Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1586


Chapter 1586 Rejecting Dai Yueyan's request (please subscribe)

Everyone looked at the Tang Sect tokens in their hands, all of them were Somewhat astonished...

didn't expect, Tang Sect's sect's entry examination was so simple, all of them passed it successfully!

Xie Ru said in amazement, "This has become Tang Sect Disciples, isn't it a bit too simple?"

Xu Xiaoyan was also nodded and said, "I also think, obviously there are still He didn't show much of his innate talent, but he passed it!"

Hearing these words, Tang Wulin said with a smile "Don't be cheap and be good, Tang Sect's assessment is comprehensive. , even higher than the standards of Shrek Academy, just because everyone is used to it, so it feels simple!"

If you switch to other Spirit Masters, I am afraid that the probability of passing is extremely low!

Gu Yue said solemnly "That's right, what Wulin said is the truth. According to the standards of continental Spirit Master, Tang Sect's assessment is not simple, it can even be called difficult"


In fact, she wants to join Spirit Pagoda more than to join Tang Sect, because there, she will get what she wants!

It seems that after I go back this time, I will find a chance to quit Tang Sect!

Wu Sido's beautiful eyes looked towards the Elder in front of him and asked, "This Elder, since we have become Tang Sect Disciple, can we visit the inside of Tang Sect now?"

The Elder smiled kindly, "Of course, you can go straight from here to the inside of Tang Sect, but most of you are only White Rank and Yellow Rank, and some places are still forbidden to enter"

Xu Xiaoyan was stunned for a while, then asked in doubt, "White Rank, Yellow Rank? What does this mean?" The strength is divided into six levels: White Rank, Yellow Rank, Violet Rank, Black Rank, Red Rank, Gold Rank, except for Wu Siduo who is Yellow Rank, all of us are White Rank!”

Xie Ru's eyes widened, "What? Doesn't that mean that we are at the bottom of Tang Sect?"

Ye Xinglan pursed her thin lips, "I finally joined Tang Sect, didn't expect It turned out to be at the bottom... this... is indeed a bit of a blow!"

Tang Wulin scratched his head, embarrassedly said with a smile "Well... it can be said that, but it's just Yellow Rank. You have the strength of a one-word battle armor master! Therefore, don't be discouraged, it's only a matter of time before we get promoted."

Wu Siduo calmly said, "Let's go, let's go and see what this Tang Sect is. Look!”

Inside the Star Luo Empire Imperial Palace!

I saw Dai Yueyan slowly bring the steaming teacup to Xu Sheng, opened the mouth and said "Elder Xu, please!"

As a member of Star Luo Empire His Royal Highness Crown Prince, pouring tea for him in person, can be considered enough face!

Xu Sheng took a sip, and could vaguely feel a bitter taste filling his taste buds, and then it slowly turned into sweetness...

After putting down the teacup, said with a slight smile "As expected of His Royal Highness Crown Prince, the craftsmanship is really good, but it reminds me of someone!"

A curious look appeared on Dai Yueyan's cheeks, "Oh? Think of someone? I wonder if Elder Xu can elaborate?"

Xu Sheng glanced at Dai Yueyan, calmly said "just a friend, nothing worth talking about"

What he said Naturally, Qian Renxue dressed as a man!

She also used this method when she met her for the first time!

Seeing Xu Sheng didn't mean to explain, Dai Yueyan was also very sensible and didn't ask any questions...

looked thoughtful and said, "That's it... But Xu Elder, I'm very curious, you How did you find Yun'er and rescue her?"

It stands to reason that as the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, it should immediately protect the safety of the students of Shrek Academy!

Wouldn't have thought of rescuing the Imperial Family!

Is there a secret that I don't know about?

Xu Sheng indifferently said "It just happened to sense the breath of Her Highness the Princess, and the reason why she was able to rescue her is because there is no powerhouse guard in Evil Spirit Master!"

Dai Yueyan's eyes narrowed, "But I always feel that Xu Elder was able to find Yun'er immediately and rescued her unharmed. Isn't it a bit too coincidental?"

This sentence made Xu Sheng's browsers raised slightly, surprisedly said "Oh? Is His Royal Highness Crown Prince suspecting that I have something to do with the Evil Spirit Master?"

Dai Yueyan was stunned, realizing that Xu Sheng had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained, "No ...Elder Xu, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant!"

If this Elder Xu is really related to the Evil Spirit Master, there is no need to rescue Dai Yuner, it's just asking for it trouble!

He just thought that Xu Sheng had other ideas about his younger sister!

Xu Sheng took the teacup and took a sip again, "What does the Crown Prince mean?"

Dai Yueyan covered her mouth and coughed, "Elder Xu, I just want to ask a question. Ask, what do you think of Yun'er?"

Xu Sheng looked thoughtful, "Is Her Highness the Princess? Although a bit willful, but kind-hearted, innate talent is also excellent..."

As soon as these words came out, Dai Yueyan showed such an expression as she expected, and secretly said in her heart, "Sure enough, I guessed it right!"

This Elder Xu has a lot of respect for his younger sister. idea!

However, the other party is older than me, so isn't it a good match for Yun'er?

But in terms of strength and appearance, it is indeed one of millions of li, if you can become a partner, you can definitely protect Yuner's safety!

Seeing that Dai Yueyan's eyes gradually blurred, Xu Sheng casually reminded "His Royal Highness Crown Prince, the tea is cold"

Dai Yueyan came back to his senses and knew that the other party was there Stepping up to himself, he apologized, "Elder Xu, I'm sorry!"

Does Xu Sheng bow slightly, "His Royal Highness Crown Prince has something on his mind?"

Dai Yueyan said seriously, "Well, Holy Spirit can play against Yun'er at the powerhouse's numerous youth Spirit Master tournaments, I'm afraid it won't be so easy and let it go!"

"Although Yuner is back at the Imperial Palace, if Yuner is defeated by Evil again. Captured by Spirit Master, she is likely to use her to put pressure on the entire Star Luo Empire Imperial Family and force the Imperial Father to accept their conditions!"

Xu Sheng face doesn't change, "so that's how it is, Crown Prince really loves Her Highness the Princess"

Dai Yueyan took a deep breath, stared at Xu Sheng and said, "Therefore, I want to ask Xu Elder you promise me one thing! During the exchange tournament of Star Luo continent, protect Yun'er's safety!"

With the protection of Sea God Pavilion Elder, Yun'er is much safer!

Xu Sheng stared at him for a few seconds before replied "Your Highness Crown Prince, I can't promise you, as the Sea God Pavilion Elder, the first thing to ensure is the safety of Shrek students!"

Dai Yueyan subconsciously replied "many thanks Xu... eh??"

After making sure he heard correctly, his throat swallowed, revealing an unbelievable look...

Your request was actually rejected by...?

According to his previous guess, this Elder Xu should be interested in Yuner, but what is the situation now?

Could it be that he really just happened to meet Yun'er and rescued him?

So, what are the messy things I thought about before!

At this moment, the plan that Dai Yueyan arranged in the heart was broken into scum in an instant...





(end of this chapter)

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