Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1475


Chapter 1475 Federation, War God Temple (please subscribe)

This sentence makes Xu Sheng reveal a bit Surprisingly, "oh?"

didn't expect because she accidentally said that Xu Xiaoyan's Spirit was evolving, so Wu Duosi, who had always rejected this matter, changed her mind!

Maybe she is afraid that Tang Wulin and the others are stronger than her!

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng looked towards Yuanen Yehui next to him, said with a slight smile "Yehui, since Wuduosi has agreed, what about you?"


Yuanen Yehui's cheeks flushed, and she whispered, "I lost in the duel, of course, I will let Master Old Xu handle you!"

She, who was already cold, Doing this kind of action that is easy to evoke reverie has a meaning of letting you pick...

Xu Sheng said with a smile, "Yehui, what are you talking about? , why does it seem like I want you to do something strange!"

Hearing this, Yuanen Yehui explained a little too radically, "Xu... Master Xu, I didn't mean that! You... don't get me wrong!"

Anxiously said "The strange thing I just mentioned, shouldn't it be the one between a man and a woman? Could it be that Teacher Old Xu treats herself... "

No, no, no, although I have a good impression of Teacher Old Xu, it is not the kind of relationship between men and women, and besides, there is also the existence of teacher Shen Yi!

While comforting myself, there is an unspeakable disappointment!

Xu Sheng knocked on her forehead and interrupted, "What nonsense! Now that you've said that, then you and Wuduosi will leave Shrek Academy and travel to other cities, maybe There may be any chance!"

As soon as the words fell, Wuduosi said with displeasure "Master Old Xu, why should I be with her?"

Yuanen Ye Hui was also extremely dissatisfied and said, "Yes, Master Old Xu, I don't want to go with this guy either."

She would rather go to another city alone than go with the former!

Although there is no hostility between the two of them, it does not mean that their relationship is good enough to be able to walk together!

Xu Sheng gave them a meaningful look, "Two people are better than one person, and they can take care of each other!"

Wuduosi immediately retorted " However, Master Xu..."

However, Xu Sheng didn't give her a chance to say it, and quickly said, "Okay, that's it, the Sea God Pavilion will hold a military conference again. I'll leave first!"

After saying this, the whole person's silhouette disappeared in place in an instant...

Seeing that the idea was in vain, Wu Duosi clenched her fists, and the bottom of her heart was He secretly said, "Damn, the Sea God Pavilion didn't hold a military conference at all. Master Old Xu is determined to walk with her!" With a sound, indifferently said, "Since Master Old Xu has said so, I will not refuse, but I hope you will not hold me back!" He replied, "Who is holding back who may be! Don't think that you are invincible in the whole world if you have a spirit ring of 100,000 years!"

But on the other hand, it is also He acquiesced to the matter of walking with Yuanen Yehui...

Not far away, looking at Shen Yi of the two of them, he asked Xu Sheng beside him, "Xu Sheng, why do you deliberately make do with it? What about the two of them?"

Even though they both rejected each other very much, the latter still wanted to do it!

Even to fight Yuanen Yehui!

The corners of Xu Sheng's mouth were slightly raised, and he said with emotion, "It's nothing, I just think their personalities are very similar. If they can live in harmony, they should make great progress!"

"After all, one is the strongest in the first grade, and the other is the strongest in the second grade!"

Shen Yi shook the head, "I really don't understand you, but what do you think of the characters of the two of us?"


The words were mixed with a strong look of anticipation...

However, Xu Sheng didn't seem to notice, lightly said with a smile "It's time to go, I remember there are things Do you need us to deal with it?"

As soon as this sentence blurted out, Shen Yi tapped his forehead and complained, "Yeah, Xu Sheng, I forgot if you didn't say it, I'm going to have to do it recently. The inner courtyard students are arranged in the team of Tang Sect Disciple!”

It will take at least a few years for Shrek Academy to revive the deserted inner courtyard!

In today's dangerous situation, it is clearly impossible for the Holy Spirit to make it through!

Therefore, every minute and every second must be taken care of, the earlier you find the specific location taught by Holy Spirit, the greater the probability of winning!


War God Temple!

is the strongest battle strength organization personally supported by the Federation. There are 18 War Gods inside, and the strength of each War God has reached Titled Douluo, even half of Super Douluo!

apart from this , and it also has a huge

that can support the vigorous development of this organization, naturally Palace Lord Chen Xinjie and Vice Palace Lord Guan Yue!

Both are Limit Douluo level powerhouses! In terms of high-end battle strength, it is only inferior to Sea God Pavilion!

At this moment, I saw Chen Xinjie, Palace Lord, looking down at the War Gods below with his majestic eyes!

opened the mouth and said "You must all understand what happened recently?"

One of the War Gods opened the mouth and said with respect when he saw this. Yes, Palace Lord, the Holy Spirit teaching is very rampant recently, not only destroying most of the inner courtyard students of Shrek Academy! But also trying to annex the entire Shrek City!"

"But now with the addition of Tang Sect, Temporarily relieved the tension of Shrek Academy!"

Other War Gods also showed a sudden realization...

No wonder Palace Lord summoned all the senior management of War God Temple today, didn't 't expect turned out to be for this!

Chen Xinjie's eyes flickered, and he emailed, "Yes, since the Holy Spirit teachers dare to attack Shrek Academy and Tang Sect at the same time, it proves that their current strength is definitely not weak!"

"This time, everyone is called to come here to discuss this matter!"

Every time the Holy Spirit appears, it will bring a disaster more or less!

Therefore, each Great Influence basically does not want to confront him, but sometimes, due to pressure from all sides,

just after the words fell, the Vice Palace Lord Guan Yue next to him. calmly said "Palace Lord, it has only been a few decades since the Holy Spirit's last comeback. It should not be enough to shake the foundation of Shrek Academy, even more how are the elders of the Sea God Pavilion!"

Don't look at Shrek Academy's inner courtyard students being wiped out, they have no combat ability!

But even in this case, with the strength of the Sea God Pavilion Elders, a 1st Rate Influence can be easily destroyed!

This sentence immediately won the approval of the digital War God!

"That's right, Vice Palace Lord is right! Our War God Temple has finally developed to the 1st Rate Influence it is today. If it is not necessary, there is no need to provoke the Holy Spirit! They are revengeful, but by fair means or foul!"

"I also think Vice Palace Lord is right, since Shrek Academy is still alive and well, it means it's not our turn to take action!"

"Palace Lord, you should be overthinking, no one force can assess the foundation of Shrek Academy! It will never be destroyed by the little Holy Spirit!"





(end of this chapter)

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