Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1526


Chapter 1526 Testimony (Subscribe)

After hearing these words, Tang Wulin, who thinks he has thick skin, is also With a sorry look on his face...

When he was about to put these thoughts behind him, he asked the female staff member, "This elder sister, may I ask if the president is here? I want to trouble you"

The female staff member was stunned, "President? He is currently discussing with the acting presidents of other branches at the military conference. One of them seems to be named Mu Chen. You should know him, right?"

Tang Wulin's eyes flashed with joy, "Hmm! He's my teacher! But since we're in a meeting, I'll just wait here."

didn't expect teacher In the Blacksmiths Association, that way, what you want to do is much more convenient!

Who knows, the female staff member called the head and explained, "The president specially ordered that if you are here, you can go directly to the military conference room!"

Tang Wulin Startled joyfully said, "Then it's very good! This elder sister, please take us there!"

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of the female staff member looked at Xie Ruji beside him. People, replied "Sorry, the president only ordered you to go alone, so your friends are not allowed to go in!"

This sentence made Tang Wulin frown and looked at The female staff member looked at Xie Ru and the others again, and seemed a little hesitant...

Is it not a good idea to leave everyone here?

As if seeing through his thoughts, Xie Ru took the lead and said, "It's okay, Wulin, hurry up, let's go shopping in the Blacksmiths Association!"

Gu Yue nodded echoed, "en! I haven't forged for a long time, I just came here today to get acquainted with me again!"

Xu Xiaoyan's beautiful eyes blinked, lightly said with a smile " Wulin, stop fussing, hurry up, we'll be waiting for you here!"

Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi didn't say anything, but they both looked like they didn't care!

Tang Wulin pursed his thin lips, "Then... well, I will solve it as soon as possible!"

Then, under the guidance of the female staff, he took the elevator Came to the military conference room on the top floor!

Even though there is a door, I can still vaguely hear the voice of arguing inside...

The female staff extended the hand and tapped lightly on the door A few times, "da da da!"

After a while, a rather serious sentence came from inside, "Come in!"

Tang Wulin took a deep breath and took the initiative. I pushed open the door...

When I entered the military conference room, the first thing that caught my eye was my teacher, Mu Chen!

After that, the president Zhenhua and other branch presidents are sitting on the main seat!

It can be said that the best blacksmiths in the entire continent have gathered in this room!

After seeing the person coming, Mu Chen was surprised and said, "Wulin, why are you here?"

Zhenhua said with a big smile "Good boy, we still Talking about you, didn't expect to arrive so soon!"

Other acting presidents also fixed their eyes on Tang Wulin when they heard the words...

Simple After looking at them, they opened the mouth and said "Is this the talented youngster the president said? He looks very ordinary"

"You can't look like a man, although he is younger, it doesn't mean he is a forge. The strength is weak! Even more how, the president himself said it!"

"en! To be appreciated by the president, this child is definitely not so mediocre!"

Tang Wulin said "teacher, president, and seniors!"

He didn't know who these people were, so he had to use the honorific title "senior"!

Zhenhua was nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the surrounding seats and said, "Come on, Wulin, find a place where you feel comfortable to sit!"

Tang Wulin did not agree without permission, Instead, he asked Mu Chen, "teacher..."

Mu Chen laughed, "It's rare for the president to be so enthusiastic, Wulin, don't refuse!"

This old fox , He was so diligent today, who didn't know he thought he was Wulin's teacher!

Upon seeing this, Tang Wulin was no longer cautious, and found a place to sit on the side!

Immediately, Mu Chen asked, "Wulin, speaking of which, you haven't contacted me for a long time, haven't you?"

Tang Wulin said apologetically, "Yes. teacher, it's been about half a year, but I was really busy some time ago, and I didn't contact you in order to improve the spirit power level as soon as possible!"

Mu Chen asked, "Then what is your current spirit power level? ?"

Tang Wulin said seriously, "I have reached Spirit Ancestor! Today, I came to the Blacksmiths Association. In addition to visiting the teacher, another purpose is to try to become a breakthrough Level 6 blacksmith!"

Tang Wulin said seriously. p>

Although it is an attempt, he already has at least 70% confidence that he will succeed!

This sentence directly made the faces of the acting presidents change dramatically, and they said in shock, "What? You just arrived at Spirit Ancestor and you want to break through the Level 6 blacksmith?"

"This is this possible, I've never seen anyone able to do this!"

"Even I'm just a Level 7 blacksmith, which means, this child, it won't be long before It surpasses me!"

"If such a terrifying innate talent grows up, I am afraid it will reach the level of president!"

However, Zhenhua denied, "No. , Wulin's innate talent in forging has far surpasses me!"

When you know that you are a Spirit Ancestor, you are only a Level 4 blacksmith!

Both, no comparability at all!

Mu Chen lifted his chin and said, "so that's how it is, so what are you waiting for, let's try it now, there are so many seniors in the forging world to see you, this is One time!!"

Tang Wulin was also a little excited and said "Yes, teacher!"

The acting presidents also looked at each other and saw each other's thoughts!

They want to see, is this child really worthy of the word "genius"?


In the room!

I saw Di Tian's pupils emitting golden rays of light, staring at the digital Titled Douluo-level Evil Spirit Master in front, coldly said, "Although our legion agreed to join the Holy Spirit, those Evil Isn't it a bit too much for Spirit Master to brutally kill our legion members!"

The other ominous beasts also showed a bad look...

And these Evil Spirit Masters don't seem to be Seeing the general, he said with disdain "hmph, this legion has been submitted to me by Holy Spirit, isn't it just killing a few members, what's the worst?"

"Those Spirit Masters It's their honor to die in our hands!"

"I advise you to keep your own business in mind. If you can continue to be the head of the legion, just have fun!"

Di Tian condensed slightly, "You guys!"

Even if it was him, he couldn't help showing some anger...

Seeing this, Bi Ji next to him stretched out his hand on the He placed it on his shoulder and comforted, "Di Tian!! Don't conflict with them!"

If these Titled Douluo-level Evil Spirit Masters are killed, their plans will definitely be affected!

For this reason, you must be patient!

suppressed the angry Di Tian, coldly shouted "Go away!"




(end of this chapter)

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