Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1458


Chapter 1458 Heavenly Star Spirit Master Academy (please subscribe)

Cai Lao took a deep breath, grim said "Heavenly Phoenix Douluo, though, but only with this evidence, it's hard to support us to take action against Spirit Pagoda!"

At first glance, Spirit Pagoda suddenly has a large number of artificial spirit power disappearing, which is indeed very suspicious... …

But if you take action against Spirit Pagoda just by word of mouth, once there is a reversal, the relationship between Shrek Academy and Spirit Pagoda will fall to the bottom, even if it is made a fuss about it. maybe!

Leng Yaozhu nodded, "It's natural, apart from what I just said, every once in a while in the Spirit Pagoda, a part of the Disciples will leave the tower secretly, it seems that some Convergence of Forces"

"If you Elders want to investigate Spirit Pagoda, you can act from this point!"

Just send a powerful Sea God pavilion Elder to follow Behind these Disciples, you can figure out everything!

After the words fell, Tang Yinmeng's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "Heavenly Phoenix Douluo, the information you said is very useful, basically it can be concluded that Spirit Pagoda has an affair with Holy Spirit!"


Cai Lao lifted his chin and said, "Well, in order to ensure that there will be no accidents, we will follow this information in a few days to track down!"

Long Yeyue held a few points. He said gratefully, "Heavenly Phoenix Douluo, thank you for providing us with this information!"

Leng Yaozhu smiled slightly, and stood up from her seat, "Since the matter has been said, I will leave first. Elders, take care!"

If you stay outside for a long time, it is likely to attract Qiangu Dongfeng's attention. At that time, if you want to catch the handle of his affair with Spirit Pagoda, it will be troublesome!

After speaking, he turned around and left under everyone's attention...

After he left, Cai Lao's face suddenly became serious, looking at the rest of the Elder opened the mouth and said "Elders, what do you think, what Heavenly Phoenix Douluo said this time has several points of credibility?" "

Long Yeyue frowned "Don't be careless, don't forget that she is the deputy tower owner of Spirit Pagoda. If you deliberately unite with the ancient Dongfeng...we are very likely to be caught!"

Lan Muzi nodded echoed, "en! If the Academy is irreversibly damaged, the continent will be completely controlled by the Holy Spirit!"

Feng Wuyu looked towards Yun Ming, Doubtfully, "Pavilion Lord and Heavenly Phoenix Douluo should have a relationship, do you think she is credible?"

The always silent Yun Ming just said abruptly, "Leng Yaozhu she He doesn't look like a liar!"

After a pause, he said again, "Notify Tang Sect and other forces, it's time for the Holy Spirit to calm down!"

The current Shrek Academy is indeed unable to suppress the Holy Spirit teaching, but it is too naive to think that it can be unscrupulous!

Because from the very beginning, Shrek Academy did not call on other forces to attack the Holy Spirit, and now is the time to do so!


On the other side, the Tang Wulin entire group that has left Mingdu and came to another city is looking up at an Academy in front!

Heavenly Star Spirit Master Academy!

Xie Ru said with some guilty conscience "Most of us are only Spirit Elders. Isn't it a bit too crazy to challenge these senior students of the Academy?"

Maybe I'll be beaten up so I don't even know my mother!

Gu Yue glanced at him, "Stupid, isn't this just to test the formidable power of the battle armor!"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "That's right, Xie Ru, don't you want to? Give it a try?"

Xie Ru gritted his teeth, and a little bit said, "This... Of course I think, but if the loss is too bad"

Tang Wulin said with a slight smile "It's just a duel. If you lose, you will lose. Our most important purpose is to test the formidable power of the battle armor and improve the actual combat experience, without worrying about being eliminated like the final exam!"

said To be honest, he also really wanted to see how the formidable power of the battle armors he had carefully crafted was like!

Ye Xinglan didn't say anything, but the burning intent in her eyes had proved everything...

The last time she was in the Blacksmiths Association couldn't make her happy at all. Such a great opportunity must be seized naturally!

Xu Lizhi didn't care about the duel at all, and said with a smile to Ye Xinglan, "Sister Xinglan, do you want to eat some steamed buns?"

Ye Xinglan Nodding, "Alright!"

At this moment, Xie Ru grabbed the bun and bit it fiercely, "Forget it, if you lose, you lose, just show off our fight. Armor!"

Xu Lizhi saw that his steamed bun was taken away, and complained, "That's what I'm going to give to Sister Xinglan!"

Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan are both He covered his mouth and laughed, "pu 呲!"

Seeing everyone's mentality was very good, Tang Wulin clenched his fists and said, "Since everyone is ready, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, the entire group stepped into the Tianding Starry Sky Spirit Master Academy...

As soon as they entered, they attracted the attention of the surrounding Tianding Starry Sky Spirit Master Academy students. It was doubtful discussion...

"Eh? Who are these guys? See they are not wearing our Academy uniforms?"

"Could it be? Other Academy? What are other Academy doing at our Academy? Find fault?"

"Those girls are so pretty, especially the one with light blue hair!!"

At this moment, a voice interrupted these noisy discussions...

"What are you all discussing! Why don't you hurry to class!"

Speaking is a middle-aged man full of majesty!

When the students around saw him, they all spread out like frightened birds...

At this time, the middle-aged man looked towards him. Tang Wulin entire group, walked over...

He wondered, "Who are you? What are you doing at Tianding Xingkong Spirit Master Academy?"

Tang Wulin opened the mouth with a smile. and said "This teacher, we are students from the Shrek Academy, this time we want to practice ourselves by fighting with the students of Tianding Xingkong Spirit Master Academy!"

middle-aged man was stunned Stunned, "So, you are here on behalf of Shrek Academy?"

Tang Wulin shook the head, denying "No, we are just representing ourselves!"

middle- The aged man looked thoughtful and said, "That's it, I'm Li Zhilong, the director of the teaching department of Tianding Spirit Master Academy, and I was also a student of Shrek Academy, although it's only a student from the outer school!" ?didn't expect to meet Senior here!"

Xu Xiaoyan blinked her beautiful eyes, "Since it is Senior, wouldn't it be easier for us to do things?"

The seriousness on Li Zhilong's face disappeared, and some said with a smile "Don't worry, you are also my Junior Brother junior sister. After finally arriving here from Shrek City, naturally I have to arrange for you! ”




(end of this chapter)

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