Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1510


Chapter 1510 Tang Sect's Contribution (Subscribe)

Dance Doosi's cheeks rose She blushed a few times, and seemed to be praised a little sorry...

But what was the real reason, she knew very well...

And the Tang Wulin entire group next to her, saw her and Xu Sheng's conversations were all open the mouth and said with some resentment, "Wu Duosi, you are not being kind, we finally asked you to go to other cities for cultivation, didn't expect the reason why you refused us, is to find Teacher Old Xu has opened a small kitchen"

"That's right, it's a little too sad! The key is not told to us!"

"Today's duel with Tang Sect Disciple , the limelight has been taken out by you alone, I'm really envious!"

Wu Duosi glanced at them when she heard these words, face doesn't change and said, "Sorry!"

But in just two words, there is no apology...

Until now, she is also very fortunate that she did not agree to the invitation of Tang Wulin and the others, but chose to let Xu Sheng teaches!

Otherwise, how could the strength be advanced by leaps and bounds like it is now?

On the other side, in the Sea God Pavilion, Cai Yueer, who sensed the end of the duel, lightly said with a smile "Several Hall Masters, it seems that this duel was won by our Shrek Academy!"

As Wuduosi's teacher, she didn't expect the former's strength to soar to such a level. After all, she has been dealing with the Sea God Pavilion since she accepted her as a disciple, and she didn't have much time. teach!

Therefore, I am somewhat ashamed!

Now that his strength is still improving rapidly, he can feel at ease...

The corners of the mouths of the Tang Sect Hall Masters who heard these words twitched a little. Next...

All of them said silently in their hearts, "Nonsense, if Shrek students can't even defeat Tang Sect Disciples, they are not worthy of the first Academy of continent!"

But on the surface it is true Embarrassed said with a smile "Of course, Tang Sect Disciple is not as good as your students' innate talent and strength!"

"Compared with Shrek students who focus on improving their own strength, our Tang Sect Disciple is better at using it. spirit tool or hidden weapon! It's not surprising to lose!"

"en! Besides, the strength of the female student who started the practice in your institute is indeed a little too strong, even the first spirit ring is a thousand years old! "

And the eyes of Zhuo Shi suddenly flickered, as if thinking of something, and asked, "By the way, several Hall Masters, how are you thinking about the things you discussed before?"


Hearing this sentence, all the Sea God Pavilion Elders looked towards a few Hall Masters...

The Tang Sect was destroyed before, which caused Shrek Academy to strengthen the Research on spirit tool!

Therefore, it is urgent for Tang Sect to share important resources such as high-level spirit tool structural diagram...

When several Hall Masters saw this, they simply glanced at each other and the idea was reached unified!

"Okay! We accept this proposal!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he took out the information about the spirit tool from the spirit tool, but obviously, Everyone has only saved part of it!

Only when multiple documents are referenced at the same time, will it play its due effect, which is what Tang Sect does to prevent the secret from being leaked!

Feng Wuyu's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked up a piece of information to check...

After a few seconds, Xin joyfully said "Yes! These are indeed high The composition diagram of the level spirit tool..."

With these materials, although it is unlikely to create a Level 12 defense spirit tool, it can at least make Shrek Academy's soul technology go a step further!

In the face of the level 12 soul-guided shells that are likely to attack in the future, there are also a few more possibilities to resist!

Yun Ming nodded lightly Lord, earnestly promised, "Several Hall Masters, I promise in the name of Sea God Pavilion Pavilion that these things, Shrek Academy will never go out, and if there is a chance to rebuild After Tang Sect, all will be returned!"

Several Hall Masters heard the words, and their hearts were all relaxed...

Since the Pavilion Lord made a promise, he would never Break your promise!


In the legion near the edge of the country...

I saw Gu Yue woke up early, she looked sideways at the person beside her. Di Tian took a look, opened the mouth and said "Di Tian, it's getting late, I'm leaving!"

Tomorrow is the official start of school, if you don't arrive in time, the situation will be troublesome!

Di Tian's golden pupil glanced all around, and grim said, "Lord, there may be Evil Spirit Master hidden in the dark around, otherwise, let's leave later!"


Gu Yue called the head, "No, if you leave later, you may not be able to arrive on time tomorrow!"

After these words fell, other ominous beasts opened the mouth and said " Lord, although it is a bit bold to say this, but... your true identity is not a student of Shrek Academy!"

"Well, Lord, you are the leader of our Spirit Beast clan, and you are very powerful. Having reached Spirit Ancestor, there is no need to go to Shrek Academy!"

"Tang Sect was destroyed by Level 12 Soul Cannonball, Shrek Academy may do the same, you are overdue, not safe!"

Shrek Academy is broken, they don't care!

But if it will affect Gu Yue's life and safety, have to pay attention!

Gu Yue was stunned for a while, took a deep breath, and said decisively, "I know how you feel, but... I have to go!"

She also held her arms at first Enter the inner state of Shrek Academy to integrate into the human world, but with Tang Wulin and the others, they have gradually regarded each other as indispensable partners!

even more how...she has vaguely discovered what Tang Wulin's second spirit is...

Seeing Gu Yue's very firm attitude, Di Tian had to sighed, " In this case, let an ominous beast escort you out of here, after all, there may be a hidden Evil Spirit Master around"

"This, even you can't refuse!"


Gu Yue showed a bright smile, "Thank you, Di Tian"

Although the former's words were a bit rough, she could feel the deep concern in her words!

Immediately afterwards, he said again, "Then let Bi Ji accompany me, only to the Soul Guidance Station!"

Bi Ji bowed slightly, "Yes, Lord. !"

Just as Gu Yue was about to leave, she suddenly reminded her in a cold voice, "By the way, Di must make everyone be careful, they are likely to be targeted by the Holy Spirit. There will be raids!"

She always felt that things weren't that simple!

Di Tian's golden pupils froze, "en! I understand!"

The other ominous beasts patted their chests and said, "Don't worry, Lord, those Evil Spirit Masters dare to Come, we'll let them stay here forever!"

"Yes, our legion's current overall strength, except for the spirit tool, is no less than 1st Rate Influence!"

"As long as the Holy Spirit doesn't go all out, we can kill as many as we can! I really thought we were vegetarians!"

Hearing these words, Gu Yue didn't say anything else...

"Then legion is up to everyone! Bi Ji, let's go!"

Bi Ji nodded slightly and left with Gu Yue...





(end of this chapter)

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