Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1528


Chapter 1528 Find the Difference (Subscribe)

After continuous tapping, layers begin to form on the metal surface The white-spotted impurities fell down. Obviously, this is the impurities contained in the metal!

Although it doesn't look difficult, it is a very, very test of the blacksmith's skills!

The more excellent the forge, the less impurities in the metal forged, and the quality of the finished products made of these metals will also be greatly improved!

When most of the impurities of this metal fall off, its shape becomes an irregular quadrilateral, and the roundness of the surface can be seen with naked eyes!

But Tang Wulin's eyes did not show a satisfied look, he increased the power of his percussion again, and made bursts of rumbling sounds...

The agent sitting beside him The presidents, I've been fascinated at the moment, everyone's eyes are full of surprise look...

One of the men opened the mouth and said "every hammer hits" It is just right, which can not only remove the impurities inside the metal, but also prevent the metal from being damaged due to excessive force! Is this really a child who is only in the second grade?"

The black woman couldn't help but sighed, "Even if it's me, I can't make the impurities in this metal fall off so perfectly, the president... he's not exaggerating! This child is worthy of the title of genius!"

"But... isn't this metal ready to be shaped? Why does this child continue to strike?"

"It should be to forge this metal into Top Grade! But It's not an easy thing!"

It is important to deal with impurities in metals, but it must be done according to one's ability, and the pursuit of perfection will only pay off!

Mu Chen frowned slightly, apparently also felt that Tang Wulin's actions were a little irrational, so he couldn't help but reminded "Dance..."

But he didn't wait for him to say After finishing, Zhenhua interrupted, "I said Mu Chen, why don't you trust your Disciple? Besides, there are so many people watching now, so it's not good to remind me without authorization!"

He could vaguely understand what Tang Wulin meant. Since he wants to forge, he must forge the best!

Isn’t that the same idea when I was myself?

Mu Chen was silent...

Indeed, it is now equivalent to the Level 6 blacksmith assessment, so reminding me without permission is a broken rule!

This is, Zhenhua's voice rang again, "Look, let me tell you, this child already knows that he can't extract more impurities, and is ready to go to the next step!"


Mu Chen, who was somewhat absent-minded, heard the words, his eyes flashed rays of light again, and he stared at Tang Wulin, who began to forge other metals, and his heart was quietly relaxed...

Hope, it can be successful!

This is my sincere hope as a teacher of the latter!


On the other side, the Gu Yue entire group was hanging out, everyone's face showed a little tiredness...

They I have been waiting here for several hours, but I still haven't seen Tang Wulin back!

Xie Ru couldn't help complaining, "It's been half an hour, why hasn't Wulin completed the Level 6 blacksmith assessment? Did he fail?"

Xu Xiaoyan glanced at him and interrupted, "Don't talk nonsense, I won't say how difficult the assessment of a Level 6 blacksmith is, and it definitely takes more than an hour or two!"

Gu Yue nodded, and said seriously, "Well, I'm only a Level 4 blacksmith. It takes at least one hour to forge an item within the range of my ability. Wulin, he, probably takes half a day of work."

After all the Level 6 Blacksmith is a huge dividing line! Many people will be stuck at this step for life!

Xu Lizhi's cheeks showed disappointment, "Ah? Doesn't this mean that our plans for today are going to fail!"

He also wanted to eat a lot. Dayton!


You say lose weight?

I'll start losing weight after I'm full today!

Ye Xinglan glared at him and said coldly, "Compared to the so-called plan, Tang Wulin becoming a Level 6 blacksmith is obviously more meaningful to us!"

First semester Tang Wulin, with the help of everyone, has been able to create a one-word battle armor!

is now a Level 6 blacksmith, maybe...

At this moment, a group of boys and girls in uniform came in from outside the Blacksmiths Association!

When they found out that the Gu Yue entire group was standing in front of them, the leading male student opened the mouth impatiently and said "hey hey hey, you guys, don't get in the way, okay? Get out of here!"

Xie Le, who heard this sentence, looked in the direction where the voice came from, and found that the opposite was talking about his entire group, coldly said "How did you speak? Squirting shit?"

There is still such a guy who catches and bites people these days?

After this sentence fell, it directly angered the former, gnashing teeth said "you are courting death..."

But before he finished speaking, another man beside him. A male student pointed to Xie Ru's school badge and reminded, "Old... boss, these guys are students of Shrek Academy, we can't afford to offend!"

The male students headed heard this sentence Not only did he not have the slightest fear, but instead said in a tone of contempt, "hmph, what about Shrek Academy? It's not that Holy Spirit can't be taught, but it's a continent's first Academy, shame!"

Seeing this, the students behind them all gleamed and said, "As expected of the boss, even Shrek Academy is not afraid!"

"hmph, nonsense, our boss is the most innate talent in the Academy. Level 4 blacksmiths, even teachers are full of praise!"

"These Shrek Academy students will bully people based on their status!"

"Look at them It looks like it is just a group of freshmen who have just entered Shrek Academy for a few semesters, we don't need to be afraid!"

Hearing Xie Lai being humiliated by the Academy, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his hands condensed a gleam of radiance. The sharp light dragon dagger, the four spirit rings under his feet quietly rise...

The more rational Gu Yue immediately stopped him, and he made a move at the Blacksmiths Association, and the consequences were very serious!

Xie Re hesitated for a while, but withdrew the Spirit, but his face was extremely gloomy...

At this time, Gu Yue looked towards these students who were deliberately finding fault. , said expressionlessly, "We shouldn't have offended you, right?"

The male student headed disdainly said, "So what, I just don't like you guys!!"

He At first I wanted to enter Shrek Academy, but because of the spirit power level difference of Level 1, I met the admission requirements, so I was eliminated!

Since then, I have hated the entire Shrek Academy!

It's hard for him to meet a freshman who has just entered Shrek Academy. It's not a good humiliation, I'm sorry for myself!

Xu Xiaoyan changed her cute appearance, gloomy and coldly said, "I advise you not to go too far, Shrek Academy is not something you can mess with any cat or dog!"

Ye Xinglan also added expressionlessly, "I think, you shouldn't know that the Riyue Imperial Family Soul Guide Academy has abandoned the Academy and fled because he offended Shrek Academy?"

"If you don't want to. Academy is implicated because of you, so go as far as you can!”




(End of this chapter)

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