Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1444


Chapter 1444 Thunder Dragon (please subscribe)

Seeing her with such a strong fighting intent, Tang Wulin and the others didn't say much!

Xu Xiaoyan clenched his fists and said, "Xinglan, come on, this first battle will be handed over to you!"

Xie Ru also encouraged, "Yes, all of us have Don't lose the first battle!

Tang Wulin "Don't worry, Xinglan's strength is so strong, it shouldn't be lost! "

After hearing these words, Ye Xinglan took a deep breath, nodded, and immediately jumped onto the ring...

And the four Spirit Masters on the opposite side saw the Ye Xinglan, with golden hair and fair and delicate skin, showed a surprised look...

Obviously didn't expect the first opponent turned out to be a female student!

One of them The male Spirit Master's eyes flickered, and he coughed, "Leave such a beautiful girl to me, lest you make a fool of yourself! "

After finishing speaking, he also jumped onto the ring, staring directly at Ye Xinglan in front of him...

The others next to him all cast contemptuous glances...

This guy is just looking at how beautiful the female student opposite is, otherwise how could he be so active!

And Zhenhua, who is in charge of maintaining the duel, sees that both of them are ready , opened the mouth and said "The showdown begins! "

After the words fell, the male Spirit Master showed a self-gentle smile and said to Ye Xinglan, "Sister, don't worry, I will let you go"

at worst to the end Taking the initiative to surrender, maybe you will get a wave of goodwill!

However, Ye Xinglan's cheeks had an icy look, and she reached out and moved towards the side and grabbed a slender giant emitting golden rays of light. The sword appears out of thin air, and at its tip there are countless starlights flashing!

Three spirit rings slowly rise under the feet...

At first glance, the power Perfect!

Immediately after, she didn't give the man on the opposite side any chance to react, and clenched the Star God sword and slashed straight at him...

Seeing this heart-warming sword The throbbing golden long sword slashed in the face, and the male Spirit Master hurriedly rolled sideways, dodging the attack dangerously and dangerously...

He was extremely shocked and said, "What! This girl turned out to be the attack system Spirit Master, and Spirit still has such a huge giant sword! "

With Ye Xinglan's weak appearance, it's hard to imagine that she is able to control such a domineering Spirit!

came back to his senses, his whole face changed Grim gave a few points, "As expected of a student of Shrek Academy, it seems that I have to use all my strength! ”

At the same time, a huge giant dragon appeared behind him. After opening his mouth, he made a shocking dragon cry...

If you look closely, you will find that its huge body is wrapped in deep blue scales, and the power it radiates is no weaker than Ye Xinglan!

Especially the lightning that is constantly overflowing all around, more It's hard to take your eyes off...

A look of shock appeared in Tang Wulin's eyes, "This is... the legendary Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon? ? "

Xu Xiaoyan frowned "Isn't it rumored that Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan has perished? Why would anyone still have this Spirit? "

Xie Ru worriedly said "If it is really Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit, then Ye Xinglan is in danger!" "

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon is extremely terrifying in both attack and defense, and few Tool Spirits can compete with it!

However, Gu Yue, who was always calm, looked at it carefully. After talking about the giant dragon exuding lightning, he narrowed his eyes and said, "No... Look carefully, this is not a Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, it should be a Thunder Dragon! "

Although Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon and Thunder Dragon are both dragons, they are not the same level of Spirit at all!

Zhenhua glanced at Gu Yue in surprise, and secretly said, "Oh? This little girl's perception is quite sharp! ”

Generally speaking, very few people can tell the difference between Thunder Dragon and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon in such a short period of time...

In the ring, looking at the man who released Spirit in front of him The student, Ye Xinglan said in a daze, "really strong, is this... Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit? "

The former did not answer, but asked with a smile, "If so, are you afraid?" "

Ye Xinglan immediately came back to his senses, coldly shouted "How is that possible!" The first Spirit Ability, Sword God star! ”

The first spirit ring under her feet lit up...

She decisively moved the Star God sword towards the air, and the sky seemed to be a dazzling Star River, like a meteorite The starlight, moving towards the opposite male student, hiding the sky and covering the earth fell away...

Faced with this unavoidable attack, the second spirit ring under the male student's feet lights up, "The first Two Spirit Ability, Dragon Transformation! ! ”

In an instant, his arms began to expand at a speed visible to naked eyes, transforming into dragon claw emitting thunder and lightning...

When this dense starlight hit the When the sturdy dragon claw came up, it was instantly annihilated, and it was only by the impact that it took a few steps back...

Ye Xinglan frowned slightly, "What an amazing defensive power, my The first Spirit Ability did not cause any effective damage! "

After successfully resisting these starlights, the male Spirit Master released his first Spirit Ability again!

"The first Spirit Ability, Thunder Speed!" "

Countless thunders pierced through his body directly, strange lines appeared on his skin and cheeks, and his movement speed and attack power were both amplified by 20%!


Immediately afterwards, after his eyes locked on Ye Xinglan, he slammed his legs and rushed out like cannonballs...

After getting closer, he turned the dragon into a dragon. His claws ruthless toward its strikes...

Under the crisis, Ye Xinglan had no choice but to block the Star God sword in front of him...

When the two collided together Then, there was a loud noise of "peng!", and the dazzling thunder flower bloomed wantonly...

A few seconds later, a silhouette flew over a dozen meters, barely able to stabilize the figure...

Needless to say, this silhouette is of course Ye Xinglan!

At this moment, her eyes are fixed on her trembling palm, and her face is ugly, "Damn, the attack even has Paralyzing effect! ”

If it’s a simple comparison of strength, the opponent is not her opponent!

But the effect of paralysis prevents her from exerting her true strength!

But suddenly, Ye Xinglan's mind seemed to be thinking of something, and the bottom of his heart was cry out in surprise, "Wait, could it be that his Spirit is not Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon? ? "

Seeing the strange expression on the former's face, the male Spirit Master opposite said indifferently "Did you find out so quickly?" My Spirit is indeed not Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, but Thunder Dragon! ”

Among the dragon spirits, the most skilled in speed!

After hearing this, Ye Xinglan pursed her thin lips and laughed...

"Since it's not Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon...then this matchup, I've already won! "

The man opposite heard this and seemed to feel that he was being underestimated. He clenched his fists and said, "Arrogant, you can't keep up with my speed!" "

Ye Xinglan pulled out the Star God sword inserted under the ring, "Really? Then try it, the second Spirit Ability, Sword God Net! "

Immediately afterwards, the whole person swung the long sword at a very fast speed, and after releasing the sword energy, Hao moved towards all directions aimlessly and slashed away...

When After these fast slashing sword energy exceeds a certain distance, relying on the connection between spirit power, a large net is formed strangely, and the opposite male Spirit Master is surrounded in it!!

(end of this chapter)

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