Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1604


Chapter 1604 Bet (Subscribe)

Xie Ru's tone became hot, "As long as you get this time The champion of the exchange tournament may become the new Shrek Seven Devils, Teacher Shen, you are not kidding us!"

The students who can be called "Shrek Seven Devils" will be the whole Proud of Shrek Academy!

Even if it is a student from the inner courtyard, the possibility of being able to obtain this title is very uncertain!

Now they have a chance to get the title of Supreme!

Shen Yi asked calmly, "Just kidding? Do you think I'm joking?"

She didn't lie, in order to stabilize the minds of Shrek students, she must There is a new generation of "Shrek Seven Devils!"

As the most outstanding Disciple among the students in the outer courtyard, the Tang Wulin seven and some students have been included in the assessment. Of course, there are also some who have been predetermined. Yuanen Yehui!

Tang Wulin clenched his fists and murmured, "Shrek Seven Devils...If we can get this title, it means we are the best team in Shrek Academy!"

Xu Xiaoyan Seriously, "Since Teacher Shen said so, no matter who our opponent is, we can't stop us from winning the championship!"

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes flickered faintly, "Although it is difficult, it is not impossible!"

If you become the Shrek Seven Devils, then there is a chance that you will become the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion in the future, when the time can also take care of the legion!

Even Wu Siduo and Ye Xinglan couldn't help but be tempted. After all, "Shrek Seven Devils" is not just a reputation. No matter where you are in the future, you can get very high treatment!

As long as you are a student of Shrek Academy, you will almost always imagine that you can become Shrek Seven Devils!

Seeing him aroused their morale again, and the corners of Shen Yi's mouth twitched into a smile...

"But... this is only possible, Whether you can become Shrek Seven Devils depends on your performance!"

While they were talking, Pan Wen's voice had rang again...

"This game The winner of the duel is Star Luo Monster Academy!"

The following was followed by the cheers of many students watching the battle...

"It's really strong! This Monster Academy is so strong! , I'm afraid it's many times stronger than Shrek Academy!"

"Yes, it only took a few minutes to solve the opponent, this kind of terrifying strength... There is no need for the preliminary round"

"The exchange tournament at this time is a good show to watch. Shrek Academy vs. Monster Academy, just thinking about it, it's a bit incredible"

"che, even if the students of Monster Academy are strong, so what? Fakes are fakes after all, do you really think that just having a name can be compared to a powerful force like Shrek Academy?"

"What? Don't you want to live anymore?"

"che, Monster Academy is specially built on the prototype of Shrek Academy, no one doesn't know?"

Hearing these noisy Talking, Tang Wulin and the others were all sluggish...

They originally wanted to take a good look at the students of Monster Academy, so that they could take precautions in the future duel!

But now, apart from knowing that every student is a five rings Spirit King, I don't know anything about the rest!

entire group looked towards Shen Yi with resentful eyes, "Teacher Shen, you just didn't mean it"

Shen Yi turned his head to the side, shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows..."

She saw the battle just now...

Monster Academy is really strong!

can even compare the strength of Shrek Seven Devils in the past!

If Tang Wulin and the others see it, it will definitely hit the morale again!

Instead of this, it's better to wait and see for yourself in the ring!


Dai Tianling, who was sitting on the imperial chair, looked at Dai Yueyan and the others who had easily dealt with the opponent ……

With a smile, he said, "Star Luo Monster Academy is built on the template of Shrek Academy, the first in the continent, and the admission criteria directly refer to the Shrek Inner Court!"

"So, this makes this Academy's There are very few students, but they are all elite Spirit Masters in our Star Luo continent!!”

These two sentences seem to explain the origin of Monster Academy for Xu Sheng and Makino next to them!

Makino pursed his lips, said without thinking "didn't expect Emperor Your Majesty to come up with such a solution, but... the background of Shrek Academy is not so easy to catch up with. !"

Shrek Academy, the number of Super Douluo and Limit Douluo alone makes the scalp tingling!

What kind of Monster Academy, want to catch up, basically impossible!

Dai Tianling was not angry, but said with a slight smile "I naturally know, this is just an attempt!"

If Monster Academy can achieve impressive results, He'll even use Empire's resources to help it grow quickly, supplying the Star Luo Empire with Peak talent!

Xu Sheng interrupted abruptly, "Your Majesty, these students of Monster Academy are very talented. They can be considered geniuses in Shrek Academy!"

"But... that's only for the outer courtyard!"

In front of the former inner courtyard, this so-called Monster Academy is just a joke!

He didn't mean to mock, just expounding the facts...

Dai Tianling's deep eyes gleamed a few times, ignoring the words just now...

Said meaningfully, "Xu Elder, you must know the strength of Monster Academy, why don't you take a gamble with me?"

For Yun'er, even if you use this method, you will risk it!

Xu Sheng, who felt the conspiracy between the lines, still face doesn't change and said, "Okay, I just don't know how Your Majesty wants to bet? What to bet?"

Dai Tian Ling held up his chin and pretended to be contemplative. Then, he opened the mouth and said, "I bet on who will win the exchange tournament between Shrek Academy and Monster Academy."

"If I win, I hope Elder Xu can serve as Yun The teacher of my son will last for three years! If you win, Elder Xu, you can make a condition that I can accept!"

Xu Sheng's inky eyes narrowed, "so that's how it is, the real Do you want to be Dai Yuner's teacher?"

When Muye heard Dai Tianling's words, his pupils shrank suddenly...

Let Xu Elder be Dai Yun A teacher of three years, this Dai Tianling is really lion's big mouth!

The promise to Xu Sheng is only a request that he can accept!

Obviously, this bet is not equal at all!

When Dai Tianling saw this, neither fast nor slow asked, "Elder Xu, how is it?"

Xu Sheng replied neatly "Okay, since it was proposed by Your Majesty, Then I'll agree!"

Next to Makino, he coughed and said, "cough cough... Xu Elder, I think you should think about it carefully, don't forget that you are the Sea God Pavilion Elder!"

He felt compelled to remind him, otherwise, when the time comes this Elder Xu will have no chance to regret...

Xu Sheng smiled at the former," It doesn't matter, my Shrek Academy team is still very confident!"





(End of this chapter)

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