Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1538


Chapter 1538 Luxury Ship (Subscribe)

After listening to her explanation, Wu Siduo’s face softened After a few minutes, he secretly said, "so that's how it is..."

didn't expect Tang Wulin's innate talent in forging can already be known to young forging masters in other continents!

Otherwise, why did you make a special trip to ask yourself about this?

Immediately, Wu Siduo looked at Lin Yuhan again and calmly said, "There is indeed a student named Tang Wulin among the students we came here. As for whether it is the student you mentioned, I don't know."

The latter excitedly said "It's not wrong, it must be him!"

She did research in advance, there is only one student in Shrek Academy named Tang Wulin, and also a student of the outer courtyard!

Wu Duosi no longer continued to entangle, "Well, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

After Lin Yuhan came back to his senses, she hurriedly He said, "Wait...Thank you, this thing should be regarded as a greeting gift from me!"

After delaying the other party for so long, I'm sorry if I don't come up with a treat...

Immediately, I took out the special products of Star Luo continent from the spirit tool...

And Wu Siduo just swept it lightly, "No need!"

After saying this, I just left...

Lin Yuhan was stunned when he saw this...

After a few seconds, he was quite puzzled and said, "Is it because I don't want to give it to you? Is it too cheap?”

As expected of a student of Shrek Academy, it’s normal to have high vision!

But it doesn't matter, my only wish is to compete with that Tang Wulin!


In this way, the students of Shrek Academy spent the night in the bustling Tianhai Hotel!

The next day! The sky was just a few rays of light, and the members of the various exchange groups in the Tianhai Hotel were awakened by a broadcast sound...

"Hello everyone, I'm Pan Wen, the Secretary-General of the Federation, who will be in charge of this. This is the next exchange activity to Star Luo continent!"

"Outside the Tianhai Hotel, all the shuttle buses have arrived, please count the number of people in each exchange group quickly, and then get on the bus in order!"

Because of the special nature of Shrek Academy, I took the second luxury bus!

As for the first car, it is exclusively for members of the Star Luo continent exchange group!

It wasn't until all the exchange groups boarded the bus that the bus all started at the same time, and began to move towards the west at a very fast speed...

It took about a dozen or so In minutes, the bus was approaching the pier, and I could vaguely see the two huge ships in the distance through the window...

Each giant ship is at least 100 meters high, and the deck alone has a full five feet. The layer, apart from this, all around is surrounded by a lot of black holes, which are loaded with formidable power and powerful soul-guided shells!

Even if you encounter an enemy, you can still have a good counterattack ability!

Xie Le exclaimed, "My God! this a giant ship? It's the first time I've seen it in my life!" Guang said, "Well, it's the first time I've seen such a huge ship, it's far more luxurious than the family's!"

Tang Wulin said with emotion, "After all, this is a huge ship that will receive various Great Influences. Ah, it must be more luxurious, otherwise it will not only lose the face of Tianhai City!"

But... this giant ship is indeed much bigger than I imagined! Especially those pitch-black soul-guided shells, at least they are Level 6 spirit tools, right?

Only Xu Lizhi swallowed his throat and said expectantly, "I just don't know if there is any delicious food in this giant ship, or the specialty of Star Luo continent, hehehe..."

But the next second, he felt the cold gaze from Ye Xinglan...

The former scratched his head, said with some guilty conscience "Sister Xinglan, I'm just joking, even if there are countless Clear food, at most you can smell it!"

Ye Xinglan folded her arms and said coldly, "hmph, this is the best way, if I find you eating uncontrollably like before. , I'm too lazy to care about you!"

next to Gu Yue lightly said with a smile "Xing Lan, you can't use this kind of threat, weight loss depends on self-consciousness!"

Ye Xinglan hesitated, "But..."

To put it bluntly, she just didn't trust Xu Lizhi in her heart!

After all, for the latter, the only hobby is to eat!

I want him to consciously control his food intake.

But Tang Wulin is comforted "Don't worry, Xinglan, Lizhi has promised, he will never let you down! You say so, Gu Yue?"

Those arms subconsciously wanted to put them on Gu Yue's shoulders, but before that, they were cleverly avoided...

The latter just gave a cold "en!" ...

Tang Wulin touched his nose angrily...

It seems that Gu Yue is still not relieved because of what happened last time...

At this time, Xu Sheng's voice rang, interrupting their conversation...

"We've arrived at the pier, everyone pack up and get off the bus!"

… …

Holy Spirit teaches!

I saw Vice-Sect Master Harotha summoned the Evil Spirit Masters above the Spirit Douluo level except for the Ghost Emperor and the Demon Sovereign!

I saw Nana Li frowned and asked, "Vice-Sect Master, did you call us all to announce something important?"

Leng Yulai was Squinting his eyes, he said, "Sect Lord and Demon Sovereign were not involved, Vice-Sect Master, what are you going to do?" ......

But if you feel it carefully, you will find that his spirit power level has increased by Level 1, from Level 17 to Level 18!

As for the cost, and how many Spirit Master lives were devoured, it is unknown!

Harrosa stared at everyone and said sadly, "Not long ago, all Great Influences sent young and talented students to Star Luo continent for exchange activities. A great opportunity for Holy Spirit to teach you how to do it!"

"As long as you secretly kill all these young students, you can inhibit the development of other forces to a certain extent!"

Of course, More importantly, gather the Evil Spirit Masters in Star Luo continent to create a branch of sect taught by Holy Spirit!

Nana Li pursed her thin lips, "Vice-Sect Master, you mean, send us to Star Luo continent to attack them?"

Harrosa nodded , "That's right! And this time, I'll go together too!"

After all, it is still a little difficult to conquer the Evil Spirit Master of Star Luo continent with the strength of Leng Yulai and the three!

Leng Yulai's beautiful eyes flickered, "Vice-Sect Master, but if you do this, won't the defense of Holy Spirit become empty?"

"Besides, , there have been a lot of strengths searching for us recently..."

It is obviously not a wise idea to go to the Star Luo continent now!

Halosa glanced at her and coldly said "Holy Spirit has the Sect Lord and the Demon Sovereign in charge of guarding it. If you can't guard both of them, even if we're still here, it's just in vain"

He knows the strength of Demon Sovereign and Ghost Emperor best! It is definitely not comparable to the ordinary Limit Douluo!




(end of this chapter)

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