Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1298


Chapter 1298 One percent win rate! (Please subscribe)

Xie Xie, who was halfway through the charge, wanted to turn his head to avoid the intense rays of light that gradually came into view, but obviously, it was too late!

secretly said "Damn it! I can't escape"

Suddenly, he just felt dizzy and temporarily lost consciousness...

When one of the male students standing beside Mu Xi saw this, a few gleamed eyes flashed in his eyes, "Good opportunity!!"

Next moment, the first spirit ring under his feet lights up... …

The first Spirit Ability, Leopard Transformation!

After displaying the Spirit Ability, his legs gradually transformed into the thick animal legs of the snow leopard, and when he obtained the powerful Agility Amplification, he charged straight towards Dun like an afterimage. Xie Xie, who was on the spot, slammed a punch into his chest...

However, just as his attack was about to hit...

Tang Wulin coldly shouted "Don't think about it!! Spirit Ability! Binding!"

At the same time, a lot of tenacious Blue Silver Grass emerged from Xie Xie's underground, instantly covering his right leg...

Then his mind moved, dragged his silhouette back dozens of steps, and narrowly escaped the attack from the opposite side...

Seeing this, the student on the opposite side narrowed his eyes and said, "In my You want to escape in front of the speed?"

After saying this, the whole person wants to rush towards Xie Xie again, and he has no intention of letting go of the latter...

He has absolute confidence in his speed. confidence!

Mu Xi in the back, staring at Gu Yue who was moving, reminded "Wang Hao, be careful!!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Hao's There was a deep doubt in his mind, "???"

But then, he understood the meaning of this sentence!

I saw the sky above the duel stage. I don't know when the densely packed, sharp ice cubes had condensed and fell to the ground with a fierce posture of hiding the sky and covering the earth...

At first glance, it directly blocks the surrounding places where you can escape!

Wang Hao's mind trembled, secretly cry out in surprise "What a terrifying area attack, it directly blocked all my dodging space!"

Seeing the front Wang Hao was in crisis, another student with Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear coldly shouted "Let me come!! Trifling ice cubes only!!"

The second spirit ring under his feet lit up, his His body suddenly swelled to nearly three times its size, and without the slightest hesitation, he stood in front of Wang Hao...

When these sharp ice cubes were allowed to strike on his reinforced body , smashed intermittently for the spirit power of light blue...

It didn't do any damage to it at all!

Wang Hao's heart was relaxed, and grim said, "Longtian, are you okay?"

Longtian shook the head, patted his chest and said, "It's okay, it's just ice cubes. , can't break my defense at all!"

Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear This Spirit is not only extremely strong in attack, but also blessed by heaven in defense!

Seeing that the two of them were all right, Mu Xi secretly said, "Huh...fortunately I arrived in time"

Immediately, she looked towards Tang Wulin and Xie Xie. The ancient moon!

It seems that the female student in the back must be taken out first, her Spirit is too weird!

If it weren't for the difference in spirit power level, plus Long Tian reacted in time, otherwise, Wang Hao would definitely suffer a lot of injuries!

As for Xie Xie, who came back to his senses from the dizziness on the other side, his face was rather ugly and he said, "Their cooperation is no weaker than ours!! Now it's going to be difficult!"

Even with the Double Dragon Blade, perhaps before breaking the student's defense, his spirit power will be exhausted first!

Gu Yue wrinkled her beautiful eyes and said, "My attack will hardly cause damage to the student with the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear! Unless I can find a weak spot from him!"

Tang Wulin had a strong fighting intent in his heart, and said in a fiery tone, "Is this the student of the Eastern Sea Academy's senior class? It really isn't comparable to the previous opponents!"

Whether it is Teamwork, or individual strength, are far beyond them!

The odds of winning this battle are only one percent! !

took a deep breath, Tang Wulin looked towards Xie Xie, "Xie Xie, I'll block that guy using Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear Spirit, you

thanks Xie raised his brows and questioned, "en? Don't you want to eliminate that Mu Xi first? "

Tang Wulin shook the head and analyzed it carefully, "Sister Mu Xi's Spirit is very restrained from melee Spirit Master, if you rashly attack her again, it is likely to become just like that!" "

Xie Xie was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it, he nodded...

"Understood!" give it to me! ”

It is true that I cannot break through the defense of the attack system student, but if the opponent is the agile attack type guy, there is a great chance to suppress the latter!!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Wulin looked towards Gu Yue again, hesitantly said, "Gu Yue, although I know it's not good to do this, but this duel..."

Before he could finish, Gu Yue interrupted. His words, coldly said, "You mean to let me abandon my identity as the Spirit Master of the control system and use my spatial ability to attack that Mu Xi, right? "

Tang Wulin, whose mind was pierced, rubbed his head in embarrassment, "Uh...that's right, that's roughly it!" ”

Although Gu Yue is the Spirit Master of the control system, she has space ability, and even surpasses herself and Xie Xie in terms of survival and raids!

This is the key to this duel !

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes looked towards Mu Xi on the opposite side, calmly said "I think so too, so you don't have to worry"

Tang Wulin didn't No more nonsense...

His eyes suddenly narrowed, "Then... let's go together! ! ”

After that, their three people moved towards Mu Xi and the others on the opposite side, without any intention of maintaining the original lineup!

The students under the stage Seeing this scene, they all cry out in surprise, "Am I going? Are the students in this zero class taking hormones? I don't even care about the lineup, just go up! "

"Hey, didn't you see it just now?" The female student's attack could not break through the defense of the male student with the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear Spirit! This is the only way to fight back! ”

“The gap between the three rings Spirit Elder and the two rings Spirit Grandmaster is still too big! "

"Obviously in a weak position, Class Zero still chose to take the initiative. It seems that he didn't want to lose too badly, so he did it!" "

The corner of Long Tian's mouth raised an arc, "Don't blame me if you dare to take the initiative to attack!" ”

After finishing speaking, Wang Hao and Wang Hao looked at each other. After nodding, they moved towards Gu Yue and swooped away...

There is no doubt that Tang Wulin and Xie Xie stopped him...

Tang Wulin's right arm flashed golden rays of light, coldly shouted "Your opponent is us! "

The light dragon dagger in Xie Xie's hand also released a few strands of Dragon's Might...

In an instant, the four of them divided the battlefield...

As for Gu Yue, who was not hindered, she successfully approached Mu Xi and stood not far in front of her...

The eyes of the two of them looked at each other like this, and their beautiful eyes were faintly hidden. With sparks...



(end of this chapter)

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