Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1588


Chapter 1588 Tang Sect Secret Skills (please subscribe)

Immediately, they opened the mouth and said "As expected of Bi Ji , didn't expect to even think of this!"

"That's not it, if it wasn't for Bi Ji's gradual integration into the human Spirit Master over the years, we all would have been impossible and survived unharmed. !"

"That's right, except for the boss and Bi Ji, our other ominous beasts don't have such a high IQ! They can't help!"

Bi Ji heard this, She covered her mouth and chuckled a few times...

In her opinion, all ominous beasts, including herself, have gradually become accustomed to human life, so as long as the body is not exposed, it shouldn't be someone can guess who they really are!

The corner of Di Tian's mouth also evoked a few smiles, but it was fleeting, said solemnly "Although this analysis is very reasonable, but there is no absolute certainty, we still have to keep an eye on everything! "

Bi Ji wondered "Di Tian, what do you mean?"

Di Tian took a deep breath, "Evacuate the entire Spirit Beast legion from this place, as much as possible. Hide!"

With this lesson, he doesn't want to put the legion under the watch of the Great Influences!

Bi Ji hesitantly said, "But the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit has already evacuated, and other forces should have no reason to attack our legion, so there is no need to evacuate?"

Moreover, it is not a trivial matter for a big legion to evacuate!

Di Tian's golden eyes flickered, "I naturally know this, but the Lord insists on doing this!!"

Bi Ji was stunned for a while, then pursed her lips and said, " If it is the Lord's order, it should be her consideration... I have no opinion!"

Although Gu Yue's strength has not grown up yet, she does not think that she can surpass the former in thinking. !

Di Tian turned his unmistakable gaze towards other ominous beasts...

The ominous beasts who wanted to complain about it, suddenly restrained the thoughts in his heart...

"I have no opinion either, after all, the Lord said so!"

"Yes, the boss and Bi Ji have no objection, then evacuation should be the best choice! "

"Let's do it, I just got tired of staying here!"


Inside the Tang Sect!

When Tang Wulin and the others stepped into the great hall, the middle-aged woman at the front desk looked at them with a sullen face and asked suspiciously, "You are all... New Disciple of Tang Sect?"

Tang Wulin and the others didn't need to nod, they said in unison "Yes, Elder"

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said, "Call me Elder, I'm just responsible for guarding this place"

Then, she seemed to think of something and asked again, "By the way, since you just joined Tang Sect, you shouldn't have received the Tang Sect secret skills, right?"

Everyone was stunned when these words came out. Stop...

Xu Xiaoyan said curiously "Tang Sect secret skill? What is that? Does it mean hidden weapon?"

Xie Ru swallowed his throat and said hopefully " Hiss...if it's really a hidden weapon, then it's really cool!"

Gu Yue decisively vetoed, "Impossible, hidden weapons are outdated, in the face of today's battle armor, mecha, etc., there is no such thing at all. Any threat!"

If the hidden weapon was used as a Tang Sect secret skill, then the Tang Sect would have collapsed long ago!

Tang Wulin interrupted, "Don't think about it, Tang Sect secret technique, refers to the secret technique used by the former Tang Sect sect master, Tang San! For example, the dance teacher taught me this kind of trick. , that's Purple Demon Eyes"

After he finished speaking, he looked towards everyone and showed it, his eyes suddenly glowed with a strong purple meaning, as if he could see through everything...

Gu Yue raised her chin and thought, "It seems... that mental force can condense in the eyes and see through the false!"

Xie Ru's eyes lit up, "Eh~~ I seem to have seen Wulin use it before. This move, I thought it was a hallucination at the time!"

Xu Xiaoyan stretched out his arms to cover his chest and complained, "Being stared at by this Purple Demon Eyes, I feel like the whole person is not right!"

Ye Xinglan also nodded and said, "Well, it seems that my meridian has been seen through all my limbs!"

Seeing the Purple Demon Eyes cast by Tang Wulin, the middle-aged woman said in surprise, " Didn't expect Purple Demon Eyes to be cultivated to this point at such a young age, but...Tang Sect has more than just these secret skills!"

Tang Wulin surprisedly said "Eh? Ke Wu The teacher only taught me this!"

The former glanced at him and explained, "Although I don't know who the dance teacher you are talking about, but only one is taught, because your level is not enough, ordinary For Tang Sect Disciple, you can only choose one secret technique for cultivation!"

"Okay, that's enough, let's see which secret technique you want to choose"

After finishing speaking, I listed Tang Sect's secret skills by category...

Looking at these secret skills, Xie Sha was surprised and said, "Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, Mysterious Jade Hand... There are actually There are so many kinds, but I am agile attack type, I want Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track!”

Xu Xiaoyan took a fancy to Controlling Crane Catchi at a glance ng Dragon , opened the mouth and said "I want this Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, maybe it can work wonders in the battle! "

After all, it's a Spirit Master of the control system. Having more defensive ability is always good!

Ye Xinglan bit her thin lip, "This Mysterious Jade Hand can actually resist all kinds of things." Poisonous, and there is no stronghold one cannot overcome! I want this! "

Xu Li said, "I want Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track too..."

Although it would be a bit funny to cast Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track in his form...


Tang Wulin's eyes flooded and said, "Then am I...? "

The middle-aged woman coldly refused and said, "No, unless you reach the Violet Rank, you can choose the second secret skill!" "

After he finished speaking, he handed the selected rubbings of the Tang Sect secret skills to Gu Yue and the others, "This is the rubbings of the Tang Sect secret skills. After you memorize the meridian route of cultivation here, , it needs to be returned immediately! ”

Everyone looked at each other, all of them were nodded, and directly sat cross-legged, and opened the rubbings of cultivation...

Tang Wulin, who was alone, also started with cultivation. ……


The next day!

Dai Yuner, who barely regained her mobility, came to Xu Sheng’s residence early in the morning He knocked on the door and said, "Elder Xu, are you awake? ”

Suddenly, she only felt her shoulders sink...

She took a few steps back in fright, and hurriedly turned around to look...

When she found out that it was Xu Sheng, her heart was relaxed...

At that moment, she thought it was the Evil Spirit Master who came to the door again!

After all the torture that night, A shadow has been left in his heart...

Xu Sheng said with a slight smile "Her Highness the Princess seems to have recovered, and her mental state is not bad! ! "

This gentle appearance instantly dispelled the throbbing in Dai Yun'er's heart...

Her cheeks instantly flushed, and she said softly, "Xu Elder... ...morning...good morning"

Xu Sheng said curiously "What's wrong with waking up so early? "

Dai Yun'er said softly, "Well, I just want to thank Elder Xu personally! "

She didn't sleep much last night, and it wasn't until early in the morning that she found out that she had regained her mobility, and she couldn't wait to come to Xu Sheng!

Although she didn't know what the What reason to face the latter!




(end of this chapter)


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