Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1580


Chapter 1580 Rescue (Subscribe)

Xu Sheng’s dark eyes glanced at Dai Yun’er, and he immediately saw Her current mental state has completely collapsed...

She pursed her thin lips and said, "After being tortured for so long, she is still able to survive, and she did not lose face to the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family!"


But Evil Spirit Master, who was headed by him, had gradually lost his patience, and said in a cruel tone, "Don't do it, this guy let me come! I will let him experience what pain is!"

I am Titled Douluo! If you want to kill this weak chicken who is only a Spirit Saint in front of you, it is completely with no difficulty!

In the next second, nine spirit rings exuding terrifying coercion appeared under his feet, and a dense black gas appeared behind him, unable to see what was inside, Only those bloody eyes are the most conspicuous...

Without any hesitation, the Evil Spirit Master took a deep breath, rushed towards Xu Sheng like Gui Mei, and punched him in the face. Go...

And Xu Sheng just stared blankly at the incoming fist, without the slightest fear...

Seeing this scene, Evil Spirit Master said with a sneer in his heart "I actually want to use my body to resist, naive!"

My own defense is not so simple to resist!

But what happened next made him turned pale in fright!

I saw Xu Sheng's palm, and when the fist was about to hit him, he held it precisely, making it impossible to go any further!

Evil Spirit Master's cheeks showed panic, "How is it possible, you are just a Spirit Saint, why can you block my attack!"

For this question, Xu Sheng just Slightly smiled, and asked back, "Will Spirit Saint be crushed by you?"

Feeling the sarcasm in his words, Evil Spirit Master's sanity gradually disappeared, and angrily shouted "Damn! go die for Me! The fifth Spirit Ability..."

trifling Spirit Saint, where did the confidence come from mocking myself, this Titled Douluo!

However, before the Evil Spirit Master could unleash the Spirit Ability, Xu Sheng's other hand took the lead in holding his head, and slammed towards the ground and smashed away...

After the Evil Spirit Master's head was in close contact with the ground, a loud "peng!" sound was heard, and a huge crack burst open in an instant...

Again Look, the violent impact made Evil Spirit Master's head spray out pungent blood, and the whole person flew upside down more than ten meters away...

Forcing the dizziness from his head to stand After getting up, he stared at Xu Sheng and said, " is it possible to interrupt my Spirit Ability...This is not something that Spirit Saint can do!"

Being pressed by the other party At the moment of the head, the spirit power in his body seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't call out even a little bit!

The feeling of powerlessness that comes from the heart, if you don't experience it yourself, you will never know the other party's terrifying!

The rest of the Evil Spirit Masters swallowed their throats, apparently having a hard time accepting what just happened...

"This... this guy is really a Spirit Saint Can you actually take the initiative in the battle with Titled Douluo!"

"The boss was only one step away from being promoted to Super Douluo's powerhouse, and in front of this man, he was actually shriveled!"

"Illusion... Illusion, how could the Spirit Saint have such a strong strength? It's definitely an illusion!"

"Don't be stupid! This man is obviously not a Spirit Saint! He must be hiding the truth. The spirit power fluctuations!"

Hearing these words, Xu Sheng's tone gradually became colder, "didn't expect you to be able to see it, there is no way... Everyone must die!"

When these Evil Spirit Masters saw this, they quickly surrounded Xu Sheng, coldly said, "Don't talk big there, you alone want to destroy it. Us!"

"This guy is not simple, let's go together, don't give him any chance!"

"en! His true strength may have reached Super Douluo, absolutely Don't be careless"

"Let's go together! Even if it is Super Douluo, it is impossible to be our opponent!!"


Soon after, the entire pavilion The smell of blood was even worse...

The only one still alive was the Evil Spirit Master who had collapsed to the ground and had completely lost his mobility...

Only Seeing him staring at Xu Sheng above his head with despair, he trembled and said, "You... who are you?"

The man in front of him is not Super Douluo at all, but more than their Evil Spirit Master Terrifying devil! !

Even if he is a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse, in his hands he is like a puppet toying with, without any resistance at all!

Xu Sheng looked down at him condescendingly, "Me? Sea God Pavilion Elder, Xu Sheng!" It split into a few petals and lost its vitality in a few seconds...

Simply glanced at the bodies of all the Evil Spirit Masters lying on the ground, shook his head and said, "It's really boring, Evil Spirit taught by Holy Spirit. Master, it's a little too weak!"

Immediately, he moved towards Dai Yun'er, whose limbs were locked, and with a wave of his hand, the chains instantly shattered into pieces and fell down...

However, she lost her support and fell straight to the ground, staring at the ground dully...

Her spirit has completely collapsed, even after recovering from the physical injuries , and can never regain his consciousness!

Of course, the premise is... not to encounter Xu Sheng!

I saw the gentle Life Power in his body, which penetrated into Dai Yuner's mind like a thread, and began to repair her sea of Divine Consciousness...

About ten seconds later, Dai Yuner's sluggish eyes regained some vigour...

When Xu Sheng appeared in his eyes, he was a little surprised and said, "It's you... ...Saved me?"

Isn't this man the Sea God Pavilion Elder he saw at the Youth Spirit Master tournament?

I didn't want to save myself, but it was him!

He couldn't help but feel a strange feeling...

Xu Sheng, who didn't pay attention to these, asked with concern, "Can you still stand up by yourself?"

Dai Yuner's face flushed, she forced her upper body to stand up on her own, but found that because she was tortured yesterday, it was difficult to control her limbs...

Somewhat It was hard to say, "The limbs are not under my control!"

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "Yes, do you want me to hug you?"

Dai Yuner heard this In a word, the whole person seemed a little excited, but he still hesitated and said, "But..."

If it is a back, I can understand it, but if I hold it, it is too shameful!

If you bump into a Spirit Master or minister who knows you, wouldn't it be shameful!

But before she could finish speaking, Xu Sheng picked her up...

Feeling herself off the ground and Dai Yuner in this posture, said blankly "Princess...Princess hug?"

Unable to look directly at this scene, she shyly buried her head in Xu Sheng's chest...

Her own dignified Star Luo Empire's Her Highness the Princess was hugged by a strange man Princess!




(end of this chapter)

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