Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1512


Chapter 1512 Ultimatum (please subscribe)

When Gu Yue returned to the classroom, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention Eyes...

I saw Tang Wulin's entire group walking over, Xu Xiaoyan opened the mouth and said "Gu Yue, you are back"

Xie Le smacked his lips. "But you didn't come yesterday, so you missed a play."

Hearing that, Gu Yue's cheeks were filled with doubts...

Tang Wulin Seeing this, he explained, "Yesterday our class's Shrek students and Tang Sect Disciples were late because Master Xu was late, so they had a conflict and had a discussion!"

Gu Yue looked thoughtful nodded, speculated "should It was Shrek Academy who won, right? Besides, Wuduosi should have defeated the opponent alone!"

Ye Xinglan was surprised, "Gu Yue, how did you know? Could it be that you came yesterday?"


Xu Lizhi frowned "No, we didn't see you yesterday!"

Gu Yue smiled slightly, "Nothing, I just guessed"

As soon as she entered the classroom, the first thing she felt was the continuous Wuduosi that brought her great pressure!

Especially the Tang Sect Disciple beside her, looking at her with a strong fear in her eyes!

is only analyzed by these details!

Tang Wulin patted her shoulder, "No matter what else, it's good if you can come back!"

But with just such a pat, there was an extremely strong relationship between the two immediately. The reaction...

Gu Yue moved her shoulders subconsciously, face doesn't change "en!" a bit...

I should reduce my contact with him. , otherwise, Tang Wulin may discover his identity in advance!

At this moment, a Hall Master in Tang Sect costume hurriedly walked to the podium, looked at the Tang Sect Disciple and Shrek students below, opened the mouth and said "Okay. Now, everyone is quiet now, I will teach you about spirit tools today!"

Originally, Shrek Academy focused more on its own strength, but since the addition of Tang Sect Disciple, then Need someone to teach the spirit tool!

And the Hall Masters who survived Tang Sect are naturally the best choice!

...... The person from the legion should have done it! Should we do it too?"

The woman's beautiful eyes glanced at him coldly, "I have already given you full authority over this matter. Now! I just want to see satisfactory results!"

She doesn't have the heart to care about these trivial matters now, so she chose to leave it to Hades and Ghost Emperor!

Hades was a little hesitant to hear the words...


That legion really has many Super Douluo words, even if Even if he plus other great kings, he may not be able to win it successfully!

The Ghost Emperor, who had been watching this scene, coldly shouted, "Hades, are you questioning Lord Demon Sovereign's order?"

Hades hurriedly called the head , explained "I... I don't, I just feel that it is difficult to control that legion with the strength of me and other heavenly kings alone!"

If the dark bloodfiend's spirit power level does not drop, he still has 100% Confidence, but now, only nine Level 17!

Even with Nana Li and Leng Yulai, it's not enough to fight many Super Douluo! It may even become a drag on yourself!

Seems to have seen through Hades' heart, the woman looked towards the Ghost Emperor again, indifferently said "So...the Ghost Emperor, you should go with Hades and the others, be sure to Take this legion!"

Ghost Emperor heard the words, a bit of displeasure appeared on his cheeks...

But because the former's strength and identity had to crush him, he had to grit his teeth Choose to agree...

"Yes, Lord Demon Sovereign!"

Hades was relaxed and respectfully said, "With Sect Lord, the winning rate should be much higher! "

The woman closed her beautiful eyes, calmly said "Why don't you go soon?!"

Ghost Emperor and Hades looked at each other and both left the pavilion ...

After their breath disappeared, the woman opened her eyes again, coldly said, "It seems that it is necessary to use special means to cultivate some powerful Evil Spirit Masters!"

Otherwise, there is only so much high-end battle strength under my hands, which is not enough for Shrek Academy to stick between my teeth!

As for the fatal side effects of special methods on the trainees, there is no need to worry about it!


Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy!

I saw Dean sitting in the seat and the faces of each teacher were extremely ugly...

I saw the former staring angrily at the bloody nose and swollen face below Teacher Liu, scolded "Teacher Liu, what did the three of you do? Why did Shrek Academy get so angry?"

He managed to re-develop the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy. , but didn't expect, received a letter from Shrek Academy early this morning!

Either get rid of the three hands-on teachers, or wait for Shrek Academy to do it yourself!

As you can imagine, this is completely impossible to negotiate!

The Teacher Liu's face was extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Dean, haven't our Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy always hated Shrek Academy? This time they dare to send students to humiliate us, so do I. For the sake of the Academy's face!"

Dean suppressed the urge to kill him, and said sullenly, "So, this is the reason why you still lose so badly in seven-vs-two?"

The other two teachers who had also shot, explained aloud, "Dean, it's really not our fault, it's that... The strength of those two students is too perverted, one is only owned by the Spirit King. One hundred thousand years of spirit ring, although one is a Spirit Ancestor, but can use Spirit fusion skills!"

"Yeah, if I had known that they had such powerful strength, I would have rejected them. Outside the door..."

The Dean obviously didn't want to hear their explanation anymore, folded his arms and icily said "hmph! Shrek Academy is now asking me to get rid of the three of you! Yue Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy! You said, what should I do?"

These idiots, who lost the duel, even tried to kill the two students!

How can a student with such a terrifying innate talent be protected by a teacher or an Elder?

Hearing this sentence, Teacher Liu and the other two teachers suddenly turned ashen...

I can't believe that Shrek Academy, the University of Nuo, would nominate their three people. life!

There is a deep sense of regret in my heart...

One of the teachers suggested, "Dean, why don't we give up some precious things, maybe we can save them. Take Teacher Liu and their lives!"

As soon as the words fell, they were rejected by Dean...

"Impossible, Shrek Academy's attitude will never change, besides, we There's nothing they can see!"

Another Elder squinted, "But Dean, Teacher Liu and the others are doing their due diligence to the students, if they kill them, it means It chills everyone's heart!"

"Since Shrek Academy is planning to kill to the last one, then we might as well..."

If you feel carefully, you will find that his whole person is Is exuding a faint evil aura ......


(end of this chapter)

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