Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1582


Chapter 1582 Dai Tianling’s invitation (please subscribe)

Dai Tianling heard the words, sucked in a breath of cold air, cry out in surprise "What! It turned out to be the Sea God Pavilion Elder? And it's still so young!"

As far as he knows, those who can become the Sea God Pavilion Elder are all super Douluo-level powerhouses!

No wonder he was able to attract his proud daughter!

Thinking of this, a few smiles appeared on his cheeks, "It turns out that Your Excellency is the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, but I am a little bit scornful!"

Xu Sheng face doesn't change and said " Your Majesty is joking, it is understandable that this kind of thing happened!"

This scene made Dai Tianling's impression of him even more profound, and he secretly praised "Not only powerful, but also temperament Excellent, if you can recruit Star Luo Empire Imperial Family, it will definitely be a big help!"

At this moment, Dai Yuner with a ruddy face reminded softly "Imperial Father, Elder Xu is in digital The titled Douluo-level Evil Spirit Master saved me!"

Although she didn't express her consciousness clearly, Dai Tianling, her Imperial Father, immediately understood...

Cloud This is implying that he should keep this Elder Xu!

Thinking about this, he took a deep breath and said, "Elder Xu, since we have already come, how about taking a rest in the Star Luo Imperial Palace for a few days? Let me do my best as a landlord!"

Dai Yun'er in her arms was also staring at Xu Sheng, her eyes full of hope, "Xu Elder, you will promise Imperial Father"

Xu Sheng was stunned, lightly said with a smile "This... is not good? The students of Shrek Academy are still waiting for me to go back"

Dai Tianling held his head high and said, "What's wrong with this, you saved Yun'er, I owe it to me You alone, if you still see me as an Emperor, just rest in the Imperial Palace for a few days"

"When the time comes, I will personally send someone to pick up the Shrek Academy students! ”

For this sake, Xu Sheng naturally couldn’t refuse, nodded and said “Then do as Your Majesty said!”

As for the other ministers When they saw this scene, they all smacked their lips and whispered, "I see, Her Highness the Princess must have taken a fancy to this Elder Xu!"

"That's not it, the identity of the other party. It is the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, and on the other hand, it is indeed worthy of Her Highness the Princess!"

"Shh...that kind of thing can't be said, if we misunderstand, we will only bring For unnecessary trouble, maybe Her Highness the Princess just wanted to simply thank this Elder Xu.”

Dai Tianling cast a serious look, and immediately made them shut up...


While Dai Yuner suppressed the excitement in her heart, she said softly, "Xu Elder, I'm inconvenient, so please take me to the bedroom."

After speaking, she calmly turned towards Dai Tian. Ling cast a wink and seemed to say "Thank you Imperial Father"

After giving a signal to Dai Tianling, Xu Sheng hugged Dai Yuner and left the great hall...

At this time, those ministers opened the mouth curiously and said "Your Majesty, are you really just thanking that Elder Xu and keeping him??"

"Your Majesty...cough cough...If I read it right just now, Her Highness the Princess should be making eye contact with you"

"That Xu Elder is handsome, powerful, and if Being able to mate with Her Highness the Princess is quite a treat! "

Dai Tianling took a deep breath and said with emotion, "I think so too, maybe I can use this to get rid of Yun'er's waywardness"

But there is always something in my heart. I'm a little ashamed...

In the days when she was captured by the Evil Spirit Master, Yun'er probably suffered a lot!"

What I can do is to do my best Meet her...


In the hotel!

I saw Xie Ru's face full of depression and said, "You said, will something happen to Mr. Old Xu? Why haven't you returned to the hotel yet?"

The words just blurted out. , Wu Siduo vetoed coldly, "Impossible, Master Old Xu's strength can't even be seen by Pavilion Lord, even if Spirit Master of Star Luo continent is strong, it's impossible to hurt him!"

Tang Wulin Echoing Sao "I also think so, with the strength of Master Xu, no one can hurt him, probably because of something that is holding him back."

Xu Xiaoyan pouted and whispered "hmph, I do I think Master Old Xu met someone he liked in Star Luo Empire, so I forgot about us!"

Ye Xinglan shook her head and said, "Impossible, Teacher Shen is a beautiful woman in front of Master Old Xu, he doesn't even have it! Start, how can you mess with flowers!"

Xu Lizhi grabbed the rice ball on the plate, and after eating it in one bite, he pouted and said, "Just ask Teacher Shen about this kind of thing! ”

These words were recognized by everyone, and they found Shen Yi directly and asked about Xu Sheng...

Who knows this, Shen Yi gnashing teeth said "Xu Sheng? He contacted me not long ago, saying that it happened to save Her Highness the Princess of Star Luo Empire and is enjoying it in Star Luo Empire Imperial Palace!"

Mixed with a few traces of jealousy...

She could hear that what Xu Sheng said was a complete lie. She had just kidnapped Princess Dai Yuner. The hiding place chosen by the Evil Spirit Masters must be very secretive. How could it happen to be met by Xu Sheng!

He, definitely did it on purpose!

Xu Lizhi said with emotion, "Hey... No wonder Mr. Old Xu doesn't go back to the hotel. The Imperial Palace must be much more comfortable than the hotel!"

Xu Xiaoyan blinked beautifully eyes, "I just don't know if this Star Luo Empire's Princess, Dai Yuner, will have a strange feeling for Master Old Xu!"

Xie Rui disdainfully said, "che, hero saving the beauty. It's too old-fashioned, right? Where else would girls like it?"

It's just a simple thank you at most, is it really going to devote one's life to like in the story?

Ye Xinglan rolled the eyes, "Please, while saying this, you must also figure out who the hero is. If it is a man as good as Master Old Xu, I think anyone will fall!"

Ye Xinglan rolled the eyes p>

Xu Xiaoyan swallowed and fantasized, "That is, if the object of hero saving the beauty is me, even if it is to post Old Xu, hehehehe!"

Tang Wulin He and Xie Lai covered their hearts together, "If you say that, it hurts a little bit."

Gu Yue interrupted them, opened the mouth to Shen Yi and said "Teacher Shen, this time we In addition to asking about the situation of Master Old Xu, it's just..."

Shen Yi glanced at her and said, "I'm going to go to the Tang Sect headquarters, right? I've approved it, you can go at any time, But remember to come back before the exchange tournament on Star Luo continent, otherwise..."

After she finished speaking, she showed a fiercely expression...

Xie Ru felt a chill in his heart, Angrily, "Why do I feel like Teacher Shen is going to eat us!"

Xu Xiaoyan blinked her beautiful eyes, "Don't worry, even if you eat it, it's not our turn, it must be Old. Teacher Xu is first, right? Teacher Shen!"

naked eye, Shen Yi's face was already gloomy to the extreme...

Gu Yue grabbed her and reminded her, "Xiaoyan , you say a few words less"

Then lightly said with a smile Teacher Shen , then we'll go first! ”

After finishing speaking, the entire group quickly left Shen Yi’s room and set off for Tang Sect headquarters…





(end of this chapter)

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