Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1627


Chapter 1627 The goal of Holy Spirit teaching, Dai Tianling (please subscribe)

Seeing Evil Spirit taught by Holy Spirit The Master, the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire, and the students who came to participate in the exchange tournament are fighting...

Dai Tianling, who is standing above, said with a grim expression, "Fortunately, the legion of the Star Luo Empire has been equipped with spirit tool, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

I thought that when the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire arrived, they could quickly repel these Evil Spirit Masters by virtue of their advantages in quantity and spirit tools, but now it seems, Still underestimating them!

The two Super Douluo of the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family heard the words and couldn't help reminding "Your Majesty, the situation is very chaotic now, please hide behind us!"

The former It is the backbone of the entire Star Luo continent, absolutely nothing!

Otherwise, the entire Star Luo Empire will be greatly affected!

Naturally, Dai Tianling understood this, and took a few steps to the back, being protected by them and the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire in the middle...

But this too obvious move, naturally Caught Harrosa's attention, he opened the mouth and said "you two, go kill that Emperor of Star Luo Empire!"

Confronting yourself like this, now, you have to pay the price with your life!

The two men nodded and said "Yes! Vice-Sect Master!"

In an instant, terrifying spirit power fluctuations erupted all over their bodies, rushing straight towards Dai Tianling. Go...

When the two Super Douluo guarding the latter's side realize that the opponent's strength is not what they can resist...

Can't help but cry out in surprise "Not good! The strength of these two Evil Spirit Masters is at least above the ninth level 18, we are not opponents!"

"Damn...even so, we can't back down!"

Finally, Makino sighed and said seriously, "You two will deal with that girl, this guy, leave it to me!"

Hearing these words, the two Super Douluo looked overjoyed, grateful Said "many thanks, Mu Sect Master to help!"

Two-on-one, although it may not be able to kill, but at least it can be delayed!

Hearing Makino's arrogant tone, the dark bloodfiend said with disdain, "Just because you are a weakling who has just been promoted to Super Douluo, do you want to stop me?"

Makino face doesn't change, "Can I stop you, it doesn't matter if you say it!"

The next second, he did not release Spirit, but started his most proud work, which is also the only one in the continent. Pieces of god level mecha!

After it was activated, the aura it exudes suddenly changed, not even inferior to the dark bloodfiend!

Nana Li next to him instantly recognized the former's identity and hurriedly reminded "Dark bloodfiend, don't be careless, although his spirit power level is only Level 95, but under the bonus of that god level mecha. , the strength is by no means weaker than Limit Douluo!"

The dark bloodfiend glanced at the former coldly when he heard the words, "hmph, what do I want to do, you don't need to say more!"

It's just trifling mecha, in front of me, it's useless at all!

This sentence made Nana Li's brows slightly wrinkle, but she also looked towards the two Super Douluo in front of her...

It seems that she can only quickly Kill them, and then support the dark bloodfiend...

At the same time, the dark Phoenix, Leng Yulai, one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings taught by Holy Spirit, walked to the seat with a grim face. In front of Xu Sheng who was on top of the...

When there were still a few meters away, he suddenly stopped and did not continue to move forward...

Xu Sheng, who was watching the battle, naturally found her... …

After looking towards the former, lightly said with a smile “Dark Phoenix, one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings, don’t help me now, what are you doing here?”

After a pause, he opened the mouth and said "Could it be that you want to do something to me?"

Leng Yulai heard the words and explained, "Don't misunderstand, Your Excellency, I have no ill intentions towards you, I am just affected by Vice. -Sect Master's order, just say a few words!"

Although her face did not show anything, her back was already soaked in cold sweat...

This The man is still so terrifying, obviously he has not released the slightest spirit power fluctuations, but he makes himself feel that he is facing an invincible powerhouse!

Once you have a hands-on year, you will surely die!

If it's not necessary, don't take the initiative to provoke him!

A bit of interest appeared on Xu Sheng's cheeks, "What? Let's hear it"

Leng Yulai took a deep breath, "Vice-Sect Master let me say ...Everyone in our Holy Spirit teaching will not take the initiative to take action against you, but I hope you will not interfere in this matter without authorization!"

As she spoke, her lovable body was constantly shaking, For fear that this sentence will anger the former...

However, after hearing this sentence, Xu Sheng just looked directly at her...

No answer, no action... …

This speechless silence seems to have frozen the entire space, and the huge pressure that vaguely brings makes Leng Yulai only feel it is a kind of torture...

Finally, after holding on for more than ten seconds, Brace oneself asked, "Your Excellency? What do you think of the proposal just now?"

Xu Sheng shrugged, lightly said with a smile "This proposal is not very good, How can I say that I am also a Sea God Pavilion Elder, if I don't do it, I can't justify it!"

Leng Yulai swallowed and immediately released his dark Phoenix Spirit...

"If... if your Excellency insists on doing this, then I can only do it!"

Sure enough, things have moved towards the worst direction...

By myself Can you really fight against this man that even the Demon Sovereign is afraid of?


After using the fifth Spirit Ability to knock back the Demon Sovereign in front of him, Long Yeyue kept panting, staring at the former and saying "cough cough... Sure enough, you have hidden your strength!"

If the opponent is not manipulated, I am afraid that the two of you may not be her opponents!

The dull-eyed Demon Sovereign did not show any expression, still like a lifeless puppet, like Gui Mei, heading towards the dragon night moon strikes...

Witnessing all this, Feng Wuyu smacked her lips and said, "Even Long Lao was completely suppressed by her. The Demon Sovereign taught by Holy Spirit is really terrifying!"

Cai Yueer coldly said "Although he was Suppression, but Elder Long's strength is the closest to Pavilion Lord, it shouldn't be something!"

Zhuo Shi retracted his gaze, "Let's clean up these Evil Spirit Masters first, we don't know yet. How many ambushes did the Holy Spirit teach!"

Otherwise, no matter how many low-level Evil Spirit Masters were killed, if most of the Spirit Masters and students were lost, then this action would be meaningless!

After all, the cultivation and transformation of Evil Spirit Master is much simpler and faster than Spirit Master!

This sentence was immediately approved by the elders, and they all released the offensive Spirit Ability...

Under the terrifying power of their joint efforts, the Evil Spirit Masters joined forces The released Level 8 defensive spirit tool is extremely fragile, and it becomes all split up and in pieces in an instant...

Without this shield's resistance, the Evil Spirit Masters below, in Sea God Under the strength of the elder pavilion, it was like a trivial ant...

I didn't even have a chance to resist, just one by one fell into a pool of blood...




(end of this chapter)

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