Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1469


Chapter 1469 Small (please subscribe)

Xu Sheng's dark eyes looked at Shen Yi not far away, said with a slight smile "Shen Yi, I will trouble you in the duel!"

Shen Yi shrugged helplessly, "I see, but Yuanen Yehui is a student anyway, you still have to remember to keep your hands. !"

Although Yuanen Yehui "robbed" Xu Sheng and caused a lot of resentment in her heart, she didn't want to see unnecessary casualties due to accidents!

Who knew that Xu Sheng refused decisively and said, "No, use all your strength, this is an agreement with Yehui!"

The reason why he proposed to confront Yuanen Yehui, I just want to frustrate her spirit after 100,000 years of spirit ring!

Yuanen Yehui heard the words, but also firmly nodded and said, "If something happens, it's because of me, don't blame Master Old Xu!"

Shen After hearing the words of the two of them, Yi was choked at once, and some hate iron for not becoming steel said, "You... eh, then do whatever you want!"

Immediately, take a deep breath, Announced loudly, "Everyone knows who the two sides are, but I still want to give a brief introduction!"

"The one on the left is our Shrek Academy teacher and Sea God Pavilion Elder, Xu Sheng!"

"The student on the right is the most powerful house in the first class of the second grade, Yuanen Yehui!"

"Okay, then I don't want to talk about other nonsense. , the duel will officially start in three seconds, please prepare for both sides!"



"Three! "

"The showdown begins!"

As soon as the words fell, Yuanen Yehui's beautiful eyes suddenly froze, and immediately released his first Spirit, Titan Giant Ape!

It was vaguely visible, and an ape-like animal about ten meters in size emerged from behind it, and it released a terrifying deterrent just by standing there!

Five spirit rings slowly rose under their feet...

The students who were watching the arena immediately cry out in surprise "No wonder Yuanen Yehui dared to challenge Old Master Xu, she only broke through Spirit King in the second year of the outer courtyard. At this rate, it will take a long time to enter the inner courtyard!"

"It's a pity, the inner courtyard students are very scarce now, only Only a dozen people!"

"Yuanen Yehui! Come on, beat Master Old Xu!"

"Yuanen Yehui, come on! Yuanen Yehui, come on!"

These cheering voices seem to have brought great courage to Yuanen Yehui. I saw that she did not wait for Xu Sheng to release Spirit, and the first spirit ring under her feet lit up...

The first Spirit Ability, the power of Tai Tan!

A strange force emerged from the body of the Titan Giant Ape, and when it spread all over the limbs, its strength was greatly improved!

The next second, after locking the position of Xu Sheng, she kicked her legs, and her whole body rushed towards the latter like a cannonball, slamming the fist mixed with the strong wind at him. Facing the door...

Xu Sheng, who caught this scene, stretched out his hand and grabbed his fist...

When the two collided, he fell backwards. After a few steps, a cloud of dust was thrown up...

After stabilizing his body, Xu Sheng glanced down at his slightly trembling palm, and said in surprise, "This strength can actually hurt my palm? ?!!"

However, it is understandable that in addition to lowering the spirit power level, he also used divide force to weaken all aspects of his body's attributes by half!

causes it to be no different from the normal Spirit King!

Yuanen Yehui, who carefully observed Xu Sheng's expression, secretly said, "There is a weak spot! The second soul..."

When she was just about to release the second Spirit Ability, she She sensed a icy and biting breath coming from her back...

Without any hesitation, she immediately stopped releasing it, and immediately moved towards a roll to the side...

It was almost her At the moment of dodging, the dense and sturdy Ghost Vine stabbed out from behind...

"Did you not catch it? What a pity!"

He stood up again Yuanen Yehui kept gasping for breath, staring at Xu Sheng...

"It's very dangerous, if I was bound by this vine one step later, I would probably lose the ability to fight!"


She heard Xu Sheng personally say that the white flames on this vine have the effect of burning the soul!

But the students under the arena widened their eyes and stared at Ghost Vine!

One of the students sucked in a breath of cold air, "Hi... Are those vines with white flames the Spirit of Master Old Xu? I've never seen them before!!"

Another student excitedly said, "Well... I always thought that Master Xu's Spirit would be similar to Elder Xu's Red Armored Dragon! didn't expect it to be a plant!"

"hmph, although those vines are plant-based, they are definitely in the category of Top Rank Spirit!! Otherwise, how could Master Old Xu's strength be so terrifying!"

"That's right! The duel is getting more and more interesting!"

And the elders of the Sea God Pavilion are naturally watching seriously...

Cai Yueer narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "Master Old Xu not only The spirit power level of the Spirit King realm is suppressed, and even the attributes of the body seem to have been greatly weakened!"

Feng Wuyu said with emotion, "The spirit power level can be suppressed, but the power of the body cannot. Change, Master Old Xu can do this with no difficulty, I'm afraid he still has a lot of secrets!"

For any Sea God Pavilion Elder, it is impossible to change the body The degree of suppression is so weak!

Lan Muzi's eyes lit up and said, "No matter how mysterious he is, he is still the elders of our Sea God Pavilion. Besides, this is the first time I have seen Elder Xu's Spirit!"

Long Yeyue was also nodded, and he echoed, "Me too! Since he joined the Sea God Pavilion, he has not been released in public! This time I finally saw it!"

The turbid eyes of the turbid world A few traces of memories emerged, "Master Xu's strength is unfathomable, in the last duel with me, but..."

Before finishing, he coughed violently twice, forcibly covering Live your embarrassment!

just barely said a lot of things that shouldn't be on the surface!

On the arena, Xu Sheng shook his palm, took a step forward, calmly said "First Spirit Ability, Nether Flame!"

The first black under his feet The spirit ring suddenly lights up...

naked eye It can be seen that countless ghost Vines are quickly intertwined in the air, constantly gathering each other's white flames, and in just a few seconds, they form A huge flame...

Under his mind, he fell with an unparalleled oppression force moved towards the ring...

At the same time, he was looking up at Yuanen Yehui, the white Fireball that covers everything, has a feeling in his heart that if he is hit by this Fireball, he will definitely perish!

came back to his senses, she wanted to move her body to dodge, but found that every pore on her skin was trembling, and seemed to be telling her instinctive fear...

She said in a daze, " the Spirit King-level Master Xu...true strength?"

At this moment, she realized what her strength was in front of Xu Sheng. Small!

Yun Ming, who was sitting in the seat and witnessed everything, narrowed his eyes and said, "There is something wrong with the power of this Spirit Ability, Cai Lao, Feng Elder!"

Cai Yue'er and Feng Wu Yu immediately understood, and immediately dodged to both sides of the ring, using their huge spirit power to form a solid light blue barrier!

The arena is forcibly isolated from the outside world to avoid being affected...




(End of this chapter)

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