


Thinking of this, he withdrew his gaze and said indifferently, "This teacher is joking, just joking, go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, they moved towards The people from the Sky Sea Alliance who were conducting the appraisal walked over...

Even if he was prepared, when Long Hengxu saw the scum on the ground with his own eyes, his whole body could not help but tremble. For a moment...

Inexplicably, a feeling of vomiting arose...

At the same time, I was also shocked by the ruthlessness of Xu Sheng's attack, which completely cut the other party as a vegetable!

And Xu Sheng just glanced at it lightly, without any words...

The old man put his hands behind his back and asked, "How is the situation!"

Hearing his voice, the people of the Sky Sea Alliance stood up one after another, opened the mouth and said respectfully, "Sir, after our identification, these dead Spirit Masters were caused by sharp weapons, the most It might be a sword-type Spirit!"

After a pause, he added, "And, most importantly, these four teachers were all killed by one strike certain kill!"

Hearing this sentence, the old man cry out in surprise "What?? one strike certain kill?"

The worst among these teachers are the four rings Spirit Ancestor, which can knock them one strike certain kill. The existence of kill...

I'm afraid at least it is a terrifying powerhouse at the level of Spirit Saint or Spirit Douluo! !

If you think about it carefully, you will find that the teacher of the Eastern Sea Academy is so young, presumably the spirit power level should not be too strong! There is a high probability that it is not his hand!

If he remembered correctly, the most powerhouse of Eastern Sea Academy, Wu Zhangkong, seems to be the six rings Spirit Emperor!

Although he had a rough guess in his mind, he still had to go through the process to be on the safe side!

Thinking of this, his eyes looked towards Xu Sheng again, and his tone softened a little, "Teacher, please release your Spirit and spirit ring! If there is no problem, you can Exclude your suspicion!"

Xu Sheng didn't change anything, but Long Hengxu next to him was anxious...

He knew that the former's Spirit had more than 100,000 years of history spirit ring! !

If this is exposed, I am afraid that it will cause a sensation in the entire Eastern Sea City, and even the entire Federation! !

So, some anxiously asked "Master Xu, you..."

Xu Sheng seemed to see his concern, lightly said with a smile "It's okay, Just release the Spirit and the spirit ring, Director Long don't have to worry about it."

After finishing speaking, he released his Spirit, and thumped up the stout Ghost Vine all around...


Six spirit rings quickly appeared under my feet...

Yellow, yellow, black, black, black, black!

Seeing the four spirit rings flashing pitch black rays of light, Long Hengxu rubbed his eyes and showed an unbelievable expression "????"

He remembered that Xu Sheng's Spirit had a spirit ring of 100,000 years, why did it change? !

The old man who felt the huge oppression force, subconsciously took a step back and said in shock, "This young teacher is already a Spirit Emperor! And in the spirit ring, there is no Spirit Soul. !"

Hiss... Could it be that Eastern Sea Academy has other powerhouses besides Wu Zhangkong? ?




(end of this chapter)

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