Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1316


Chapter 1316 Test (Subscribe)

With Shen Yi’s leadership, they entered Shrek with no difficulty Inside the academy...

As I entered the more inside, I suddenly found that many students in the outer Shrek Academy were staring at Shen Yi and Xu Sheng behind her with amazed and puzzled eyes!

One of the male students cry out in surprise, "Look, the white-haired Demoness has changed her sex? There are two handsome men behind her!"

Another The male student breathed a sigh of relief in reverse order, "Hey...I don't know, if you can look at this white-haired Demoness man, wouldn't he have a tendency to be abused?"

"cough guys How can I say that, the white-haired Demoness is a bit fierce, but in terms of appearance, it is still no weaker than others!"

"tsk tsk tsk, come on, the white-haired Demoness is also a face If you can see, who will suffer the temper?"

"I said, it's not good for us to talk like this? If Teacher Shen hears it, the consequences will be extremely serious!

Hearing these discussions, Shen Yi's whole face turned dark...

He cursed inwardly, "These little bastards, how bad is this old lady? "

If it wasn't for the presence of dance teacher and Xu Sheng, she would have to let these guys have a long memory today!

Xu Sheng lightly said with a smile "Teacher Shen, it seems You are still quite popular at Shrek Academy"

Shen Yi heard the words and showed an embarrassed but polite smile, "Yes... yes! They are still children, children's words carry no harm"

"After so many years, nothing has changed."

Of course, the former is not like the little girl who smiled and smiled. Now...

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yi gave Wu Zhangkong a resentful look, "Senior Brother, why are you even laughing at me? "

The dance teacher just shook the head, "I didn't laugh at you, I just sighed!" By the way, teacher where is he? "

Shen Yi hesitated, "teacher...he is still in the inner courtyard, even though he hasn't taken the initiative to say anything about you all these years, but I know that he definitely hopes you can come back"


Wu Zhangkong took a deep breath, looked sideways at Xu Sheng and said, "I see, Master Old Xu, please follow Shen Yi, I'll excuse me first! ”

I can vaguely see a few hints of pleading from those icy blue eyes...

Xu Sheng, who has acquired all the memories of Wu Zhangkong, naturally knows that he is Going to find your own teacher, Zhuo Shi!

Title: Chilong, it is a Titled Douluo level powerhouse in Shrek Academy!

Xu Sheng only said with a slight smile "en! Wu teacher, if you have something to do, go to work first."

Wu Zhangkong saw this and didn't say anything more, and immediately burst out with extremely terrifying speed, moved towards the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy and rushed...

After he left, Shen Yi gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know if the teacher will turn out to be Senior Brother..."

Xu Sheng next to him asked in a soft tone "Teacher Shen, it seems that the relationship between the dance teacher and the teacher you mentioned is not very good." Some misunderstandings, coupled with the stubborn temper of the two, has become the current situation! "

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, Master Old Xu, what level of strength have you reached now?" I can't even see the slightest clue! "

She has a strong curiosity about this man who can get along with Senior Brother...

Xu Sheng didn't want to hide the words, "Not long ago "Breakthrough Spirit Saint"

After Shen Yi heard this, each minding their own business praised "Spirit Saint, that's still considered at this age..."

Just as she was about to praise her, her face suddenly froze...

After reacting, she said in shock, "Wait, your spirit power level has reached Spirit Saint? ? ? "

Xu Sheng said indifferently, "en! is there a problem? "

Shen Yi hurriedly waved her hand and said, ""

Hiss...she thought her Senior Brother was already a genius, didn't expect the man in front of her , and reached the Spirit Saint at such a young age!

How can this not surprise her?

It seems that the matter of pinching the Spirit King powerhouse to death with one hand should be true It's over!


Not long after, in the room of Shrek's outer courtyard, digital Shrek Academy teachers including Shen Yi were sitting...

When they saw Xu Sheng who was sitting in front of them, the oppression force emanating from the invisible, their hearts tensed...

One of the male teachers couldn't bear the strange atmosphere, The first to open the mouth and said "Master Old Xu, didn't expect you to come here today! "

"That's right, it seems that our proposal for Academy to recruit you, Teacher Old Xu, is a very correct choice!" ”

“Academy has given a specific answer to the conditions that Mr. Old Xu raised, so we can discuss it today!” "

The teachers from Shrek Academy who spoke were the ones who proposed recruiting Xu Sheng!

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows and blunt said, "Really? Then I don't know the conditions I mentioned, will your hospital agree? "

Hearing his question, several teachers from Shrek Academy looked at each other...

opened the mouth and said "Academy is indeed a student that can be taught by Mr. Old Xu." Join Shrek Academy, but you must take a quiz for Old Xu to teach you, including the students who join! ”

equivalent to, just give everyone in the zero class a chance to join Shrek Academy in advance!

If the innate talent is not enough, you still cannot become a student of Shrek Academy!

Xu Sheng raised his chin and thought, "Test? Even me? "

Before waiting for the rest of the teachers to answer, a voice sounded from outside the room...

"Of course, about your test, it's up to me!" "

Hearing this familiar and coercive voice, Shen Yi immediately stood up and said in surprise, "teacher! How are you here? "

As expected, after her words fell, a man with hands behind back and a serious face walked in from the outside!

is Wu Zhangkong and He. Shen Yi's teacher, turbulent world!

Other Shrek Academy teachers stood up when they saw this scene, their eyes filled with respect...

Xu Sheng face doesn't change, "This senior, how are you going to test me? "

It turned out to be the Super Douluo above Level 95, I'm afraid its strength is not far from the Limit Douluo!

The turbid eyes of the turbid world suddenly lit up , "If you want to gain my recognition, it is very simple, that is to fight with me! Of course, I will not bully you! Will suppress the spirit power level to the Spirit Saint level! "

He needs to make sure that the man in front of him is qualified to let Shrek Academy make concessions!

Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips and said with a slight smile "Okay!" wish for Senior show mercy! "

Zuo Shixian glanced at Xu Sheng, then turned around immediately, "It's useless to talk too much, come with me..."

After saying this, Xu Sheng followed him and left In the room...

Shen Yi said in a daze, "This...what's the situation? teacher He was going to fight against Teacher Old Xu? ? ”

Although the latter has reached Spirit Saint, the gap between Super Douluo and Super Douluo is huge!

The outcome of the duel is obvious!!

The other teachers also looked at each other in blank dismay. After deliberation, they still followed along ………


(end of this chapter)

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