Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1632


Chapter 1632 Holy Spirit teaching, escape (please subscribe)

I saw the two Super Douluo in front of me have lost their vitality , Nana Li coldly said "bring about one's own destruction!"

I really don't understand how these stupid guys think, is it worth it to sacrifice their lives for others?

In this scene, the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire who were guarding around Dai Tianling saw all their eyes. They saw their bodies start to tremble, and their cheeks were covered with a thick color of fear...

subconsciously moved towards and took a few steps behind him...

"The two adults were... unexpectedly killed by one move, this woman is really just Super Douluo's realm Is it?"

"So terrifying, so terrifying, the powerhouse at this level...we can't resist it at all! Or...let's escape?"

"Escape? Where can we escape? Go? The entire Imperial Palace has been surrounded by Evil Spirit Masters! We are now the turtles in the urn!"

"Damn, what are you talking about! No matter what, you must protect the Emperor Your Majesty!"

Standing in the middle, Dai Tianling glanced at the corpses of the two Super Douluo on the ground, with a hint of despair in his eyes...

He secretly said in his heart, "It will kill you with one move. The two Super Douluo beheaded, it seems...that they have this tribulation in their own destiny!"

Nana Li's beautiful eyes looked at Dai Tianling, and the steps of neither fast nor slow moved towards the front, revealing A sarcastic smile thought, "The troublesome guy has been resolved, how about you? Also stop me?"

As she got closer, the soldiers all moved towards the rear and backed up...

Knowing that these soldiers had lost their fighting intent, Dai Tianling sighed, "You all step back, she is going to arrest me!"

This move made Nana Li's There was a bit of admiration in his eyes, "Oh? As expected of the Emperor of Star Luo Empire, he has several points of courage!"


The words did not fall. , she burst out with astonishing speed, and instantly appeared in front of the former, grabbing at his neck with precision...

Seeing that she was about to succeed, a throbbing beam of light was directed towards her. Coming straight...

Nana Li, who felt the danger, took a step back without any hesitation, and escaped the blow dangerously and dangerously... …

Needless to say, we all know that it is Body Sect Sect Master, Makino!

Although he was losing in front of the dark bloodfiend who cast Spirit, his attention was still on Dai Tianling...

The dark bloodfiend also witnessed the previous scene, icily said "Damn! In front of me, you still have the heart to worry about others... Do you really think I'm easy to deal with?" The soldiers of the Star Luo Empire and the Evil Spirit Master who were close to him were crushed into minced meat...

Makino's heart froze, knowing that the current strength of the dark bloodfiend cannot be resisted by god level mecha alone... …

Coldly shouted in my heart, "No way, the seventh Spirit Ability, Spirit avatar!!"

Since his Spirit is the whole body, after releasing the Spirit avatar, it will not What a noticeable change!

But the body and all aspects of the attributes will gain more power than ordinary Spirit avatar!

This also helps him to cooperate with god level mecha to maximize his strength...

Immediately, the dark bloodfiend and Makino fight like this...


Halosa, who was standing in the distance in the distance, narrowed his eyes and said, "If you can obtain the secret of the second spirit awakening of the Body Sect, it may make them stronger"

You must know Some of the Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit are also Body Spirits!


Xu Sheng smiled and looked at Leng Yulai who released the Spirit in front of him, concentrated attention completely staring at him, "You should know that you are not my opponent, right? "

Leng Yulai took a deep breath, coldly said "Although I am not your opponent, but... if you insist on hindering our Holy Spirit teaching, even if you try your best, you will be severely injured!" "

But just blinking her eyes, she felt her shoulders suddenly hit the first level, and Xu Sheng in front of her had also been out of sight...

This made her back Climbing up a few chills, she said in a daze, "What... when!"

Not only did she not sense the spirit power fluctuations released by the other party! ! Didn't even see the action! !

Does this mean that if the other party really wants to kill him, there will be absolutely no chance to dodge...

Standing behind her, Xu Sheng raised a corner of his mouth. Radian said, "Now, do you still have the confidence to hit me hard?"

Leng Yulai pursed her thin lips and didn't choose to answer...

Because her life is entirely in the other party's Under control...

But who knows, Xu Sheng let go of his hand very casually, indifferently said "Go, let the Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit retreat, this time, you will stand strong. The purpose has been achieved."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the hundreds of corpses lying in a pool of blood in the Imperial Palace...

Leng Yulai came back to his senses, with a face full of astonishment, "This man... actually let him go, or did he have no intention of killing himself from the very beginning?"

As expected by Lord Demon Sovereign , This man, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke it easily, he won't kill him!

Immediately, in a very complicated tone, "Understood! I will tell the Vice-Sect Master truthfully!


On the other side, take the first step The Holy Spirit Douluo and Spirit Pagoda Disciples who moved towards the front also discovered the ancient castle of pitch black, and the team of the War God Temple stationed in the same place...

After the meeting, Yali went to Guan Yue Asked "Off Vice Palace Lord, why don't you move on? The front should be the lair taught by Holy Spirit! "

Guan Yue opened the mouth and said "Yali Elder, you can know it if you feel it carefully!" "

Yali showed a surprised look, "en?"

Although she was a little confused, she still released her spirit power fluctuations without any hesitation and spread forward...

After a few seconds, her brows were slightly wrinkled, "Evil Spirit Master doesn't even have a single Evil Spirit Master, do you mean they all fled? "

Guan Yue nodded, and said with a grim expression, "That's right! The Evil Spirit Masters in the Holy Spirit sect have all fled, but with their despicable nature, it is very likely that they will set up high-level soul-guided shells as an ambush! "

Once you step into it, it's too late to escape, and the Spirit Master under Super Douluo has a high probability of being wiped out!

Yali's nomination, "so that's how it is's really prudent to turn off Vice Palace Lord! "

After another hour or so, the Sea God Pavilion Elders, Spirit Pagoda and other forces also converged one after another...

After they listened to Guan Yue's explanation, they also all joined forces. Affirmative...

Zuo Shi raised his chin and said, "Then what should we do with the architecture taught by Holy Spirit? "

Cai Yue'er suggested, "You can try to use Spirit Ability or soul-guided shells to bomb, if there is a trap, it should be detonated!" "

Leng Yaozhu shook his head in denial, "Bombing? No... If there is a high-level spirit tool, this area will probably raze to the ground! "

Feng Wuyu's eyes lit up, "It's better to block this place first and then dismantle it safely. If there really is a soul guide shell similar to Level 11, or even Level 12, it will become a Valuable sample! "

Guan Yue echoed, "Feng Elder's proposal is feasible. If Level 12 soul-guided shells can be developed, the threat of the Holy Spirit will be much smaller!"

Long Yeyue affirmed "Let's do it then! Seal this place first!"





(end of this chapter)

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