Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1521


Chapter 1521 Star Luo continent Exchange Qualifications (Subscribe)

In this way, the whole continent passed peacefully for a month , during which there was no conflict!

However, any high-level faction knows that this is just a brief calm before the rainstorm!

Shrek Academy!

In the past two months, about six or seven students from the outer courtyard have passed the assessment and entered the inner courtyard! To a certain extent, this has inspired the students from other colleges!

Therefore, Tang Wulin and the others also worked hard to break through to Spirit Ancestor, and Wu Duosi even reached Level 4 Level 17, only one level 3 away from breaking through to Spirit King!

At this moment, on the huge outer courtyard square! There are a lot of seats, and naturally the teachers and the Sea God Pavilion Elder are sitting on them!

and surrounded by Shrek students and Tang Sect Disciple, everyone looked at Cai Yueer standing on the stage with curious and puzzled eyes...

They opened their mouths and said, "Is there any event today? All the teachers and the Sea God Pavilion Elders have attended!"

"Who knows! It's definitely not a trivial matter to think about with your butt, The Elders of the Sea God Pavilion are so busy right now, where do they have the time to deal with trivial matters!"

"en! Be quiet, everyone, just listen carefully! Dean Cai will definitely explain!"

Xie Ru glanced at Gu Yue next to him and asked, "Gu Yue, what do you think our Academy is going to do this time? Is it possible that mobilize us to teach the Holy Spirit to fight??"


Before Gu Yue could answer, Tang Wulin rolled his eyes, "Xie Ru, what are you thinking about every day! I wish we could go to war, right? With our strength, let's not say the whole army will attack, go up. It's gone!"

If they really want to go to the battlefield, they will only have one result for these low-level Spirit Masters, becoming cannon fodder!

Xu Xiaoyan nodded and said, "That's right, if you can enjoy a culture that is as secure as it is now, you can just have fun, and what about going to the battlefield!"

Ye Xinglan interrupted coldly Said, "Reassured? Not necessarily now, have you all forgotten the tragic situation of Tang Sect?" , it is impossible to resist!"

After finishing speaking, he ate a fragrant bun and was shocked!

The rest of the people heard the words and chose to be silent...

The ruins filled with gunpowder appeared in their minds!

Inadvertently, my body was numb...

Only Gu Yue's complexion did not change, indifferently said "This is not something we should be worried about as students, Holy Since Spirit does not continue to use Level 12 Soul Guidance projectiles, it also means that it has limitations!”

“So, it’s better to focus on cultivation!”

What she is worried about, except for Di Tian's side, is another personality of herself!

She is about to wake up!

finished speaking, and gave Tang Wulin a deep look...

However, while they were talking, Cai Yueer, who was standing on the front stage, looked down at the incomparable sight. The noisy scene...

I couldn't help but frowned and said solemnly, "Everyone, be quiet!"

In an instant, the pressure of the Limit Douluo level spread out in an instant, instantly making everyone Tang Sect Disciple and Shrek students closed their mouths...

Cai Yueer then continued, "This time, the teachers and students of the school and the Elder of Sea God Pavilion are called to inform you of one thing!"

"Next month, our Academy will select a group of students from the two classes to go to Star Luo continent for exchange activities"

"The scope of this time is the first and second grades In between, I hope everyone can actively fight for places!"

The Shrek students heard the words, their eyes lit up and said, "Damn, go to Star Luo continent to communicate? Wouldn't that be representing Shrek Academy? Excited if you think about it!"

"Come on, a group of dancers and the others may occupy most of the places, do you think you have a chance?"

" Hey! It's none of our business, just take a look! It would be nice if the strength was stronger!"

While Tang Sect Disciples showed deep dissatisfaction...

Only the students of Shrek Academy, what about their Tang Sect Disciple?

"Wait! Cai Dean, what about our Tang Sect?"

"Yeah, don't we have to go to our Tang Sect?"

"Eh , it is estimated that in the eyes of other forces, our Tang Sect has already been extinguish sect, otherwise, we have already received an invitation!"

"How can this be possible, our Tang Sect still exists!"

"As long as we are still alive, Tang Sect will not be extinct, we must prove this to other forces"

Hearing these strong voices, Cai Yueer's eyes turned to where the Tang Sect Hall Masters were sitting Taking a look...>

slightly nods

"However, there are only five people in total!"

Tang Sect was not invited by Star Luo continent, so there is a risk of being criticized for bringing it in without authorization!

But if there are only five people, in the face of Shrek Academy, they will all turn a blind eye!


After returning to a class of classrooms, the students slumped on their chairs and whispered aloud, "It can be said that it is over, there is no ceremony for the opening of the school, this time it is all made up. I'm back!"

"Who said it wasn't! I've been standing for a few hours, and my legs are weak!"

"Hey! I really envy Wuduosi and the others, they can replace Shrek Academy goes to Star Luo continent!"

"No way, who told us that our strength is weak! If we go, we will only lose the Academy's face! In this case, it is better not to go!"

Hearing these words, Wu Duosi seemed unexpectedly calm...

Then she walked to Xu Sheng on the podium, opened the mouth with a smile and said "Okay, I must be specific. Cai Dean has made it clear to everyone! I won't stress it any more"

After a pause, he continued, "Because our students are the strongest in all grades, they have been rejected by the students. Default"

"Next, the students whose names I read are those I personally think are suitable to go to Star Luo continent for communication! If you have any dissatisfaction, you can raise it later!"

"Wu Duosi, Zheng Yiran, Gu Yue, Tang Wulin, Ye Xinglan, Xie Ru, Luo Guixing, Xu Lizhi..."

After Xu Sheng finished reading, not a single student interrupted!

Because in their opinion, the list made by Xu Sheng is indeed the most suitable, and there is absolutely no objection!

In order to guard against the unexpected, he asked again, "Does anyone have any objections? Or think he has the strength to go? If not, the final list is the above students!"

But that's it, some students do question...

"Wait! Master Old Xu, we all understand that other people can go there, but why can Xu Lizhi also In the past? Isn't he an auxiliary spirit master?"

"Well, for this kind of face-saving thing for the Academy, there is no need to send an auxiliary spirit master to be a burden"

"Master Xu, please change another person and disqualify Xu Lizhi!"

"Yes, it is better to disqualify Xu Lizhi and change another student!"




(end of this chapter)

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