Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1455


Chapter 1455 The specific location of Holy Spirit teaching (please subscribe)

On the other side, a digital Shrek Academy The team formed by teachers is shielding their spirit power and slowly stealth...

The frontmost male teacher whose spirit power level has reached Spirit Douluo seems to feel something is wrong, and immediately Reaching out his hand to stop the movement of everyone's feet...

frowned "It's such a rich evil aura, could it be that there are a lot of Evil Spirit Masters gathered here?"

Another woman next to it The teacher also felt this aura, and grim said, "Well, everyone be careful, I'm afraid there is an Evil Spirit Master who is not weaker than us. If it is found, the situation is very bad"

"hmph , isn't that just right, take these guys to pay tribute to the dead inner courtyard students of our Shrek Academy!"

"That's right! Since we have discovered these Evil Spirit Masters, we must not let them go. They!" Seeing this, the male teacher headed by him said in a serious tone again, "I know that all teachers hate Evil Spirit Master, but the best way for now is to observe carefully and then decide whether to do it. Report back to Academy!"

In today's Shrek Academy, apart from Sea God Pavilion, only the "teachers" are left with the ability to fight against Evil Spirit Master!

Therefore, it must not be caused by carelessness

Just as they were discussing, the words of Evil Spirit Master's conversation suddenly sounded in front of them...

"Demon Lord Sovereign's plan is really seamless, it not only easily hurt the students in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, but also pushed them to the fire sea!"

"That's right, the current Shrek Academy has lost its inner courtyard. The strong battle strength of the students in the academy is like coward, and they can't even do inspections!"

"Tsk, isn't it? Massacre, no one can punish us! Shit Shrek Academy! Sooner or later, it will be destroyed by our Holy Spirit!”

After listening to these words, one of the hot-tempered male teachers filled his cheeks with a sigh of relief. Getting angry, angrily shouted "Damn! These guys dare to insult us!"

After finishing speaking, he had to stand up and kill those Evil Spirit Masters...

However, he was still attacked. The other female teacher next to her pressed her shoulders and said coldly, "Be patient, don't be swept away by anger!"

As soon as these words came out, the former came back to his senses , I couldn't help breaking out a few cold sweats in my heart...

If you insist on killing these Evil Spirit Masters, you will probably expose everyone's existence and be destroyed by the group!

At the same time, the Evil Spirit Masters, who didn't notice anything wrong, were still talking...

"It's not thanks to Shrek Academy that we can be as unscrupulous as we are now. The Spirit Soul provided by Spirit Pagoda in secret, hahaha!"

"Spirit Pagoda is just a dog driven by our Holy Spirit teacher. After finishing Shrek Academy, they will be the next one, it's ridiculous that those guys are still delusional. After getting rid of Shrek Academy, become continent Number One Influence!"

"Yes, we will spread the brilliance of Holy Spirit to the entire continent, and let everyone become our servants!"


After these words fell, every teacher hiding in the dark, his pupils shrank, secretly cry out in surprise "What, Spirit Pagoda actually secretly provided Spirit Soul to the Holy Spirit?"

Although I have always had doubts before, but now I have heard it with my own ears, and the impact is not so big!

The male teacher headed by took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes and said, "Now that we have got the information we want, we will retreat for now! We will come to destroy them later"

The other teachers were nodded, and they all chose to agree...

Just as they were about to leave, violent ripples appeared in the surrounding space, a pitch black mist like a demon, straight The rushing came...

A teacher who was the first to spot the fog saw this and hurriedly shouted, "We've been exposed, everyone get out of the way!"

Others Hearing the words, people reacted instantly and began to move towards all around to escape, but they were still pushed back several meters by this terrifying shock wave!

the leading male Spirit Master stood up again, hurriedly glanced sideways at the other teachers, and said eagerly, "Are you all right?"

The nearest Spirit Master replied replied "Everyone is fine, just suffered a little shock, but next, I'm afraid it's going to be a hard fight!"

After finishing speaking, everyone looked towards those who found them in front of them. , and quickly from the Evil Spirit Master all around!

One of the Evil Spirit Masters said with a sneer "didn't expect ah, Shrek Academy's reptiles dared to take the initiative to find the location of our Holy Spirit teaching, really act recklessly!"

Another Evil Spirit Master showed a cruel look, "Fortunately, the boss found these guys, otherwise they really let them run away!"

"tsk tsk tsk, still all The teachers of Shrek Academy, it seems that our Holy Spirit teacher's last plan has already made them fly into a rage out of humiliation!"

"We got caught, but don't think about escaping. , even more how the home base of our Holy Spirit teaching!"

As soon as these words came out, the teachers who were still holding on to their hopes just now secretly felt a little despair in their hearts...

didn't expect , this is the base camp of Holy Spirit teaching!

This also means that it is absolutely impossible for them to leave alive, and the secret information obtained cannot be sent back to the Academy, which is really ironic!

Thinking of this, they all looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes!

"Fight with these Evil Spirit Masters! Even if we can't escape, we have to drag one or two to hell!"

"Yes, we are teachers of Shrek Academy, Don't give in to these despicable guys"

"Let's go and kill them!"

But before these teachers can do it, one of the male teachers suddenly slammed into the back. A silhouette wearing a red robe appeared, pinching the former's neck with one hand, twisting it with no difficulty...

"pu 呲!"

this After teacher lay on the ground, the corpse instantly turned into a mass of scarlet's blood and merged into the latter's body...

The person here is none other than the dark bloodfiend who has reached Level 99 Super Douluo!

I saw him licking the blood stains on his palms, and said sadly, "I won't give you any chance!"

The nine men exuding terrifying coercion. The spirit ring slowly rises from the foot...


Soon after, when all the teachers sent by Shrek Academy converged, I immediately discovered something was wrong...

Shen Yi frowned, wondering "en? Is there a part of the teacher missing?"

The female teacher next to him affirmed "The message of meeting here today has been conveyed to every teacher, could it be that What happened?"

After a pause, he looked towards another male teacher, "Teacher Mo, please contact the absent teacher to ask what's going on!"

When the male teacher known as "Teacher Mo" saw this, he immediately opened the contactor to communicate...

For a long time, there was no response...

In an instant , the whole space became dead silent!

(end of this chapter)

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