Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1293


Chapter 1293 Crisis (please subscribe)

Mu Ruozhi, who responded quickly, immediately shouted "Don't think about it!! "

It's absolutely impossible to get rid of him so easily!

I want to avenge Shen He! !

finished speaking, turned around without any hesitation, clenched the axe in his hand and aimed it at Tang Wulin to chop...

The latter saw this without showing the slightest bit of cheek. The color of fear, so with no difficulty, the attacking axe is perfectly blocked!

This level of attack is not worth mentioning compared to his strength!

Just as Mu Ruozhi was quietly relaxing, Wang Jinxi's gloomy voice rang out again, "Where are you looking?"

Mu Ruozhi's mind changed. Shocked, his pupils tightened quietly, "What..."

However, before he could finish speaking, his entire back felt as if he had been hit hard, and the axe in his hand fell off due to the severe pain...

After spitting out a mouthful of blood again, there was no blood on the pale cheeks, and his eyes were fixed on Wang Jinxi and Tang Wulin, " are so shameless, you are two-to-one!"

Completely forgot what he and Shen He had done before!

Wang Jinxi said with a face full of impatience, "What a lot of nonsense!!"

After saying this, he seemed to have thought of Gu Yue's broken bones, and felt that it would be inappropriate to defeat the opponent like this. To relieve his anger, he grabbed Mu Ruozhi's neck fiercely with his left hand, and slapped his right hand fiercely...

As for the latter, he only felt a strong sense of suffocation, making him feel the senses. His limbs were soft, and there was no resistance at all!

Let Wang Jinxi's palm slap back and forth on his face...

Tang Wulin didn't make a sound when he saw this, but chose to stand by and watch...


The students below the stage all rubbed their eyes and looked at the scene on stage in disbelief...

One of the students sucked in a breath of cold air and said, "Hey... ...this Eastern Sea Academy's zero-class student is so brutal, grabbing each other's neck!"

Another student said with emotion, "Although this is indeed a bit too much, I feel inexplicably comfortable in my heart. , the other side also bullied the female students of Eastern Sea Academy like this before!"

"Will this be a foul? I actually slapped my opponent in front of everyone's eyes, but...I like it!"

"cough cough... You have to have a basis for what you say. How can this be called humiliation? The male student on the opposite side didn't take the initiative to surrender, so of course you don't have to."

"pu, are you trying to laugh at me? Under such circumstances, how could the male student on the opposite side have the strength to say surrender, and even his mouth was swollen!" On the other side of Class Zero, Wei Xiaofeng cheered loudly, "My God, Wang Jinxi is here! It's too relieved! Call them sneak attack Gu Yue just now"

Xie Xie also echoed, "Yes, this is what it deserves, I really thought they were the only ones who would bully the less with more!"

Zhang Yangzi blamed "Tang Wulin is still doing what he was doing, and he went up to make a big mouth!"

Xu Xiaoyan looked towards Xu Sheng with concern, hesitantly said "Old Xu Teacher, is it bad to do this?"

It is now the grand competition of the Sky Sea Alliance, if we pursue it, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble!

The corners of Xu Sheng's mouth raised an arc, lightly said with a smile "It doesn't matter, since Gu Yue's arm was interrupted, as companions, they naturally need to vent a little bit, no matter how hard they are. Something will happen!"

Xu Xiaoyan was stunned for a while, "Eh..."

How does she feel that the current Master Old Xu seems a little strange...


In the spectator seat, I saw a member of the Sky Sea Alliance suddenly stood up and scolded, "This... this team is simply too much! It turned out to be in front of many students. Slap opponents with teacher's face and slap, I suggest disqualifying them!"

Another member of Skysea Alliance is also full of anger Fire Dao "Yes, the grand competition of Skysea Alliance has never happened before. This arrogant team must be canceled!"

This is simply not taking their Sky Sea Alliance in their eyes!

And the teachers from Shrek Academy next to them saw this and coughed, and they all suggested, "I think it's justifiable for them to do this. Besides, the male student opposite is also I didn't surrender!"

"Yes, it's too arbitrary to disqualify this team just like this, I think a serious warning is enough!"

"Well, this team must be given a serious warning. If they commit the crime again, they will be disqualified from the competition!"

They have fallen in love with the female student who can use the space ability many times, so they will naturally be subconsciously biased. !

Hearing these words full of partiality, the two former members of the Sky Sea Alliance couldn't help but twitch a few times...

This is rogue logic, obviously very Serious things, in their mouths, seem to have made a small mistake!

Also, these guys are teachers of Shrek Academy, aren't they normally proud?

would speak for this team abnormally today! Really baffling! !

Although I was quite unhappy, I still sat back in my seat...

A serious warning is a serious warning, as long as they don't do it again, they can suppress this matter. !


However, at this moment, a middle-aged man in the audience looked at Mu Ruozhi, who had been drawn bloody nose and swollen face, and the Shen He, who was half-dead in the pit...

The anger that was suppressed in his heart suddenly rose up...

He roared, " are just courting death, how dare you humiliate so much. Our Academy students!!"

After the words fell, he immediately burst into a terrifying spirit power fluctuation, and quickly released his Spirit!

It was a spider with eight sturdy calves, and the dense scarlet eyes made my heart feel cold for no reason...

Then, slowly from under his feet Five spirit rings are raised,

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black!

next moment, he lost his mind, kicked his legs, moved straight towards the duel stage...

At the same time, the third spirit under his feet The ring suddenly lit up...

The third Spirit Ability, Deadly Spider Fluid! !

The entire arms are covered with layers of toxin-filled purple liquid...

Angrily shouted "Go die for me!!"

Tang Wulin and Wang Jinxi, who were on the duel stage, felt the terrifying spirit power fluctuations...

Looking to the side quickly, they found this man mixed with strong killing intent. Middle-aged man they rush!

Especially the five spirit rings flashing under the feet are extremely conspicuous!

Tang Wulin's pupils shrank suddenly, cry out in surprise "This is five... five rings Spirit King!! He's going to kill us! Wang Jinxi, dodge!!"

If touched by the venom in the hands of this middle-aged man, they will die!

However, the strong coercion made Wang Jinxi's legs unable to move at all...

A feeling rose in his heart, no matter how he escaped, there was only a dead end! !

Seeing this middle-aged man getting closer and closer, Wang Jinxi closed his eyes in despair...

Waiting for death silently!


(end of this chapter)

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