Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1549


Chapter 1549 Coincidence, misunderstanding (please subscribe)

The strikes are behind Tang Wulin. Although the latter's body is constantly trembling, it is not shaken at all...

Even he has deep admiration in his eyes, "Good boy, he can endure it for so long! But With this palm down, you are ready to lie down."

Immediately, both of his hands were united, and the atmosphere of the surrounding crimson became more intense. It slammed into Tang Wulin's back...

There was a loud bang!

For him, whose pain has reached the limit, his eyes darkened and he fell into a coma...

Muye's face flashed a few panic, "It's bad, it seems a little bit. Too hard! Shouldn't this kid just die?"

Thinking of this, he stepped in front of Tang Wulin and carefully sensed the spirit power emanating from his "corpse" fluctuations ……

After confirming that everything is fine, the bottom of my heart is secretly relaxed……

Makino took a deep breath, looking at Tang Wulin, whose body is full of powerful Power of Qi and Blood, the corners of his mouth twitched. With an arc, "Then, we will meet again, boy!"

After saying this, he jumped out of the window and disappeared outside the room...

The next day!

Outside the cabin, Xie Ru knocked on the door and said, "Wulin, Wulin, are you awake? Are you still lazy in bed?"

However, there was no sound inside...

This made Gu Yue and the others beside them all showing their doubts...

Under normal circumstances, Tang Wulin is a The first among them said that they wanted to absorb some Purple Qi...

Xu Xiaoyan frowned, "en? Why is there no sound at all, this guy is really still sleeping, right?"

Xu Lizhi scratched his head and thought, "Maybe Wulin was too tired last night?"

Xie Ru rolled the eyes, "I just danced a little yesterday, and even You are not tired as an auxiliary spirit master, how could Wulin be tired?"

Gu Yue, who had a premonition that something was wrong, coldly said "Something must have happened, force it to open!"


"Okay, let me come!"

Ye Xinglan's eyes slammed, and after releasing the Star God sword, he injected a huge spirit power into it, and slashed at the hatch...


Three deafening collisions sounded, and the cabin door fell down...

Enter the cabin Then, what caught their eyes was Tang Wulin who fell into a coma in the corner!

Gu Yue rushed over immediately and quickly squatted down to feel the situation of the former...

When she was sure it was all right, she opened the mouth to the others and said "Wulin, he just I fell into a deep sleep, it's okay!"

Everyone was relaxed...

Xie La clenched his fists coldly said "Damn, Wulin he impossible fell to the ground out of thin air and fell into a deep sleep. , could it be the hands and feet of those Star Luo Imperial Academy last night?!"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded, a rare expression of anger, "It is possible, if this is the case, we must not let it go easily They!"

Ye Xinglan forced herself to calm down, shook her head and said, "I don't think so, they have just had a conflict with us. If we really want to do something, we can immediately suspect them!"

Gu Yue also calmly said "Well, Star Luo Imperial Academy would not do such a stupid thing!"

Xu Lizhi's simple and honest face showed a hint of advice, "Then what should we do? We can't let Wulin suffer this grievance in vain!"

Just when everyone had no clue, Lin Yuhan, wearing a long golden dress and smiling, walked over...


When I found out that the Gu Yue entire group was there, I was quite surprised and said, "Hey, are you all there?"

Xie La, who was already upset because of Tang Wulin's affairs , said with displeasure "What are you doing here?"

Lin Yuhan was stunned and explained, "Wulin promised me yesterday to discuss with me about forging this morning"

Xu Xiaoyan frowned "Wulin didn't promise you, that's your own opinion!"

Ye Xinglan agreed, "Well, I can testify!"

Lin Yuhan's His face also turned a little cold, "Anyway, this has nothing to do with you, right? I'm looking for Tang Wulin!"

Why do these guys always get in the way!

Xu Lizhi leaned close to Gu Yue and whispered, "Gu Yue, do you think this girl moved her hand, she just told Wulin yesterday that she is coming today, but something happened tonight. !"

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes narrowed, stood up from the ground, stared at Lin Yu and said, "Wulin was attacked last night, and he is still sleeping until now! Come here now, Are you trying to express something?"

After these words fell, the rest of the people also looked towards the latter with suspicious eyes...

Lin Yuhan heard the words and moved towards the room. Looking around, Yu Guang happened to spot Tang Wulin, who had passed out on the ground...

She immediately understood why the students of Shrek Academy in front of her were looking towards her very wrong!

After frowning slightly, "You guys...doubt it's my hand?"

Gu Yue confronted each other and said, "The only person who acted strangely with us yesterday was you, We have to suspect!"

Lin Yu bit her thin lip, "It's just a coincidence, Tang Wulin's attack has nothing to do with me!"

She attacked Tang Wulin , is there any benefit?

Xie Ru heard the words and replied with a sneer, "hmph, if you say it's irrelevant, it's irrelevant? How about fooling the children?"

Ye Xinglan also coldly said "If it's not you, why? Why did you want to come this morning? And Wulin happened to be attacked last night?"

Lin Yuhan suddenly didn't know how to explain, "You..."

At the same time, Tang Wulin, who was falling into a deep sleep, seemed to be awakened by the quarrel, and his face was extremely pale...

Gu Yue, who found the former awake, hurriedly asked, "Wulin, are you alright? "

Tang Wulin shook the head, "I'm fine, and... everyone, what happened last night has nothing to do with... her!"

He vaguely remembered that he fell down When he came down, the person who attacked himself was a tall silhouette, and it was a man!

However, I still don't understand why the other party didn't kill me!

Or do you just want to simply obey?

Seeing Tang Wulin to prove himself, Lin Yuhan said coldly, "You all heard it, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Gu Yue entire group It was all silent...

Tang Wulin stood up, showing a weak smile, "Sorry, please forgive my companions, they were just too worried about me, and you appeared too coincidentally !"

Lin Yuhan's face returned to normal, and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Forget it, I didn't intend to care about this! But the agreement last night?"

Tang Wulin nods, earnestly said "Well, I'll do it, as compensation for misunderstanding you!"

This answer made Lin Yuhan very satisfied...

"Well, it's almost the same, then You have a good rest, I will come back to you at night!”





(End of this chapter)

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