Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1303


Chapter 1303 Invitation to Shrek Academy (please subscribe)

Meanwhile, Xu Sheng is detained Inside the prison...

I saw those Spirit Masters who were supposed to be extremely vicious, one by one, like sitting on pins and needles, cautiously staring at the handsome man sitting among them, not daring to do anything too big...

Once the anger of the other party is aroused, when the time comes they will face another horrific ordeal!

Xu Sheng, who closed his eyes, opened it slightly, and said a little surprisedly, "Did you win? It's beyond my expectations"

He has already witnessed the Sky Sea Alliance through dive force In the grand competition, we know that Gu Yue, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin all rely on their own strength to defeat the senior students of the same Academy and win!

This still makes him more gratified, but in the next duel, if he does not use the Spirit fusion technique, the winning rate is infinitely close to zero!

At this moment, the tightly closed metal door made an ear-piercing trembling sound, and then slowly opened...

Immediately, two people in charge of guarding the prison came in from the outside. The Spirit Master in prison...

I saw their eyes glanced around, and then opened the mouth and said "Is there a guy named Xu Sheng here!"

Listen At this sentence, Xu Sheng's inky eyes narrowed quietly, indifferently said "I am Xu Sheng, what's the matter?"

Seeing Xu Sheng's handsome appearance and other imprisoned Spirit Masters completely It's not a level, so the faces of the two Spirit Masters softened a bit...

Then they said again "The people from Shrek Academy want to see you, please come with us!"

didn't expect This young man in front of him was able to ask the people from Shrek Academy to intercede in person, I'm afraid the background is not small!

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Shrek Academy?"

No, according to the current timeline, no one can see through his identity...

Could it be...he had a guess in his mind...

Thinking of this possibility, Xu Sheng face doesn't change and said "Okay, then lead the way"

The two Spirit Masters looked at each other, and after nodded, they opened the door of the cell, released Xu Sheng, and left here together...

After the heavy metal door was closed again, these The detained Spirit Masters have been relaxed...

I wish Xu Sheng would not come back. After all, the strong oppression force that the former exudes all the time is simply too terrifying!


After that, Xu Sheng was taken to a very luxurious room...

There were two tall people sitting inside. The middle-aged man is the teacher of Shrek Academy!

When they saw Xu Sheng walking in, they immediately greeted with enthusiasm "Master Old Xu, you are here, sit down!"

"Old Xu Master, I finally saw you, so we can wait."

Xu Sheng was not pretentious when he saw this, and sat on the chair in front of them casually, leisurely opened the mouth and said " I don't remember meeting the two of you, do I?"

One of the teachers reached out and patted his face, embarrassingly said with a smile "Hey, I forgot to introduce myself, both of us. It's a teacher from Shrek Academy!"

The other teacher took out something to prove his identity and explained "yes, this is our teacher qualification certificate"

Xu Sheng just gave a casual glance, lightly said with a smile "Then two teachers from Shrek Academy, do you have anything to do with the detained me?"

After these words fell, this The two teachers looked at each other, and they were both calm and nodded...

After taking a deep breath, they stared at Xu Sheng seriously and explained, "That... Teacher Old Xu, we are here this time. , I'm here to invite you to join our Shrek Academy as a teacher in the outer courtyard."

"Of course, we notified the Academy in advance of the matter, and it has been approved. As long as Old Xu teacher you Promise, you will be able to serve as teacher in Shrek Academy immediately"

In the entire federation, there are countless Spirit Masters who want to join Shrek Academy and serve as teacher, but the chances of being approved are Poorly small!

Being able to give Xu Sheng the position of teacher directly shows the sincerity of Shrek Academy!

Xu Sheng's inky eyes narrowed, and he secretly said, "Sure enough, it was because I didn't even release the Spirit before, so I just killed the Spirit King-level Spirit Master"

Seeing him pondering, the teacher of Shrek Academy coughed, "cough cough ... Master Old Xu, you have to think about it, joining Shrek Academy is a lot of Spirit Master yearn for something even in dreams. Opportunity"

Xu Sheng did not rush to answer, but instead asked with a smile, "Is it any good for me to join Shrek Academy?"

Hearing this, The two teachers from Shrek Academy immediately scolded in their hearts, "I thought it was a young teacher, didn't expect to be an old fox!"

It seems that some very tempting conditions are not offered. The other party will not make a statement!

Immediately, he carefully analyzed and said, "It's natural, as long as you agree to join Shrek Academy, we can save Teacher Old Xu in the name of Academy and kill other Academy teachers, and the Sky Sea Alliance can let go of it! ”

“Apart from this, Shrek Academy offers much more salary than the average Academy, and at the same time, the students who need to be taught, aptitude is also excellent!”

Of course, these conditions are actually nothing, the real attraction is to be next to the big tree of Shrek Academy! !

Seeing that Xu Sheng hadn't made up his mind yet, another teacher urged, "Master Old Xu, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and agree, and then let's get out of this hell, okay?"

Xu Sheng took a deep look at them and said indifferently "many thanks to the two of you, but forgive me for rejecting it"

Such a good opportunity, how can we not talk about the conditions?

If it doesn't work out, it's even easier, just don't join Shrek Academy!

The teacher, who thought Xu Sheng would agree decisively, excitedly said "Very well, then let's just... eh?"

Halfway through his words, he responded. Come here...

“Master just said, refused??”

Xu Sheng laughed and said again “Yes, I refuse, these are given to me by Shrek Academy Profits are nothing to me at all!"

As soon as these words came out, their faces immediately turned gloomy...

"Master Old Xu, this is many of us. The place you get after the teacher strives for it is very valuable!"

"Yes, Master Old Xu, don't forget, if you don't agree, I'm afraid the Sky Sea Alliance will hold you accountable for beheading Spirit in public. In the case of the Master, it is possible to detain him for ten or twenty years!"

In the words, there is a strong sense of threat...

In their opinion , Xu Sheng has no choice at all!

And this scene made Xu Sheng's mouth raise an arc, opened the mouth with a smile and said "Are you two threatening me?"

next Moment, the spirit power suppressor in his hand shattered into parts in an instant...

A palpitating oppression force was released from the inside out, covering the entire room...


(end of this chapter)

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