Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1478


Chapter 1478 Trust collapses! (please subscribe)

Cai Yue'er's pupils shrank suddenly, excitedly said " say it again!"

Other Sea God Pavilion Elders swallowed their throats and couldn't believe it this matter!

However, the Tang Sect Disciple said again, "Tang Sect has been hit by the terrifying blow of the soul-guided shell, and it has been destroyed along with half of the surrounding city!

Tang Yinmeng He frowned and said, "How could this be, Tang Sect's strength in spirit tools is almost unmatched, and it will be destroyed by a soul-guided cannonball! "

Feng Wuyu said with a face full of dread, "A soul-guided shell that can destroy half a city is at least Level 11, or even Level 12!" "

Yali worriedly said "Even Tang Sect was destroyed by this soul-guided cannonball. If it targets our Shrek Academy, I'm afraid it will end in the same way!" "

The turbulent world nodded, "Tang Sect is destroyed, for us at Shrek Academy, equivalent to losing our most loyal ally!" Not only that, but it will also make other forces that originally supported us make a choice! "

The worst situation is that Shrek Academy is in a state of isolation!

Cai Yueer's eyes looked towards Yun Ming and asked, "Pavilion Lord, what should we do?" ? "

They must prepare in advance to meet the soul-guided cannonball that is enough to destroy half a city!

Yun Ming's deep eyes glanced at everyone present, and after taking a deep breath, opened the mouth and said "The bombing of the Tang Sect should be what the Holy Spirit taught! "

Holy Spirit Cult launched an attack on Tang Sect not long ago, maybe it was for this action!

Lan Muzi shook his head and said, "Pavilion Lord, how is this possible, Holy Spirit Cult Just come back, how to make such a terrifying spirit tool! ”

If this is the case, then every 1st Rate Influence in front of Holy Spirit is likely to turn into ashes in the next second!

Long Yeyue's eyes are fierce As soon as the ground lit up, "Pavilion Lord said it is not unreasonable, the Holy Spirit teaching since ancient times has not been completely destroyed, so it is not impossible to hide a high-level soul teacher in it! "

"Besides, they are guys who are for the purpose by fair means or foul, and they may have done something outrageous!" "

Yun Ming nodded lightly and said again, "No matter what, we must take precautions before it happens!" ”


In Spirit Pagoda!

I saw Palace Lord Qiangu Dongfeng’s face was so gloomy that water was about to drip!

Just now, the entire Spirit Pagoda began to shake under the violent vibration!

It is easy to see that it was caused by a violent explosion!

I saw him took a deep breath, looked towards the man in front of him who was half-squatting on the ground, and asked, "What happened just now? So there will be such a big shock? "

The latter heard the words, walked slowly to the former's side, and whispered a few words...

After listening, Qiangu Dongfeng was shocked and said, "What? You mean the big Tang Sect was completely destroyed by the explosion just now? "

The Tang Sect force is not weaker than their Spirit Pagoda, but now it has been destroyed without a hint of warning. Anyone who listens to this will have a tingling scalp!

The man respectfully said, "Go back to Palace Lord, this is absolutely true! News from our Spirit Pagoda branch! "

After a pause, he continued, "But... I have an idea in my mind, I don't know if I should talk about it!" "

Qiangu Dongfeng's eyes lit up, calmly said "Oh? tell me the story! "

Upon seeing this, the man opened the mouth and said "Tang Sect has not been involved in the continent in recent years, and basically did not enmity with any force!" ”

“Thinking of what happened recently, the subordinates deduced that there is a high probability that this matter was taught by Holy Spirit! "

After the words fell, Qiangu Dongfeng stroked his beard...

He also suspected that this matter was taught by Holy Spirit, but there was no evidence!

The man seemed to see through his thoughts and reminded him, "But don't worry, tower master, we installed the Disciple taught by Holy Spirit, we should have gotten the situation, and we are on our way now! "

"When the time comes, everything will be understood!" "

Qiangu Dongfeng smiled, extended the hand patted on his shoulder, and praised without hesitation, "Well, he is indeed my most trusted subordinate!" "

The latter was a little flattered and said, "Tower Master, you are overpraised!" "

But the moment he buried his head, the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc...


In just one day, Tang Sect The news of the annihilation spread throughout the entire continent!

and the most panicked are the Spirit Masters and civilians in Shrek City!

One of the Spirit Masters whispered "Have you heard? Tang Sect seemed to have been bombarded by soul-guided artillery shells yesterday, and was directly annihilated along with half the city! "

Another Spirit Master said in amazement, "My God, what kind of soul-guided cannonball can annihilate half a city?" Could it be the legendary Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball? "

"It should be impossible, even Tang Sect, Spirit Pagoda, Shrek Academy have not produced shells of this level!" "

"Even Tang Sect has been destroyed, will the next one be Shrek Academy or Spirit Pagoda, I'd better get out of here!" "

"We have to trust Shrek Academy, they never disappoint!" "

"Believe, believe me, until now, Shrek Academy has no way to teach Holy Spirit, and when the entire Shrek City suffers a blow of that level, it will be too late for us to escape!" ”

This sentence seems to have aroused the resonance of many Spirit Masters, and they are beginning to be a little afraid...

The final result is not as expected, the entire Shrek City Most of the Spirit Masters left one after another! Only a small number of Spirit Masters who chose to trust Shrek Academy were left!

Watching the bustling Shrek City become so empty in a few days, Cai Yueer couldn't help sighing. "The destruction of Tang Sect has caused the whole Shrek City and even the surrounding cities to start people were alarmed, for fear of being affected by our Academy! "

"They did it right!" ”

But on the other hand, this is an expression of distrust!

Immediately, he turned his head to the side of Speed Hall Hall Master and Strength Hall Hall Master opened the mouth and said "Tang Sect's Disciples have been exploring for so long, but still haven't found the headquarters of Holy Spirit? "

Speed Hall Hall Master and Strength Hall Hall Master glanced at each other, and said to the head, "After the news of Tang Sect's destruction was known to Disciples, they were all hit hard, and now they have no intention of it." Probe! ”

Not only that, but some Disciples even think it’s all Shrek Academy’s fault!

If it wasn’t for this aid, how could their Tang Sect have suffered such a disaster!

Cai Yueer took a deep breath, "If you don't quickly find out where Holy Spirit teaches, Shrek Academy will most likely end up in the same fate as Tang Sect! "

"When the time comes, as long as no one suppresses the Holy Spirit religion, it can continue to expand, until the end, it may initially rule the entire federation!" ”


(End of this chapter)

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