Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1518


Chapter 1518 Entering the inner courtyard (please subscribe)

In the early morning, I saw Lezheng with an excited face Yu woke up Yuanen Yehui, "Yehui, can you fight with me now?"

He wanted to try the battle armor Tang Wulin made for himself, so actual combat is the best Method!

Yuanen Yehui, who was awakened, had a hint of impatience on her cheeks, "It's just a one-word battle armor, do you have to be so excited?"

She didn't believe it The Holy Family can't even take out a single word battle armor!

"What do you know, it's called investment! Tang Wulin's forging talent is the strongest among the people I've ever met. Now that you have a good relationship, you can have as many battle armors as you want in the future. Is it?"

Yuanen Yehui glanced at him, indifferently said "No! you are too weak, I'm not interested!"

Every time he faced off against Le Zhengyu, Almost all of her unilateral crushing, she has been unable to arouse the slightest interest!

Le Zhengyu felt like he was being insulted, gnashing teeth said "Weak? I also broke through Spirit King recently! I'm not much weaker than you in terms of strength!"

Doesn't this woman have a spirit ring of 100,000 years? Arrogant what!

Hearing this sentence, Yuanen Yehui was stunned for a while, and only then did she exude spirit power and sense the former's aura...

It was found that it was exactly as he said, spirit The power level has reached the Spirit King realm!

Seeing Yuanen Yehui's surprised look, Le Zhengyu straightened his chest and said, "How is it? Am I right?"

Yuanen Yehui Indifferent expression said, "Even if you reach Spirit King, you are only weak! I'm going to class, you can discuss it in the dormitory slowly." A bed, then moved towards the door...

Le Zhengyu was in a hurry and stopped, "Yehui, wait! If you can learn from me, you will need to fight in the future. The Holy Family can give you support when you are wearing armor!"

In the Holy Family, he still has this right! Moreover, Yuanen Yehui's strength is so abnormal, and it will be at least a Super Douluo-level powerhouse in the future. This investment is also guaranteed to make a profit!

Who knew that just after the words fell, Yuanen Yehui turned around and looked directly into Le Zhengyu's eyes and said, "Deal!"

These beautiful eyes watched The latter, couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Why do I feel like I've been tricked by you again? You can't figure it out from the very beginning, right?"

Yuanen Yehui did not choose to answer, but calmly said, "If you want to learn from each other, hurry up! I'll be late for a while"


After that, Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu competed on the ring in the duel. Get up...

Because of the huge confrontation between the two of them, many Shrek students and Tang Sect Disciples suddenly stopped to watch!

Forgot to even go to class!

When one of the students saw Yuanen Yehui's Spirit Ability that evokes space, he was shocked and said, "My mother, is this really a third-year duel? It's hard to take even a single move!"

Another student said ill-humoredly "Nonsense, Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu are both 100% candidates to enter the inner courtyard, and their strength is naturally terrifying. We will only be killed when we go up!"

"If nothing else, Yuanen Yehui should be the most powerhouse among the young students of our Shrek Academy!"

"Then maybe there are more than a dozen students in the inner courtyard who have survived?"

And those Tang Sect Disciples saw the huge strength of the two forces in true strength. gap!

"I thought that Wu Duosi who killed a group of Tang Sect Disciple alone was enough terrifying, didn't expect this female student to be the ultimate terrifying"

"Look, that male student seems to be wearing a battle armor, otherwise he should lose the duel!"

"Although it is only the Spirit King realm, the strength that this female student has shown so far is only the most powerful. I'm afraid it's not weaker than the Spirit Saint!"

"This is still a lot of Shrek Academy inner courtyard students have been destroyed, if they are still there, oh..."

After seeing it with my own eyes, Only then did they realize that Tang Sect and Shrek Academy are not on the same level in terms of cultivating talents!

However, just as the duel entered the white-hot stage, a voice suddenly rang...

"Yuanen Yehui, Le Zhengyu, you guys were there early in the morning. Are you flouting the rules of the court in the fight in the duel?"

Seeing the person coming, Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu both stopped and respectfully said "Elder!"

Full With a majestic face, he glanced at the many silhouettes gathered under the ring, and coldly shouted, "How about you? Don't you go to class?" He trotted away...

Zuo Shi turned his head again and asked, "Why are you two fighting?"

Le Zhengyu hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Elder Zhuo Shi, we are not here. Fight, just use the actual combat to test this battle armor on my body?"

Hearing these words, the turbid eyes of the world swept the battle armor on his body, "One word battle armor, the workmanship is still good. Not bad!"

But after a pause, he was quite surprised and said, "en? The quality is almost comparable to a two-word battle armor. Who forged this?"

Le Zhengyu After being sluggish for a while, I realized, "Ah? This is forged by Tang Wulin."

It seems that the quality of this battle armor is indeed excellent, and that guy Tang Wulin did not disappoint me!

In addition, I only provided materials, and compared, but I still made money?

Zhuo Shi's eyes narrowed, and he secretly said, "Tang Wulin? Isn't that the student Chang Kong taught at Eastern Sea Academy?"

Yuanen Yehui face doesn't change He said, "Elder, do you have anything else to do? If not, I'll leave first!"

Zuoshi came back to his senses and said softly, "Wait, since we met today, you two Just come with me!"

Le Zhengyu said with a bitter face, "Elder, we really aren't fighting, don't we?"

Yuanen Yehui frowned "The Elder of the World, can you tell us what's going on?"

It's just a discussion, the Elder of the World won't hold on to it!

"Don't talk nonsense, the two of you follow quickly!!"


In the Sea God Pavilion!

I saw Yun Ming raised his eyes slightly, and the other Sea God Pavilion elders also looked towards Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu entering the attic...

The two took a After a deep breath, he said in a respectful tone, "Elders!"

Although every Sea God Pavilion Elder present did not release coercion, they had a strong sense of suffocation invisibly!

Yun Ming indifferently said "Elder Cai, please announce it!"

next to Cai Yueer nodded, softly "en!" The person opened the mouth and said, "Yuanen Yehui, Le Zhengyu, according to the strength you have shown, you have been affirmed by the Sea God Pavilion. At present, you are approved to enter the inner courtyard and become inner courtyard students!"

After the words fell, their faces did not change, but were unusually calm!

I was originally a student of the internal hospital, and now it has passed the approval, which is also expected...




(end of this chapter)

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