Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1584


Chapter 1584 Star Luo continent Tang Sect headquarters (please subscribe)

On the other side, led many Evil Spirit Masters to arrive The dark bloodfiend of the hiding place, after seeing the surrounding situation, his face suddenly darkened...

coldly shouted "What happened? Where is the Princess of Star Luo Empire?"

This chess piece is very useful for the next step taught by Holy Spirit, and it must not go wrong easily!

Suddenly, the eyes of an Evil Spirit Master who should have fallen to the ground turned scarlet. Obviously, he used his special Spirit Ability to maintain a little bit of life before dying!

After a few violent coughs, she opened the mouth and said "Dark was intercepted!"

The pupils of dark bloodfiend She shrank suddenly, "What? Her Highness the Princess of Star Luo Empire was rescued? Who did it?!"

The arrest of Dai Yuner this time was a complete surprise. They dispatched a number of Titled Douluo-level powerhouses, didn't expect them to be killed silently!

The Evil Spirit Master shook the head, with deep fear in his eyes, "Lord Dark Bloodfiend, I don't know either, but the opponent's strength is very terrifying, we even let him release Spirit's If there is no chance, the whole army will be wiped out!"

Dark bloodfiend narrowed his eyes, "Not even the Spirit is is this possible!"

Even Super Douluo, It is also impossible to kill the Titled Douluo level Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit without using a Spirit!

Wait... Could it be that man?

The man who made the Demon Sovereign respectful and dared not reveal the slightest killing intent!

If this is the case, it is impossible to retrieve the Princess of Star Luo Empire!

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists tightly...

And the Evil Spirit Master on the ground realized that his spirit power was about to be exhausted, and pleaded, "Dark bloodfiend. Lord, please help me, I won't last long!"

Once the spirit power is exhausted and the injury has not recovered, he will be completely disappeared!

The dark bloodfiend glanced at him coldly, "hmph, a waste like you can't even complete the task of guarding well, so there is no need to exist!"

The next second, he walked to the front of the Evil Spirit Master, grabbed his neck and lifted it up...

The Evil Spirit Master who was grabbed by the neck changed his face. Incomparably livid, gnashing teeth said "Dark bloodfiend, you can't do this to me, I'm..."

Before he could finish speaking, the dark bloodfiend ruthlessly pinched the former's neck, and the one behind him The dark bloodfiend Spirit was released immediately, absorbing the blood essence and soul in its body...

Immediately, the shriveled corpse was thrown on the ground like garbage...

However, Leng Yulai, who had been following him, said expressionlessly, "Dark bloodfiend, although his spirit power level is not high, it has also reached Titled Douluo. If you do this, it will only reduce the The comprehensive strength of Holy Spirit teaching"

Dark bloodfiend disdain "This kind of waste, it's useless to stay, and what do I need to report to you?"

He But I didn't forget that when my spirit power level dropped to Level 17, the woman in front of me was quite picky!

Leng Yulai icily said "You..."

Dark bloodfiend interrupted "What are you? The arrest of the Star Luo Empire Princess, but the Vice Palace Lord handed it over to us. The mission of the two has now been rescued, do you know how to explain it?"

After these words fell, Leng Yulai had no choice but to suppress his anger, pursed his thin lips and said, "Of course I'm telling the truth! ”

I don’t know whether the Princess of Star Luo Empire was rescued and returned to the Imperial Palace or somewhere else, and rash action will only attract more attention!


On the other hand, Tang Wulin and the others also found the Tang Sect headquarters in Star Luo continent very easily based on the information given by Wu Changkong!

Looking at the splendid building in front of him, Tang Wulin sucked in a breath of cold air, " this the Tang Sect headquarters of Star Luo Empire? It doesn't seem to be inferior to Doluo Continent's. Ah!"

Xu Xiaoyan said curiously "Wulin, how do you know?"

Xie Ru lifted his chin and said, "Yeah, I don't remember that everyone has ever visited Doluo Continent. Tang Sect?"

Tang Wulin smiled slightly, "No, dance teacher once took me to visit Tang Sect, and I still remember it until now!"

This As soon as the words came out, Xu Xiaoyan opened the mouth and said in a sour tone, "so that's how it is...didn't expect Wu teacher to be so biased, and only take Wulin alone!"

Thanks The slack nodded echoed, "That's right, Wulin, I don't want to treat you, how can I justify it?"

Xu Lizhi's eyes lit up, "Eh? Wulin wants a treat? !"

Ye Xinglan blinked and said, "Really? Well, after visiting Tang Sect, let's see if there is anything delicious in Star Luo City! Anyway, it's Wulin's treat!"

Tang Wulin's face darkened, and he complained, "I didn't agree, everyone is going too far!"

Gu Yue, who couldn't stand it any longer, interrupted, "Okay, all Don't be kidding! Tang Sect is different from other sects, and the rules are much stricter!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone put away their playful expressions and looked at the scene in front of them...


I saw Tang Sect Disciple, who was in charge of guarding the gate, and also discovered their existence...

One of them walked over and wondered, "Who are you? Are you coming to Tang Sect for anything? "

Tang Wulin explained softly, "We are Shrek students who came to visit the Tang Sect headquarters in Star Luo continent. After speaking, he also showed his Tang Sect Disciple token"

The Disciple took over, and after confirming that it was the Tang Sect token, nodded and said "It is indeed Tang Sect token, please come in! ”

It is not surprising that Shrek Academy students can join Tang Sect, after all, there are many precedents!

Wu Zhangkong is like this!

After that, the entire group of Tang Wulin went straight from the gate to the great hall...

naked eye It can be seen that the entire great hall is very spacious, and there are quite a few Tang Sect Disciples and Spirit Masters of various forces at the moment Trade!

As long as you have sufficient funds, you can basically buy what you want here!

Xie Sha exclaimed, "Is this Tang Sect? It doesn't look like a sect at all! "

Gu Yue indifferently said "en! To put it simply, Tang Sect is ancient but not traditional, and until now relies on these transactions to ensure the normal operation of the sect! "

Xu Xiaoyan smacked his lips and said, "Tang Sect has so many strange things for sale, it is indeed an old sect with rich heritage!" That's the price, isn't it a bit outrageous? "

Tang Wulin explained, "It's normal, the quality of things purchased in Tang Sect is High Level, so the price is correspondingly much more expensive! "

In this regard, there is not much difference between the Tang Sect headquarters of Star Luo continent and Doluo Continent!

And Wu Si Duo said with displeasure "We are here to see these something? "

If that's the case, she's not interested in staying any longer, after all, at first came because she had the opportunity to improve her strength...

Now it seems, I'm a big disappointment!





(end of this chapter)

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