Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1333


Chapter 1333 Transformation!

In this way, Tang Wulin followed the female staff to select Spirit Soul, and entered a separate room to absorb...

Xu Sheng glanced at the rest of the zero-class students. , and asked, "What about you? Do you want to wait for him to absorb the Spirit Soul, or use the Ascension Platform first?" Intermediate level upgrade platform!"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "Well, I didn't see him coming out safely, and I was always a little worried in my heart, anyway, we don't lack this time, just wait!"


After Wei Xiaofeng found a seat and sat down, he said leisurely, "Then wait! Who told us to be in the same class!"

Obviously, in their hearts, Tang Wulin first The second spirit ring absorbs the Millennium Spirit Soul, but it is still full of doubts, so that on this issue, opinions are very unified!

Xu Sheng nodded, "Then everyone can wait!"

After he finished speaking, he also found a place to sit down, the dive force all over his body spread out quietly, and directly invaded The room where Tang Wulin was...

Everything appeared in front of his eyes...

He secretly said "en! With the Gold Dragon King bloodline here, It shouldn't 't be what happened!"

This Millennium Spirit Soul can probably be absorbed successfully!


After waiting for about one hour, the faces of everyone in the zero class could not help but show anxiety...

Wei Xiaofeng was a little anxious Said, "I said, there must be something wrong with that guy Tang Wulin, one hour has passed now!"

Xu Xiaoyan's beautiful eyes showed a strong strange color, "en! When I absorbed the second Spirit Soul, it only took me less than one hour!"

Xie Xie slammed his chair and said angrily, "Damn! I told that guy not to absorb it. Millennium Spirit Soul, you have to try it, now it's good, even your life... Forget it, don't say it!"

It seems that he doesn't want to make the final result come true because of his own words!

Gu Yue calmed herself down as much as she could, and said softly, "Don't worry, don't you see Old Xu's teacher is calm from beginning to end? Besides, it's time to absorb Spirit Soul. It doesn't mean that Tang Wulin has an accident!"

As soon as these words came out, although there was no homework, it also eased the mood of the rest of the people...

It's over again About ten minutes later, Xu Sheng, who had kept his eyes closed, quietly opened them...

He said in a flat tone, "Here!"

The whole process was faster than he imagined. It went smoothly, and there was no discomfort!

Except...the absorption time is too long!

As expected, not long after his words fell, the female staff led Tang Wulin out...

Seeing the latter, Xie Xie and the others who were safe and sound They were all relaxed...

Wei Xiaofeng scolded in annoyance, "Hey, you brat is still alive, absorbing so long, we all thought you were killed by the Millennium Spirit Soul!"


Xu Xiaoyan lightly said with a smile "Wulin, welcome back!"

Wang Jinxi curled one's lip, "It's fine, otherwise, your intermediate-level spiritual upgrade platform reward will belong to us "

Looking at the people who were looking at him with concerned eyes, Tang Wulin was very moved, and said in a complicated tone, "So everyone... are... all waiting for me? I made you worry." !"

Xie Xie waved his hand and interrupted, "Don't be selfish here, how's the absorption situation?"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin was stunned for a moment. , and then released his own Blue Silver Grass Spirit, and quietly raised two spirit rings under his feet...

One yellow and one purple!

Zhang Yangzi sucked in a breath of cold air and said enviously, " really succeeded! It seems that this is life!"

Wei Xiaofeng is self-comforted" hmph! It's just a thousand-year-old Spirit Soul, and when we reach the Spirit Elder, we can still have it!"

Gu Yue also covered her mouth lightly said with a smile "Don't be sour, otherwise how can we live? ”

On the other hand, the female staff member on the other side always looked at Tang Wulin with strange eyes...

I secretly said in my heart, "It's amazing, it's just two rings." The child, but the body and mental force can endure the Millennium Spirit Soul!”

When she left, she even did a comprehensive inspection for Tang Wulin, and the final result was that the latter was the same as the Millennium Spirit. Soul fits so well, there is no discomfort at all!

is a medical miracle!


After that, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, and Xu Xiaoyan went to the intermediate level ascension platform, and the rest went to the primary level ascension platform...

But when everyone came out and saw Tang Wulin, they were dumbfounded again...

Vaguely visible, Tang Wulin at the moment, not one yellow and one purple, but two purples floating under his feet ! !

Two 1,000 Year Spirit Rings! !

This, even Xu Sheng didn't expect it...

Looking at everyone's hateful eyes, Tang Wulin scratched his head apologetically and said embarrassedly, "That ...Actually, I don't know why, the first spirit ring has changed from a hundred years to a thousand years!"

Wei Xiaofeng said dissatisfiedly, "It's too much! Why is this guy so lucky?"

Zhang Yangzi clenched his palms tightly, gnashing teeth said, "It's okay if the second spirit ring successfully absorbs the Millennium Spirit Soul, but you even promoted the first spirit ring from a hundred years to a thousand years. This special mother's is too outrageous!"

Xie Xie's expressionless nodded, coldly said "Agreed, I suggest we cut Tang Wulin's body open to see what he did!"

Wang Jinxi squinted He opened his eyes and said suspiciously, "I said Wulin, don't you really have anything to do with Dragon Butterfly Doluo Tang Wutong? Otherwise, how could this innate talent be so terrifying!"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin waved his hand hurriedly and explained, "How is it possible, Longdie Doluo doesn't know how much older he is than me, how could it have anything to do with me!"

Although...he felt like he was Where have I seen Tang Wutong, but never have any memory!

Perhaps, it's just because her face is too amazing...

Next to Xu Sheng corner of the mouth raised, softly breaking "this may be"

Tang Wulin, who couldn't hear clearly, wondered "Master Old Xu, what did you just say?"

Xu Sheng just shook the head, "It's nothing, it's not too late, go back to the Academy! ”

After speaking, the students of Class Zero nodded and left Spirit Pagoda one after another...


On the other side, Wu Zhangkong was covered in wounds , gasping for breath...

He stared at the Spirit Beast lying in a pool of blood in front of him, and the pitch black spirit ring rising from their corpses...

"Cough cough...Is it finally resolved?"

In this Extreme North Spirit Beast, almost everyone has a very keen sense of smell and hearing!

So that Wu Zhangkong has been attacked by Spirit Beast all the time in these few days!

If it weren't for the strength of the Spirit Saint, otherwise, it would have already become a lost orphan on the snow...

After taking a deep breath, Wu Zhangkong clenched it tightly again The cold long sword slowly moved towards the front...

He said silently, "Bing'er, wait for me, I will definitely get the Immortal Herb back for you!!"



(end of this chapter)

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