Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1637


Chapter 1637 Leaving Star Luo continent (please subscribe)

The next day, I saw Xie Ru, who was still asleep in bed, Xu Xiaoyan's urging voice sounded outside the gate...

"Xie Ru, the sun is drying up your buttocks, why don't you get up?"

Xie Ru turned over with a displeased face Personally, scolded "Don't make trouble... It's still disturbing the dream in the early morning. Even if you want to go back to Shrek Academy, it has to be noon! I want to sleep!"

A smirk appeared on Xu Xiaoyan's cheek , Leisurely said, "Really... eh, I wanted to tell you that the compensation from Star Luo Empire has arrived. Since you are going to sleep, then I won't bother you!"

Finished, He deliberately walked out of the footsteps...

Xie Le, who had already closed his eyes, slammed open, jumped up from the bed, and pushed open the door, staring closely at Xu Xu who was in front of him. Xiaoyan...

Excitedly, "Where is the compensation for Star Luo Empire? You can't take it personally!"

Xu Xiaoyan glanced at her, said ill-humoredly "So excited to do it. Don't you want to go to bed just now?"

Xie Hehe's laughed, "Sleep? Sleep a fart, hurry up and hurry up, where is the compensation from Star Luo Empire?"

Sleeping is insignificant compared to Star Luo Empire's compensation!

Xu Xiaoyan said with contempt, "What's the hurry, what can I do without you? Everyone is waiting in the lobby now"

Xie Ru hurriedly said, "Then what are you waiting for, hurry over there. !"

After speaking, regardless of Xu Xiaoyan's reaction, he took her arm and rushed straight into the hall...

When he stopped, he found Tang Wulin and the others. Sitting together, looking at the stone with rays of light and strange patterns in the middle...

Ye Xinglan asked suspiciously, "What is this? Is it really something from Star Luo Empire? Could it be? It's been dropped."

Xu Lizhi vetoed, "Sister Xinglan, I think it should be impossible, this is the compensation given by the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family!"

Wu Siduo coldly said "However it looks cheap, but also, how could Star Luo Empire be willing to give us such precious things as soul bones!"

Immediately, he turned to Gu Yue next to him and asked, "Gu Yue, Do you know what this thing is?"

Gu Yue shook the head, "I haven't seen it before! But it shouldn't be an ordinary stone!"

Although she often flips through the Human Spirit Master information, but haven't seen this thing either!

Wu Siduo's beautiful eyes looked towards Tang Wulin again, "Tang Wulin, how about you?"

The latter also hooked the head, but in the next second, his eyes flashed. Liang, seems to have thought of something...

He directly took out a forging hammer of several hundred kilograms from the spirit tool...

Then raised it suddenly, wanting to move towards This stone was thrown...

Xie Ru obviously couldn't sit still, and hurried over to stop and said, "Wulin, don't do it, we haven't figured out what this thing is yet"

Xu Xiaoyan also reassured him, "Yeah Wulin, Star Luo Empire should definitely use an ordinary stone to fool us, let's take a closer look!"

Xu Lizhi coughed and said, "Wulin, hurry up... … Put it away, if we smash the hotel, we can’t afford it.”

Seeing everyone’s expressions, Tang Wulin explained with a chuckle, “Everyone has misunderstood, I just want to try this The hardness of the stone, maybe this will be a good forging material!"

But it's also true that he suddenly made such a big move, and it was considered normal to fly into a rage out of humiliation!

Xie Ru patted his chest, and then relaxed, "Huh...then you'll scare me to death if you don't say it sooner!"

Xu Xiaoyan complained, "We thought you were angry. However, I'm going to smash this thing!"

Gu Yue's eyes flickered and wrote down, "Wulin's words are not without reason, I think you can give it a try!"

Wu Siduo nodded agreed, "Well, it's good if it's useful, and it's no pity if it's useless!"

Ye Xinglan "It seems that there are no other methods, Xiaoyan, Xie Ru, you all come here. One point, let Wulin give it a try!"

Xie Ru hesitated for a few seconds, then said distressedly, "Then... Wulin, you have to be gentle, don't smash it!"

I got such a thing after experiencing a life-and-death crisis. If it is broken, there is no benefit at all!

Tang Wulin gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry! If it's really a good forging material, it won't be broken so easily!"

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, the spirit power Inject it into the arm...

Slowly take a deep breath, hold the handle of the hammer and slam it down...

The forging hammer of several hundred kilograms whips up a gust of wind, precise strikes On this stone...

With a loud "peng!" sound, Tang Wulin was thrown back half a step by the anti-shock force, but the stone was not damaged in any way...

Xu Xiaoyan cry out in surprise "It's amazing, there is no damage at all!"

Xie Ru excitedly said "Yes, there is not even a single mark, this stone is definitely not simple!"

Wu Siduo raised her chin and thought, "Maybe, it's really useful!"

Gu Yue urged, "Wulin, increase your strength!"

After the latter stabilized his body, nodded expressed his understanding and did not suppress the power provided by his Gold Dragon King bloodline...

The aura of the whole person began to rise steadily...

However, before he could test the next stage, the door of the hotel room was pushed open...

It was Shen Yi!

When her eyes swept across Tang Wulin holding a sledgehammer, scolded "What are you little fellows doing? Are you trying to demolish this hotel?"

Frightened Tang Wulin, who jumped, hurriedly released his hand and explained, "No..."

The sledgehammer of several hundred pounds in his hand fell straight to the ground...

"Boom... ..."

The floor below cracked instantly and became a big pit...

At this moment, everyone including Shen Yi was silent...

After a while, Shen Yicai opened the mouth and said "Tang Wulin, this is your personal loss, pay for it yourself! Academy will not reimburse you!"

Tang Wulin just felt that he couldn't argue, but he was still trying. "Teacher Shen, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he met Shen Yi's cold eyes...

"Do you have any opinion?"


Tang Wulin, who was speechless, had no choice but to say with a bitter face, " opinion!"

"If you have no opinion, just go and pay the money, and then Off to the Academy!"


In the Sea God Pavilion!

I saw Cai Yueer taking the lead in opening the mouth and saying "Now the three sect masters are planning to rebuild the Tang Sect, our Shrek Academy can also consider recruiting students again!"

Zhuo Shi Na Zhuo His eyes showed a hint of gleamed, "Well, there are only a dozen or so students in the inner courtyard today. Even if you add the students from the outer courtyard, it's not much more than the teacher!"

Lan Muzi answered. "Apart from this, among these students, Yuanen Yehui is the only one who can make the inner courtyard flourish again! No matter what the situation is, fresh blood must be added!"

Tang Yinmeng frowned "But this The extermination operation did not damage the foundation of the Holy Spirit religion, and now recruiting students, not many Spirit Masters would take such a big risk to join the Academy, right?"

Yali smiled slightly, explaining, "This point , Tang Elder guessed wrong, Shrek Academy has never been short of students, as for those who dare to take risks to join, doesn’t it better show that their temperament is excellent and worth cultivating?”






(end of this chapter)

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