Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1451


Chapter 1451 Holiday (Subscribe)

When Cai Yueer and you Sea God Pavilion elders explained the future of Shrek Academy After planning, they announced the dissolution...

Every student returned to their class...

But unlike usual, the classroom was full of dead silence!

Xu Sheng looked at the heads buried by everyone, still saying with a slight smile "It seems that everyone is in a low mood after learning that the students in the inner courtyard are almost dead!"

After this sentence broke the strange atmosphere, some students asked with suspicion, "Master Old Xu, do you think our Shrek Academy can really survive under the teaching of Holy Spirit?"

"Even if there's no resistance among the students in the inner courtyard, what's the point of being promoted to the inner courtyard even if we study hard?"

"That's right! Academy is in the Ming Dynasty. , Holy Spirit teaching is in the dark, no matter how we think about it, it is difficult to have any winning rate!"

"No, don't be so negative, our Shrek Academy has Sea God Pavilion Elder, which can absolutely destroy Holy Spirit teaching completely! !"

"Don't worry, the reason why the students in the inner courtyard were attacked by the Holy Spirit at this time is because they put a lot of attention on each of your students in the outer courtyard. Lost hope!"

The short sentence revived the hearts of all students...

"Since Master Old Xu said so, then I still choose to believe it. Academy, this time, it's just an accident!"

"Yes, the reason why the students in the inner courtyard were attacked was because the Sea God Pavilion paid attention to all of us, so , let alone let the dead inner courtyard students down!"

"Huh... I don't know why, my heart suddenly became warm! But we are Shrek Academy students, how can we be frustrated by this little bit? Just surrender to the Holy Spirit teacher!"

"Well, this is the student of Shrek Academy, so next, I will announce the situation of the comprehensive evaluation. The students will be eliminated!"

In an instant, these enthusiastic students under the stage only felt a flood of water hit their hearts!

"Isn't it? All the students in the inner courtyard of our Academy have almost died, and the Academy has to be eliminated. Are you not afraid that the number of students is too small?"

"My God Ah, Master Old Xu, you paid my blood, I was thinking about how to study hard just now, but now it's better, whether I can continue to stay in the Academy is a question!"

"Damn! I will stop this elimination system because of the accident in the inner courtyard! It seems that I think too much, the Academy is still the same Academy!"

Tang Wulin's mouth twitched twice, "Master Old Xu is really a devil , gave everyone hope, and made them despair!"

Gu Yue also covered her cheeks, helplessly said "Old Xu is usually very gentle and true, but occasionally there are black-belly times!"

Xu Xiaoyan's beautiful eyes blinked, and he puffed out his chest and said to himself, "There is absolutely nothing to worry about in our group, we can make battle armor in the first grade, and the comprehensive evaluation score is absolutely ridiculous!"

Xie Ru said with emotion, "Yeah, Wang Jinxi and their three people have been eliminated, and we don't have Luo to worry about!" The comprehensive evaluation of Wang Jinxi and the three is not countdown, but now that everyone has been eliminated, it is no longer necessary!

Xu Sheng saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and his tone gradually became serious...

"Then, then, I will announce the last ten students, and at the same time, It means that you have been eliminated and are no longer Shrek Academy students!"

At this moment, all the students held their breaths, waiting for the words of the former...

Xu Sheng suddenly smiled and said softly, "You don't have to be so nervous, because ten students in our class were eliminated due to the final exam, so..."

"No one will be eliminated, I hope everyone Make persistent efforts in future studies!"

However, there was no cheering as he imagined...

The corners of each student's mouth twitched as they stared resentfully. Xu Sheng on the stage...

Xu Sheng shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, everyone, don't stare at me like this, today is the official holiday!"


Le Zhengyu looked at Yuanen Yehui next to him, and asked curiously, "Yuanen Yehui, what are you going to do after the holiday? Go home or stay at the Academy?"

Yuanen Yehui was stunned for a while, then glanced at him coldly, "Why are you asking this question?"

Le Zhengyu didn't care and said, "Just a simple concern. Look at my partner, it's normal!"

Yuanen Yehui pursed her thin lips, indifferently said "I plan to stay in Academy cultivation!"

My fifth The spirit ring is 100,000 years old, and its strength has increased exponentially. All of this is the credit of Master Old Xu!

So, she wants to be in Academy cultivation, of course, preferably under the guidance of the latter!

Le Zhengyu raised his brows, "That's it? Then what?"

This guy's vacation, shouldn't he plan to stay in the Academy and practice every day Bar?

Yuanen Yehui heard the words and asked blankly, "What and then? I just want to increase the spirit power level now, there is nothing else to do!"

Le Zhengyu shook the head, "What a cultivation madman, that's all, I wanted to bring you back to our holy angel family!"

After he told clansman about the Spirit fusion technology, he was scolded by him every day. Urge to bring Yuanen Yehui back to the family!

I made myself and Yuanen Yehui a couple!

Yuanen Yehui vetoed, "No need, I don't have a good impression of your family! Of course, including you"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left...

She was too busy to ask Xu Sheng if she would like to guide her cultivation, so she didn't have time to talk to Le Zhengyu!


On the other side, Gu Yue and the others looked at Wu Duosi who was still sitting on the seat, not wanting to leave at all…

Tang Wulin asked, "Wuduosi, aren't you leaving?"

I thought I would get a cold scolding, but who knew that Wuduosi just glanced at him and said softly "um"... ...

Gu Yue and the others next to them all showed a surprised look when they saw this, and they didn't expect Wu Duosi to reply so peacefully!

After all, there was a violent conflict between them before...

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said seriously, "Wu Duosi, if you don't mind. Let's leave with us!"

Xie Ru's eyes widened, unable to believe, "en? What did you invite her to do?"

Tang Wulin and Gu Yue did not Maybe it's a disease, it's okay to take the initiative to talk to Wuduosi, and invite her to join her entire group!

Wu Duosi was stunned, face doesn't change replied "Thank you, but I want to stay in Academy for cultivation!"

I have seen Yuanen Yehui from myself After her true strength, she realized that although she and the former are both Spirit Ancestors, their strength is indeed the difference between Heaven and Earth!

So, she wants to take advantage of this holiday to catch up with each other!





(end of this chapter)


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