Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1301


Chapter 1301 Victory is coming (please subscribe)

The dazzling rays of light block all vision, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie all cry out in surprise "Gu Yue!!"

This kind of terrifying Spirit Ability, if Gu Yue doesn't dodge successfully, I'm afraid bode ill rather than well! !

Long Tian's expression grimmed a bit, "The situation is troublesome, Mu Xi's third Spirit Ability, the lethality can even seriously hurt me, that female student named Gu Yue, I'm afraid"


Wang Hao also frowned and said, "Mu Xi, she's doing her best! She even used this third Spirit Ability!"

Originally, this Spirit Ability was used to deal with another high The means of the grade team, but didn't expect her to use it now!

And the students who watched the previous scene in the audience all sucked in a cold breath...

One of the students smacked his lips and said, "Hi... It's a student of Eastern Sea Academy, and it's so ruthless, are you really not afraid of beheading the opponent after you miss it?"

Another student frowned and said, "I thought it was perish together, didn't you? The female student with three rings in t expect has a shield on her body, doesn't that mean that the end has been decided?"

"The explosion at such a close range is only a sign of the ability to use space. There's no way to avoid it! The female student with the two rings bode ill rather than well!"

"Is this retribution? The male teacher from Eastern Sea Academy killed other Academy teachers not long ago, but The students it teaches will be killed by the same Academy!"

Especially the Shrek teachers in the spectator seats looked gloomy...

They didn't want to Seeing such an outstanding student fall here! A surging spirit power erupted all over his body, and he wanted to go to rescue...

However, one of the members of the Sky Sea Alliance narrowed his eyes and reminded him, "Every teacher...don't worry, you guys are careful. Feel the breath, the female student named Gu Yue is still calm, and she didn't suffer any fatal injuries!"

Hearing these words, the teachers of Shrek Academy were stunned for a moment, and then, It exudes spirit power to sense the explosion area...

As expected, Gu Yue's breath is very stable, and he was not seriously injured!

This made them all relaxed, and their tense expressions eased a little...


The dazzling rays of light continued for a few minutes. After ten seconds, it disappeared...

Mu Xi's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she secretly asked, "Is it over?"

In her heart, there is some regret, Gu Yue said again. After all, it is also the junior sister of the same Academy, so there is no need to use this terrifying Spirit Ability!

If something happens to the latter, Teacher Old Xu, who is the head teacher of the zero class, will be very sad, right?

Just as she was thinking, Gu Yue's plain words gradually sounded...

"Sister Muxi Senior, the lethality of your Spirit Ability is really terrifying!"

Hearing these words, Mu Xi woke up in an instant, her eyes eagerly moved towards the direction where the words sounded...

Immediately, she could clearly see who was standing not far away. Gu Yue!

said in shock, "What... what?? It's actually unscathed?"

It's an exaggeration to describe it as unscathed, but Gu Yue's appearance seems to be unscathed. As if no harm was done!

Gu Yue's amber beautiful eyes suddenly turned cold, "Sister Muxi, the duel is not over yet, be careful!"

The reason why she is still standing here is because Because before the explosion, it took a lot of spiritual power to cover the surrounding Earth Element, which was barely able to resist!

After speaking, he waved his palm at will, and the sound of "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~" resounded in the surrounding space. Not only that, but all around Gu Yue also filled with radiating rays. The light ball of light...

Mu Xi's pupils shrunk, and her heart was cry out in surprise "This is...the Light Attribute element!! Is the other party still hiding this hand??"

The current situation is the same as when she cast the third Spirit Ability...

However, Gu Yue did not give her time to think about how to deal with it, and immediately controlled these powerful The ball of light, hiding the sky and covering the earth's bombardment...

Seeing that Mu Xi was surrounded, Long Tian was shocked and said "Not good! Mu Xi is in danger!"

After speaking, he directly ignored Tang Wulin in front of him and dived away at the fastest speed...

However, how could Tang Wulin, who had seen his intentions, let him leave easily, and immediately burst out He stopped him at a faster speed...

He said very seriously, "Although I really don't want to do this, Gu Yue is measured and won't hurt Sister Mu Xi Senior's life, so I can't let you go. Go!"

The anxious Long Tian clenched his palms and scolded, "You bastard, hurry up and get out of my sight!!!"

The third spirit ring moment under his feet It lights up...

The attack power and defensive power of the whole person have been increased by 20% again. Just looking at it makes people feel throbbing!

Immediately, he moved towards Tang Wulin recklessly and rushed away...

The latter took a deep breath, and a golden spirit ring floated under his feet...

The bottom of my heart secretly said "Golden Dragon body!!"

In an instant, countless dragon scales emitting golden rays of light covered most of his body, and met him without the slightest hesitation The incoming dragon sky...

This spirit ring is the bloodline technique of the Gold Dragon King, which can cover the whole body with golden scales in a short period of time, and increase its own strength, speed, attack, and defense. Aspects to get some amplification!

Especially in terms of strength, it is enough to reach a very terrifying level!

After the two collided, Long Tian was obviously invincible, forcibly was blasted away by Tang Wulin, and had no power to parry at all!

Long Tian, who flew upside down, was dumbfounded and swallowed, "How could this be! You are stronger than me!!"

He's just a weak chicken with one ring! ! !

Tang Wulin's eyes showed a firm look, he clenched his fist again and slammed it, coldly said "I said, I won't let you pass!"

And Watching this scene, Xie Xie subconsciously opened his mouth wide, and said in a daze, "Tang Wulin's second spirit Spirit Ability is so terrifying!"

He was able to turn the three rings Spirit Elder with Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear. Press and hit!

But he thought about it, Gu Yue and Tang Wulin had already had the advantage in the duel, and he couldn't lose face of Class Zero!

After he finished speaking, he looked towards Wang Hao in front of him...

Seeing this, Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Do you think you are my opponent? ?"

He hasn't used the third Spirit Ability! Because from the very beginning, I thought Xie Xie was no match!

The corner of Xie Xie's mouth raised an arc, "Indeed, I am not your opponent with the light dragon dagger, but what if this is the case?"

In an instant, the entire The person's imposing manner has suddenly changed drastically!

can be vaguely seen, he is holding the Light Dragon Dagger in his left hand, and another dagger that cannot be seen with naked eyes appears in his right hand, the Shadow Dragon Dagger!

Wang Hao's body shuddered suddenly, his face grim said, "en? This guy's imposing manner actually started to give me an oppression? What happened just now?"

The Xie Xie in front of him was no different from before!


(End of this chapter)

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