Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1318


Chapter 1318 Suppressing the Turbid World (Subscribe)

"This is...plant-based Spirit? Hiss...see It looks so terrifying! I don't think I have ever seen this kind of plant!"

"This Xu Sheng really has some strength, but just relying on this plant-based Spirit, it is impossible to stop the attack of the senior senior. !"

"I thought how strong this guy is, plant-based Spirit, let you cultivate as much as you want, and also impossible mention on equal terms with attack system Spirit in terms of attack!"

While personally feeling the turbid world of this impressive power, a few gleamed gleams appeared in the turbid eyes, and secretly said in surprise, "It's just a trifling Spirit Saint, but there is such a terrifying oppression force..."

If I wait for him to grow up, I'm afraid that he will definitely not be weaker than himself...

As for Shen Yi, I only feel that my lovable body is shaking subconsciously, and tremblingly said, "Okay...good terrifying coercion. , if the opponent is me, I'm afraid... there is no chance of winning!"

This Xu Sheng, just relying on coercion can make himself fear! !

However, what happened in the next second directly made everyone who was watching Xu Sheng widen their eyes...

Vaguely visible, with Xu Sheng's mind With one move, seven spirit rings with strong coercion slowly rose under the feet...

Black, black, black, black, red, red, red! !

Especially the 100,000-year-old spirit rings of the three scarlets directly dyed the entire duel stage bloody, and even made the whole space start to tremble...

One of the students couldn't help but exclaimed, "I... FUCK!! This is fake... Fake right???"

Another student was sucked in a breath of cold air, "Three hundred thousand year spirit rings, my turtle, the ratio of this spirit ring directly crushes the senior!!"

"Too terrifying! Only Spirit Saint has three One hundred thousand years of spirit ring, looking at the entire Federation, no one can do it!!"

"I understand why the Academy invited Xu Sheng to be the teacher, if it makes him become Titled Douluo, who is his opponent in the entire continent?"

And the hearts of those Shrek teachers were ecstatic...

"Hahaha, I'm stupid, this Xu Sheng actually has three hundred thousand year spirit rings!"

"We have a great credit for recruiting him to the Academy! But Xu Sheng is really hidden!"

"With this spirit ring ratio, even if it is a senior in the world, you can't let it pass the test, right?"

Ignoring the discussion in the audience, Xu Sheng immediately held out a Hands, ink-colored eyes looked at the turbulent world ahead, said with a slight smile "The turbid world senior, please advise!"

The turbid world took a deep breath and said in a serious tone, "I take back what I said before, you, indeed You have arrogant capital! It can be said that at the same level, no one will be your opponent!"

"But...that doesn't mean you can pass my test!"

That being said, in fact, he has already recognized Xu Sheng in his heart, and even if he doesn't want to join, he has to be tied to the Academy!


After that, with Shen Yi blurted out a sentence, "The showdown begins!!"

This showdown officially begins! !

I saw the terrifying spirit power erupted in the turbulent world, and then, the whole person kicked his legs and rushed straight to Xu Sheng like a phantom...

Seeing When he attacked, Xu Sheng just pursed his thin lips, and the face doesn't change, controlling the dense nether Ghost Vine from all directions toward its Binding...

Zhuo Shi narrowed his eyes, secretly Said "hmph! Although I suppressed the spirit power level, this is just a plant, it can't stop the old man's punch!" After saying this, the spirit power in the body kept pouring into the right arm. , this is mixed with a terrifying punch, heading towards the thick Nether Ghost Vine strikes...

With a loud noise of "peng", Zhuo Shi took a few steps back, while the Nether Ghost Vine was Unscathed, he just left a shallow fist mark...

Seeing that his attack did not cause any real damage, the former said in shock, "How is it possible!! My attack can't defeat this one? Vines!!"

And, when he touched the ash-gray flames on the vines, he could clearly feel that he was under a Spirit Attack! !

Xu Sheng naturally saw the expression on his face in his eyes, and said softly, "Senior, be careful!"

After saying this, the first spirit ring under his feet suddenly lit up. ...

The first Spirit Ability, Netherworld's Fire!

In an instant, the flames on the branches and vines of these ghostly Ghost Vine began to gather together, forming a forest-cold Fireball with a size of more than ten meters, falling downward in the posture of Armageddon...

This huge Fireball that appeared out of thin air made the eyelids of the turbulent world jump, and couldn't help but cursed inwardly, "Is this guy a monster? It's just that the first Spirit Ability is so tricky!"

But on the surface it was still coldly shouted "The third Spirit Ability, the Red Dragon Flame Shield!!"

The third spirit ring under the feet lights up...

Immediately, the red-armored dragon behind him, covered in flames, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl again, spit out surging flames, and formed a fiery light shield in front of the turbid world, protecting it without dead ends. Among them...

When Senwhite's Fireball collided with the light shield, there was a "rumble" explosion, setting off a heat wave...

The heat wave gradually faded away , revealing the incomparably grim cheeks of the turbulent world...

My previous defense had not completely resisted the aftermath of the Fireball's explosion! !

If you don't take this duel seriously, even yourself may not be able to take advantage of it...

After witnessing all this, Shen Yi boldly speculated "teacher unexpectedly." With such a grim look, could it be that he also feels troubled?!"

Although he suppressed his own spirit power level, other people would definitely not be able to suppress the teacher. !

As expected of a man with three hundred thousand year spirit rings, his strength cannot be viewed with common sense! !

And the students in the audience were once again talking in surprise...

"No way...the senior of the turbulent world is actually suppressed, this situation is a bit wrong!"

"What's wrong, Zhuo Shi senior must be releasing water, in order not to embarrass this Xu Sheng in everyone's eyes! Otherwise, why pretend to be such a grim"

"That's right, shouldn't you? Do you think that Spirit Saint level guy can really threaten the senior in the world? Naive!"

"I mean, the senior in the world is so powerful, how could it be suppressed by a Spirit Saint? "


At this moment, Wu Zhangkong, who was kneeling somewhere, seemed to sense something, and those icy eyes narrowed quietly, "en? This is... ...teacher's spirit power fluctuations? And...Xu Sheng!"

Could it be that Xu Sheng is playing against the teacher? ?

As soon as this thought came up in her heart, Wu Zhangkong slammed the head...

"No...impossible, the teacher is a Super Douluo-level powerhouse, how is that possible? Fight against Xu Sheng, who is also a Spirit Saint!"

There is no suspense in such a duel! !

He knows how powerful his teacher is! !


(End of this chapter)

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