Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1489


Chapter 1489 Fight (please subscribe)

Many Spirit Masters passing by here heard his cries , they all said, "What kind of legion is this, how come I've never heard of it?"

"It seems to be a recently emerged corps. It is said that there were only a few hundred people before its establishment. Inside, it has grown to thousands of terrifying people!"

"Hey... so, what that guy just said is true? This legion really has Super Douluo, even Limit Douluo level. The powerhouse is in town!"

"That's for sure, if you just tricked others into joining, you would have fled long ago, how could you stay in this legion with peace of mind!"

"Then I'll try it out. Give it a try, anyway, no other force is willing to let me, who is in my thirties and is only a Spirit Elder, join me!"

After these words fell, a lot of Spirit Masters seemed to be inspired, They started to sign up in front of the man before!

The latter laughed like a chrysanthemum, and reassured, "Don't worry, come one by one, as long as you are willing to join our legion, there will be places!"

Looking at this In one scene, Xu Sheng smiled slightly, and moved towards deeper...

But before he could take a few steps, he was stopped by two Spirit Masters whose spirit power fluctuations are in the Spirit Emperor realm!

I saw them wearing armor, and said solemnly, "Stop, Spirit Masters who are not legion are not allowed to enter!"

"If you want to enter, go there first. Sign up to join the legion!"

Xu Sheng was stunned for a while, then said with a smile "You two, I'm not here to join the legion, so please inform the head of the legion!"

Hearing this sentence, both of them looked at each other and saw the ridicule in each other's eyes...

Immediately opened the mouth and said "You? How could a powerhouse at the Limit Douluo level know you!"

"If you are here to make trouble, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude"

said After finishing, the spirit power was released faintly from the whole body...

In their opinion, the Xu Sheng in front of him is too young, no matter what they think, it is impossible to get in touch with their head!

The only possibility is to make trouble!

For this kind of person, they will not give half a good face!

Xu Sheng pursed his lips, indifferently said "please let me know!"

He was used to this kind of situation and didn't mean to continue talking...

After the words fell, the pupils of the two in front of them gradually dilated, as if being manipulated, numbly opened the mouth and said "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, they turned around I went to report...

A few minutes later, a tall man with red eyes stepped out. When he saw Xu Sheng clearly, his memory flooded out like a tide. ...

"You...why are you here?" with a somewhat frightened expression,

Xu Sheng just glanced at him lightly and asked, "Why, no. Welcome me?"

The former hurriedly shook his head and vetoed, "When...of course not, please, the boss is waiting for you!"

Since leaving the original habitat, he and the others have not spread the slightest bit of news, but it is still easily found by the man in front of him!

I'm afraid their every move is always under the control of the latter...

This is... God's power!

Spirit Pagoda!

I saw many councillors looking at the Evil Spirit Master who surrounded them, and their faces suddenly became ugly...

One of the councilors pointed at Qiangu Dongfeng's nose and scolded "the tower." Lord, didn't expect that you have fallen to such a level that you have not only secretly cooperated with Evil Spirit Master, but you have also taken action against us, are you worthy of everyone's loyalty to you?"

Duan Dao "Don't talk nonsense, he is no longer the original tower owner, the tower owner I know is not someone who would conspire with the Holy Spirit!"

"hehe...didn't expect me Dedicating a lifetime to Spirit Pagoda, it is ironic that it has been reduced to this point!"

"Hmph, what about Holy Spirit teaching, even if we die, we have to pull these Evil Spirit Masters back!!"

"Tower Master, I really misread you, a despicable person like you, simply cannot be trusted!"

Hearing these words, Qiangu Dongfeng's heart felt like thousands of The colicky pain like the silver needle was pierced...

But he still resisted this feeling, his face was ice-cold saying "I'll give you another chance to choose, submit to me, or, in This place will sleep forever!"

In order for Spirit Pagoda to become the first force in the continent, even these councilors, he can abandon without the slightest hesitation!

Leng Yaozhu's delicate cheeks showed deep disappointment, looking directly at Qiangu Dongfeng and said, "Tower Master, it seems that you have been completely corroded, from now on, you and I are enemies!"

He thought Qiangu Dongfeng still had a trace of conscience!

But now I actually plan to clear all the members present, it seems that I really made a big mistake!

Qiangu Dongfeng closed his eyes slowly when he heard the words, "Yao Zhu, I am all for Spirit Pagoda, I hope you are on the Underworld Road, don't blame me!"

Looking at the dark bloodfiend of this scene, he disdainfully said, "Tsk, it's really fragile feelings, all the Evil Spirit Masters, give it to me!"

In his opinion, the so-called deep feelings, In front of interests, not worth mentioning at all!

In an instant, all Evil Spirit Masters released their own Spirits, ruthless used Spirit Ability, and fought against Congressmen...

It only took a few minutes , the whole great hall has become extremely chaotic, the pungent stench of blood mixed with the stumps is constantly thrown away, and one after another, the cold corpses slowly fall to the ground...

The eyes of the dark bloodfiend are watching Looking at Leng Yaozhu in front of him, gloomy and coldly said, "Since you also know about the alliance between Spirit Pagoda and Holy Spirit, you can't keep it, and die!"

However, Qiangu Dongfeng in the back But he angrily said, "Dark bloodfiend, you get out of my sight, this is my business! It's not your turn to intervene!"

The insulted dark bloodfiend had a thick killing intent in his eyes!

It can be imagined that Qiangu Dongfeng is still useful to the Holy Spirit teaching, forcibly suppressing it...

I then dodged to the other side, staring blankly...

Leng Yaozhu was also shocked by Qiangu Dongfeng's actions, and murmured, "The tower owner..."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just now she seemed to see what was in Qiangu Dongfeng's eyes. Pain...

Qiangu Dongfeng took a deep breath, Spirit and the nine spirit rings under his feet rose slowly...

"Yao Zhu, to be honest, I don't want to do anything with you. !"

No one knows the former's Spirit Ability and weaknesses in all aspects better than him!

Therefore, if the two fight, Leng Yaozhu has no chance of winning!

Leng Yaozhushook the head, put everything in his head behind him, and forced himself to calm down...

coldly shouted "Tower master, since you have already decided to If we join forces with the Holy Spirit, we have nothing to say!"

These words are probably just the former's words to disturb him!




(end of this chapter)

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