Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1541


Chapter 1541 Tang Wulin's confession? (Subscribe)

On the other side, somewhere near the edge!

I saw the legion that was moving towards all around searching, and stopped one after another...

One of the legion members wiped the sweat from his forehead, gasping for breath and said, "Leader, let's Is it a mistake, if the Holy Spirit teaching is in this range, it should be impossible for us to search!"

Another member also echoed, "Yes, Captain, in my opinion, Let's search in other directions, this place simply doesn't have half a silhouette!"

"Instead of searching aimlessly here, it is better to arrest an Evil Spirit Master and torture him to extort a confession of Holy Spirit. The position of teaching!"

"Yes, yes, I also agree with this method, the success rate is obviously much higher!"

Yes, it is War who is called the leader One of the eighteen War Gods of God Temple!

I saw this War God exuding strong spirit power fluctuations all over his body, and his incomparably solemn cheeks made him look majestic...

However, he then said The words that came out were completely different from what they showed!

"Fuck! Wanting to catch a live Evil Spirit Master easier said than done, even more how, we don't know the true or false position of Holy Spirit taught from his mouth !"

"If you search for them one by one, it will be a waste of time"

When they are really found, I am afraid that each Great Influence has already been destroyed by the Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball. Obliterated!

The closest member was sighed, "But head, we can't just search for it like that, we'll be exhausted before we find the Holy Spirit teacher!"

Hearing this sentence, the War God fell silent...

Indeed, with such a high-intensity search, even if everyone is a Spirit Master, it has a great impact on the body. loads!

Just when there was nothing to do, someone suddenly said, "Wait, Captain, there seems to be a rotting corpse in front of you!"

This sentence immediately attracted all legions The members' attention, they all began to move towards the direction of the rotten smell...

A few minutes later, dozens of Spirit Master corpses appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Every corpse is very shriveled, especially the eyes that have lost their color, which are widening, as if they had suffered a huge torture during their lifetime!

All the legion members present felt a chill, gnashing teeth said, "All of them have lost their Life Aura! And their bodies are very shriveled, I'm afraid the blood in their bodies will be artificially sucked out!"

"This... this kind of corpse was done by the Evil Spirit Master, and the Holy Spirit's station must be around, we are not mistaken!"

"Yes, I have seen Evil Spirit too. The scene where the Master slaughtered the Spirit Master is such a tragic situation!"

"Damn, when the Holy Spirit Cult's lair is found, they must pay the price!"

The War God He squatted down and poured spirit power into one of the corpses, his face darkened immediately...

"It was really killed by the Evil Spirit Master... That also proves that the Holy Spirit teaches It’s really in the vicinity”

However, isn’t it a bit too weird for Holy Spirit to dare to act so wildly, knowing that the Great Influences are searching for them?

Thinking of this, he shouted the head again, "Well, it's useless to think so much, let's report it to the Palace Lord and other War Gods first!"

Then I dialed the contactor of Vice Palace Lord Guan Yue...


On the open deck, the soft sunlight kept pouring down, making the surroundings flooded with bursts of light. Warm...

Tang Wulin stretched his waist, looked at the deep blue sea below, and said with emotion, "It's so comfortable, it's much better than staying at the Academy!

Xie Ru nodded, "Isn't that right, we immerse ourselves in cultivation in the Academy every day, and we finally have the opportunity to come into contact with such new things, which naturally makes us feel more comfortable! "

And Xu Lizhi took a big sip of the juice in his hand, "hehe, the most important thing is that this giant ship is so luxurious!" No matter what you want to eat, drink, you can find it! "

Xu Xiaoyan stretched out her hands and carefully felt the gust of wind blowing, "Isn't this beautiful environment more memorable? If possible, I would like to live here forever! "

After a pause, he stuck out the tongue again and said, "But this giant ship is not cheap, so I just thought about it!" "

Even her family can't bear to burn money like this!

Ye Xinglan seemed to have noticed Gu Yue, who was beside him with a heavy face, said curiously "Gu Yue, how do you look?" Looking preoccupied? Wasn't it just fine? "

Gu Yue shook the head and forced a smile, "It's nothing, I just thought of some headaches"

The so-called headaches are naturally the Spirit Beast legion!

After Di Tian contacted her that day, although she told the former how to do it, but... I don't know if it will work!

Tang Wulin glanced at Gu Yue and swelled up. Courage said, "Well, can I trouble everyone to go over first? I have something I want to talk to Gu Yue alone! "

Xie Ru was shocked and said, "Let's talk alone, I'll go, are you planning to confess? "

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes flashed with the soul of gossip, and he said urgently, "Really? Wulin, are you going to confess? Can I have a listen? "

Ye Xinglan said seriously, "didn't expect Wulin, you are so bold, but confessing in such a romantic place, the success rate is indeed much higher!" "

Next to Xu Li said curiously "Sister Xinglan, how do you know?" "

Ye Xinglan choked and coughed, "I... Of course I know, there are quite a few male students who have confessed to me, although, there are none that I like!" "

Hearing this sentence, Xu Lizhi silently buried his head...

So many geniuses in the Academy were rejected by Sister Xinglan...

If...just if, if I confessed to Sister Xinglan, maybe I can't even maintain this relationship now?

Tang Wulin hurriedly waved his hand and explained, ", everyone. Don't get me wrong, just something personal! "

But this not only didn't dispel everyone's suspicion, but it got worse and worse!

Xie Ru showed an "I understand you" look, indifferently said "That... Since Wulin has said so, so let's reluctantly make room for the two of them! "

Immediately, they all left and hid behind a bunker to peek...

At this moment, the entire deck was empty, leaving only Tang Wulin and Gu Yue. The two big eyes staring at small eyes...

Finally, Tang Wulin couldn't help but ask his doubts, "That... Gu Yue, are you mad at me? "

Gu Yue pursed her thin lips and said expressionlessly, "No, you are overthinking it!" "

Tang Wulin showed a determined look, and said seriously, "No, I can see that you were definitely not like this before, and you will not deliberately ignore my existence!" "

"So, Gu Yue, can you tell me why?" "

He just wants to know what made Gu Yue's attitude towards him change so much!




(end of this chapter)

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