Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1442


Chapter 1442 The truth (please subscribe)

Zhenhua was stunned for a moment, sucked in a breath of cold air, " Hiss..."

Although I had already prepared in my heart, when I heard that Tang Wulin was already a Level 5 blacksmith, I couldn't help but be shocked by the good things in my heart!

"My God, this child is actually a Level 5 blacksmith! What kind of innate talent is this to do this?"

"Too terrifying, this The child reached the Level 5 blacksmith when he was only a teenager, I am afraid that before the age of 30, he is very likely to reach the level of Divine Craftsman that the president thinks of!"

"Don't brag like that, if you want to reach the level of Divine Craftsman! Divine Craftsman, not just innate talent.”

The surrounding smiths all sighed, especially the three men who came with Tang Wulin, who are staring at small with big eyes eyes ...

I can't believe what Tang Wulin said is the truth, he is really a Level 5 blacksmith!

Upon seeing this, the staff said to Zhenhua, "President, your explanation is over, can you make an announcement?"

Zhenhua said without the slightest hesitation, "Well, That's it for today, I want to have a good talk with this child!"

Since this child already has three teachers, if you use your own tricks, you may be able to pick up a terrifying innate talent for nothing. The recipe may also be!

The staff nodded, then looked towards everyone present, and announced, "Everyone, the president's explanation today is over, if you are interested, you can come and listen next week!"


"Now, everyone can decide to visit the Blacksmiths Association or leave!"

After these words fell, the surrounding blacksmiths were a little bit reluctant, but they still chose to leave...

After most of the blacksmiths left, Tang Wulin looked at Zhenhua with doubts, "President, do you know my teacher Mu Chen?"

The latter When I heard that my teacher was Mu Chen, I was obviously surprised...

Zhenhua laughed, "Of course, we also say that he is an old friend who has been in friendship for many years!"

After finishing speaking, he used the contactor to call Mu Chen directly...

As expected, there was a sarcastic voice from the opposite side, "Yo, it's really hard to see you, Divine Craftsman, take the initiative to contact me. Ah!"

Zhenhua said ill-humoredly "Mu Chen, when did you get a Disciple with such innate talent without telling me, and you're hiding it!"

Mu Chen was stunned for a while, then he reacted, "You mean Wulin? Could it be that he went to your place?"

Zhenhua chuckled, "That's right, if it wasn't like this , how could I find such a child with innate talent!"

Mu Chen, who heard the unspoken implication, anxiously said "Wait, what are you trying to do? I warn you, that's mine. Disciple! Don't even think about it!"

Zhenhua rolled his eyes, "Hey, we are both friends, your Disciple is my Disciple, why are you so out of touch!"

Mu Chen interrupted directly and said, "Impossible, you old fogey trying to fool me again! If there is nothing to do, I will hang up first, by the way, Wulin, remember not to be fooled by him! "

After he finished speaking, he directly hung up the contactor...

Tang Wulin, who was listening to everything in his ears, twitched the corner of his mouth...

This Are Divine Craftsman and his teacher really friends who have been friends for many years?

Why is he so unbelievable!

Zhenhua coughed, trying to hide his embarrassment, "Let you laugh, Mu Chen and I have always been like this!"

Tang Wulin is about to ask When he opened his mouth, a familiar shout came from behind...

"Wulin, didn't expect you to be here too!"

It was the ancients who came to the Blacksmiths Association. Month entire group!

Tang Wulin turned his head, saw them clearly, and said in surprise, "Gu Yue, Xie Ru... everyone! Why are you all here?"

Xie Ruyou complained, "I can't help it. , we have searched all the academies, but there are no qualified opponents"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded echoed, "Well, it is because of this that we have no masters now, so we can only come to the Blacksmiths Association to try one's luck has passed."

Gu Yue was a little surprised, "didn't expect Wulin, you are here too!"

Tang Wulin suddenly realized, and then pointed at Zhenhua introduced "so that's how it is, by the way everyone, this is the president of the Blacksmiths Association, Divine Craftsman Zhenhua!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xinglan rubbed her beautiful eyes and said in shock, " Divine Craftsman, president of the Craftsmen's Guild? I heard that right!"

This is Divine Craftsman, it's a luxury to meet!

Xu Xiaoyan opened her mouth, "Okay... that's amazing, didn't expect Wulin, you even know Divine Craftsman!"

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes flickered, Didn't say anything...

She recognized Zhenhua's identity from the first sight!

Immediately, Tang Wulin introduced to Zhenhua again "President, they are my friends in Academy!"

Zhenhua praised without hesitation, "Well, they are all Shrek. Academy students, not bad!"

After a pause, said curiously again "I just heard that you didn't find a suitable opponent, what do you mean?"

Tang Wulin Seeing this, he explained patiently, "President, that's right, we are students from the Shrek Academy, and the final exam is to defeat an opponent whose spirit power is Level 5 higher than our own! If we can't complete it, we will be eliminated!"

Zhenhua immediately understood, lightly said with a smile "so that's how it is, if you don't mind, I can choose a suitable opponent for you in the Blacksmiths Association!"

When everyone heard the words, their faces were all happy, and they said eagerly, "President, is it alright?"

Zhenhua nodded affirmed, and said with his hands behind his back, "Of course, although the Blacksmiths Association focuses on forging. , but it is not a place without confrontation"

"You come with me, I will personally choose suitable opponents for you!"


Also On the other hand, Yuanen Yehui and the two have already rushed back to the Academy...

After finding Cai Yueer, Le Zhengyu asked inexplicably, "Cai Dean, what's wrong with the Academy?"

As soon as they stepped into the Academy, he and Yuanen Yehui felt a strong sense of death...

Cai Yueer said Yan Huan said with a smile "Academy is nothing, but you two, the final exam is completed. Is it?"

Yuanen Yehui's beautiful eyes narrowed, and he asked, "Our final exams have been completed, but Cai Dean, are you hiding something, otherwise, how could Academy have such a There's a lot of dead silence!!"

Cai Yue'er opened her mouth and couldn't help sighed...

I didn't want to tell them these things, but now it seems that I can't hide it. ...

Immediately, he told Le Zhengyu and Yuanen Yehui the whole story...

Le Zhengyu widened his eyes and said, "Fake... Fake. Right? Under the attack of the Evil Spirit Master, the students in the inner courtyard were almost wiped out?"

Yuanen Yehui was also a little dazed, and said in a daze, " could this be!"

The loss of most of the inner courtyard students is equivalent to the entire Shrek Academy! !

Cai Yue'er clenched her fists and said, "Although it's hard to believe, it's the truth. There are only a dozen or so students in the inner courtyard still alive!"

All of this is necessary. Blame it on the Holy Spirit, and one day, she will avenge these dead children! !


(End of this chapter)

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