Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1578


Chapter 1578 Go to Star Luo continent Tang Sect Headquarters (Subscribe)

After leaving the youth Spirit Master tournament Afterwards, the teams of various forces gathered together...

They all complained, "Where should we go now? The Youth Spirit Master tournament has stopped again!"

"Of course we're going back to the hotel, otherwise where else would you like to go? Hey, who would have thought such a thing would happen? The process of our coming to Star Luo continent was really twists and turns!"

"You said... Could it be that Star Luo Empire did this on purpose? It's just that we, the Spirit Master of Doluo Continent, will win the championship!"

"Impossible, who would easily use a country's Her Highness the Princess as an excuse, if Being discovered, the Spirit Masters of the entire Star Luo continent will be ashamed!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Tang Wulin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he opened the mouth and said to Gu Yue next to him " Gu Yue, since the Youth Spirit Master tournament is forced to end, let's go to the Tang Sect headquarters for a walk."

Gu Yue raised her chin and thought, "Well, that's what I thought too, after all, returning to the hotel is also a good idea. It's just a rest, why don't you take the opportunity to take a look!"

After a pause, he asked the others, "What about everyone's opinions?"

Wu Si Duo indifferently said " I have no opinion!"

Among all the people present, she is the one who wants to improve her strength the most, and maybe she can get any chance by going to Tang Sect!

Xu Xiaoyan licked her soft thin lips, "I don't mind either, if you go together, maybe there will be delicious food to taste"

Xu Lizhi heard the words, eyes wide. "Beautiful... gourmet?"

Although I want to lose weight, it shouldn't be affecting my weight if I simply taste it!

Ye Xinglan, who was beside him, helped his forehead helplessly, tapped the former on the head gently, and reminded, "Don't think too much, we are not VIPs, it's not bad to be able to enter Tang Sect!"

Tang Wulin excitedly said, "Since everyone has decided, then let's go tell Master Old Xu, if you don't agree, there's nothing you can do"

On the other side, Shen Yi looked Grim stared at Xu Sheng, as if there was something in his heart...

Seeing through her Xu Sheng at a glance, said curiously "Shen Yi, do you have something to say!"

Shen Yi took a deep breath and said seriously "Xu Sheng, Cai Dean asked me to tell you one thing, in a week, Shrek Academy and the rest of the forces will join forces to suppress Holy Spirit!"

"The Sea God Pavilion hopes you can help!"

After listening to this sentence, Xu Sheng surprisedly said "Multiple forces are united, even the Holy Spirit should not be able to resist, I Go, it's just the icing on the cake!"

He didn't really want to participate in this matter, but was very interested in the captured Her Highness the Princess...

Shen Yi was stunned for a while, then hesitantly said, "That's what I said...but we are all teachers of Shrek Academy, we have to show it."

Xu Sheng smiled slightly and didn't say anything else...

Meanwhile, Tang Wulin and the others walked to the front of them, opened the mouth full of hope and said "Master Old Xu, Teacher Shen, we have something to ask for your permission"

Xu Sheng raised his brows and said softly, "What's the matter, let's talk about it"

Shen Yi cast a suspicious look...

Tang, who was being watched Wulin replied weakly, "Everyone is thinking about coming to the Star Luo continent, and now the Youth Spirit Master tournament has also stopped. I want to take this opportunity to visit the Tang Sect headquarters!"

Other people are also nodded Says it does!

Xu Sheng said leisurely, "Go to the Tang Sect really can figure it out"

Shen Yi said decisively, "No, now Her from Star Luo Empire Highness the Princess has been captured by the Evil Spirit Master, if you act alone, it is easy to be targeted!”

Tang Wulin and the others in front of them are also the key training objects in Shrek Academy, they must not what happened!

Xie Ru patted his chest and assured, "Teacher Shen, don't worry, we're just going to have a look, we'll be back soon, and the Tang Sect headquarters is not too far from here!"

Xu Xiaoyan stretched out her arms to hug Shen Yi, and said coquettishly, "Teacher Shen, you agree, okay..."

Shen Yi's brows tightened, and she shook off Xu Xiaoyan, coldly said "Don't be cute, this trick is useless to me!"

Gu Yue glanced at the actions of the two of them, showing that she was speechless...

Immediately, she said seriously, "Teacher Shen , it's the dance teacher who asked us to visit Tang Sect!"

She has long known the former's character, so she might as well explain the reason!

Shen Yi was stunned for a while, then narrowed his beautiful eyes and said, "Senior Brother? Do you know the consequences of lying to me?"

This unreasonable oppression made Tang Wulin's forehead leave A few drops of cold sweat, embarrassed said with a smile "Teacher Shen, how dare we lie to you, it's really what the teacher said!" After lying like a lie, Shen Yi retracted his gaze...

"Well, since that's the case, I don't have any opinion, but you must pay attention to your own safety, and immediately contact me and Master Old Xu when you are in danger. !"

Tang Wulin and the others looked overjoyed, excitedly said "Yes, many thanks Teacher Shen "

Next to Xu Sheng scratched his hair, some didn't know whether to cry or laugh...

"This is the decision? Don't you ask me?"

Shen Yi rolled the eyes angrily, "With Xu Sheng your Personality, I will definitely agree!"

Xu Sheng shrugged, "Really? That seems to be right... However, Shen Yi, you should take the students back to the hotel first, I have something to do. Do it!"

Shen Yi's beautiful eyes narrowed, "Xu Sheng, shouldn't it be..."


Somewhere in the dark In the attic, I saw an Evil Spirit Master reaching out and raising Dai Yuner's chin, saying with a sneer "It seems that Her Highness the Princess of the Star Luo Imperial Family is also very ordinary, I can't bear the pain. It's gone!"

If you look closely, you will find that her eyes are dull and dull, obviously suffering from great torture...

The eyes of other Evil Spirit Masters reveal Out of a fierce light, she has no intention of letting Dai Yuner off because of this...

"Hmph, her miserable cry is really pleasing!"

"Since the mental torture can't make her change, why don't you try the body!"

"Just break her fingers off one by one. Begin, hahaha hahaha! "

"You guys are really inhuman, but...I like it!" "

After finishing speaking, the Evil Spirit Master walked up to Dai Yun'er, grabbed her palm roughly, and then snapped it at her little finger...

With a "click", the severe pain of the broken bones awakened Dai Yuner, who had already lost consciousness, and her cheeks were obviously broken, and she let out bursts of screams...

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!"

At this moment, the door was kicked open, and the Spirit Master of the digital Star Luo Empire broke into the pavilion, and immediately discovered the tragic situation of Dai Yuner...

Immediately shouted "You despicable Evil Spirit Masters, return Her Highness the Princess to us! Otherwise, don't blame me for showing no mercy! ”




(end of this chapter)

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