Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1504


Chapter 1504 Today's first lesson, actual combat (please subscribe)

"Okay... good terrifying, this is Old Does Master Xu look angry? The whole body and mind are shaking!"

"This is the first time Master Xu has gotten angry in front of us, it's too terrifying!"

"This ...This man is really just a teacher? I'm afraid this kind of strength is comparable to Titled Douluo!"

"Well, even Master Hall's coercion is not one-tenth of his, Shrek Academy's The teacher is really terrifying!"

Xu Sheng reined in his coercion when he saw this, said with a slight smile "Okay, everyone should be quiet, right?"

Both Shrek students and Tang Sect Disciple are nodded, and they don't want to feel the despairing terrifying coercion of the former!

However, looking towards each other's eyes, there is still a strong sense of unhappiness and disgust...

Immediately, Xu Sheng's eyes looked towards Tang Wulin again, softly He said, "Tang Wulin, tell me, what happened?"

When the latter heard the words, he stood up a little sorry, coughed and said, "Master Old Xu, the reason why everyone is in conflict is because Because you are a little too late, you have been delayed for dozens of minutes!"

After finishing speaking, he also gave him a wink...

Xu Sheng heard the words, looked Thoughtful said, "so that's how it is, is it because I'm late? Then I'm here to apologize again, please forgive me!"

At the normal speed, he should not It will be late, but in the middle of the journey, Wuduosi was forced to break through the Spirit King because of the loose bottleneck! This took a lot of time!

Hearing these words of apology, Tang Sect Disciples' complexion could not help softening a bit, and the previous accumulation of dissatisfaction also dissipated a lot...

Xu Sheng paused for a while. , and continued, "Okay, let's get down to business, as today's first lesson! I think it's still necessary to explain it to everyone!"

"Most recently, Tang Sect was suddenly released by a suspected Spirit Pagoda. The original sect inhabited by the level 12 soul-guided shells was destroyed together with half the city!”

“In order to stabilize the foundation of Tang Sect, the Academy has ordered the temporary incorporation of Tang Sect Disciples into Shrek Academy, which also means that for a long time in the future, you will all cultivate and study together!"

"Then...for better teaching, we will not explain theoretical knowledge today. Instead, I hope to understand everyone's current strength through actual combat!"

After the words fell, the Shrek students present were dumbfounded and said with wide eyes, "Master Old Xu is right? How big is it to play in one lesson?"

"I was thinking of reminiscing about the first lesson with everyone! didn't expect to actually fight!"

"This Isn't it right, let those Tang Sect Disciples see our strength!!"

"They have slandered our Academy before, so of course they have to suffer!"

And Tang Sect Disciples also showed dissatisfaction, scolded "hmph! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? We Tang Sect Disciples don't have a coward!"

"Yes, isn't it a duel? Are you really invincible in the whole world when you are Shrek Academy students?"

"Our Tang Sect Disciple is not weaker than you in actual combat!"

"hmph There are also many people in our Tang Sect Disciple who can leapfrog battles, be careful not to lose too much!"

Xu Sheng looked at the chaotic scene in front of him, satisfied nodded, "Then, everyone immediately follow me to the duel. Let's go! Everything speaks with strength!"

Tang Wulin rolled under the stage the eyes "Master Old Xu really doesn't think it's a big deal! ! "

Xie Lai's shrugged shoulders, "Old Xu teacher is usually amiable, but sometimes very black-belly, isn't this something as everyone knows? "

Xu Xiaoyan stared at Xu Sheng with gleamed eyes, "I think there is nothing wrong with Master Xu doing this. I don't know the strength of the students, how can I teach them better?" "

Ye Xinglan glanced at them, "Let's go, it's probably going to be another tough battle"

Tang Sect Disciple, but it's not that easy to deal with!


The showdown!

The teacher in charge of guarding the showdown looked at Xu Sheng in front of him and the silhouettes behind him, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, embarrassed said with a smile "Master Old Xu, this... this is not good, right? Tang Sect Disciple has just been incorporated into our Shrek Academy! ”

He was worried that this duel would cause conflicts between Tang Sect Disciple and Shrek students!

Xu Sheng shook the head, indifferently said “It’s okay, just let them have a simple discussion.” ,"

The former's face darkened, "Old Xu, it's because you said that, so I'm even more suspicious..."

Despite what he said, he still took the initiative to cancel The ban on the duel field...

It doesn't matter, if something happens, all the blame is given to this Old Xu teacher, he is just a tool person to open the ban on the duel field!

Xu Sheng patted his shoulder, "Thank you! ”

Immediately, he led the students behind him and Tang Sect Disciples into the duel...

After entering the interior, both sides were consciously separated. Formed two groups facing each other!

clenched their fists tightly, looked at each other with eyes full of fighting intent, can't wait to start the duel now!

Xu Sheng He walked to the middle with a smile, and announced, "This duel is very simple, one-on-one! Until one party loses the ability to act or voluntarily abstains, it can continue to send another person to participate in the war! During this period, the opponent cannot be disabled.”

“In the end, if there are more people who did not play, then the other side wins! "


Sea God Pavilion!

After listening to the teacher's report in front of you Elders, the corners of your mouths twitched... ...

Feng Wuyu covered his forehead and said, "This Elder Xu is really good at playing! The first class had Tang Sect Disciple and Shrek students fighting each other! "

Yali covered her mouth lightly said with a smile "It's really bold, but this is indeed Elder Xu's style, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to teach the first grade... No, it should be the second grade now The strongest class ever! "

Cai Yue'er showed a little helplessness, "I originally had a headache because of the Holy Spirit teaching, but after doing this, it relieved a lot of pressure!" "

Zhuo Shi raised his chin, said curiously "Elders, and a few Hall Masters, do you think there is a better chance of winning?" "

Long Yeyue analyzed, "If Tang Sect Disciple can use the spirit tool or the so-called hidden weapon, it may be difficult to decide the outcome, but if it is a simple duel, our Shrek Academy students should be sure to win. ! "

Tang Yinmeng echoed, "Indeed, Tang Sect Disciple is not good at actual combat, and is better at improving its strength with the help of foreign objects, several Hall Masters, you must think so too! ”

After the words fell, all the eyes of the Sea God Pavilion Elder were fixed on them...

Several Tang Sect Hall Masters suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, embarrassed by "hehe" I laughed a few times and didn't know how to answer...

Because in their opinion, the elders of the Sea God Pavilion are completely taking advantage of one's position to bully people!

Any Elder's strength has reached Super Douluo and its Limit Douluo, do they dare to say a "No"?




(end of this chapter)

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