Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1635


Chapter 1635 Compensation (please subscribe)

Immediately, Pan Wen ugly complexion walked to the top of the ring, naked eye looking down Covered with blood and underneath the corpse...

In a deep voice, "Due to the sudden attack by the Evil Spirit Master during this exchange tournament, the students of each team who came to participate have been treated differently. "Injury"

"So, Emperor Your Majesty has decided to cancel this Star Luo Empire exchange tournament. Of course, as an apology, Imperial Family will provide compensation for the teams that entered the quarterfinals. As for the specific compensation The content..."

Hearing these words, the Disciple and the students who came back to his senses from the previous fight showed a surprised look...

"I'm going ?? There is such a good thing!"

"It's a pity that our team did not enter the quarterfinals, eh! Otherwise, we can expect this so-called compensation!"

" hmph! Was attacked in Imperial Palace, it's like bullying to the door, I really don't know what the guards of Star Luo Empire are doing!"

"With this accident, next time Star Luo Empire held an exchange tournament, who would dare to come! Do you really think you can get over this with a little compensation?"

"Yes, according to the previous fight, Star Luo Empire has a lot to offer. Thousands of soldiers were killed and injured, as well as the Super Douluo raised by the two Imperial Family!"

"Tsk, it's more than that, the Body Sect Sect Master almost sacrificed himself to protect the Star Luo Empire Emperor!! "

Hearing these discussions, Pan Wen's face showed embarrassment, and he didn't know what to say...

Seeing the former's embarrassment, Dai Tianling opened the mouth and said "Secretary-General Pan, let me come in person"

Pan Wen hesitated, "But..."

The other party is the Emperor of Star Luo Empire , Doing so will hurt the face of the Imperial Family!

Dai Tianling shook the head, "It doesn't matter, this is my fault, and I should give you an explanation!"

Pan Wen opened his mouth and did not comfort him any more, " Since that's the case, then I'll step back first."

Afterwards, Dai Tianling personally apologized for being attacked by the Evil Spirit Master...

In this way, let the The faces of the teams who had to come to participate in the exchange tournament looked better...


The next day, in the hotel of Star Luo Empire...

Xie Le, who was lying on the luxurious big bed, sighed with emotion, "didn't expect Star Luo Empire's Emperor to apologize personally, which is really unexpected."

Drinking a drink, Xu Xiaoyan lightly said with a smile "That is, the dignified Lord of a Country, who even apologized to us. If nothing else, this sincerity is already there, even more how... and even more expensive to let all teams stay in the most luxurious hotels!"

The corner of Ye Xinglan's mouth twitched, "Xiaoyan, are you satisfied with this little profit? We almost died!"

Xu Lizhi echoed, "That's right, thanks to our Shrek None of the Academy students have an accident!"

Just as they were discussing, Shen Yi's contactor suddenly rang, "di di di...di di di"

connected After that, Cai Yueer's voice came from the opposite side...

"Shen Yi, how was the exchange tournament? It should be over soon, right?"

Shen Yi was stunned, replied " Mr. Cai, the exchange tour was cancelled yesterday! It shouldn't be long before you can return to the Academy!"

Cai Yueer's words were mixed with a bit of confusion, "Cancelled? What happened?"

Shen Yi's tone sank, and grim said, "Yes, during the event, I was attacked by the Evil Spirit Master, but fortunately none of the children were injured!"

Cai Yueer looked thoughtful and said, "so that's how it is, didn't expect Holy Spirit to dare to attack the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family at this critical time!"

You know that yesterday Today, the Great Influences joined forces to destroy the Holy Spirit headquarters...

Although most of the Evil Spirit Masters fled early, there is no doubt that this action has re-stabilized the Shrek Academy's position. !

Shen Yi turned his words and asked back, "By the way... Mr. Cai, how is the situation on your side?"

Cai Yueer said with some regret, "Although a lot of Evils have been wiped out. Spirit Master, but most of them have escaped, and it is estimated that they will go to the Star Luo continent one after another!"

If Shen Yi didn't understand the reason why the Holy Spirit attacked at the first time, this will immediately become clear. !

Obviously, Holy Spirit wants to spread its power to the Star Luo continent, and then gather the Evil Spirit Masters on both sides to strengthen itself!

After a pause, he said again, "Since the exchange tournament has been cancelled, please return to the Academy as soon as possible!"

Shen Yi nodded lightly, "Yes, Mr. Cai!"

Immediately afterwards, they hung up the call...

Tang Wulin and the others immediately gathered around and asked curiously, "Teacher Shen, was that Cai Dean just now? What did she say?"

Shen Yi glanced at them, "It's nothing, you little fellows don't need to know, rest and prepare well today, we will leave for the Academy tomorrow"

But as soon as the words fell, Xie Ru subconsciously vetoed, "That can't be done!"

Shen Yi frowned, "What's the matter? Do you have something to do in Star Luo continent?"

Xie Relentlessly waved his hands and said, "No, no... But we can't come back empty-handed, right? The compensation promised by Star Luo Empire hasn't been received yet!"

Tang Wulin's eyes lit up, "Eh, putting it that The way seems to be the same, the compensation from Star Luo continent has not yet arrived, how can we just leave like this?"

Xu Xiaoyan said with some expectation, "This time can resist Evil Spirit Master, we also made some efforts, Is it reasonable to get some compensation?"

Xu Lizhi also gleamed and said, "Well, the compensation this time It shouldn't be bad, after all, it happened in the Youth Spirit Master tournament!"


Shen Yi heard the words, some didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "You little money fans, don't worry, the compensation from Star Luo Empire will be sent directly to the Academy!"

She also I thought it was a big deal, but well... this is indeed what they deserve!


Xu Sheng looked at Dai Tianling in front of him, face doesn't change and said, "Your Majesty, why are you so frowning?"

Don't think about it, it must be because of what happened yesterday!

Dai Tianling came back to his senses and said with a bitter smile "Shen Elder, this Star Luo Empire exchange tournament is a joke for all forces!"

Xu Sheng comforted softly and said, "The Holy Spirit attack was sudden, Your Majesty has done its best, and the teams of all forces have not suffered major casualties, Your Majesty should not blame yourself!"

Dai Tianling sipped He pursed his lips, "Elder Xu is really understanding, and I really like it the more I look at it!"

After a pause, he asked again in a serious tone, "Although the previous bet has been cancelled, But I still want to ask one more question, Elder Xu, are you willing to join our Star Luo Empire?"

"Except for the position of Emperor, I can promise you anything you want!"

Xu Sheng did not refuse face to face, but euphemistically said "Your Majesty is joking!"

Dai Tianling, who was rejected, seemed very calm, and obviously expected this answer...

Just in time At this time, a soldier stepped into the great hall, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Crown Prince and Her Highness the Princess have arrived!"




(end of this chapter)

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