Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1655


Chapter 1655 Encounter (please subscribe)

The deep eyes of the Ghost Emperor hidden under the mask gleamed, coldly said "Not only did we not strengthen the inspection of the surrounding area, but also opened up the enrollment quota? Sure enough, the last time the Shrek Inner Court was severely damaged, it was the right choice!"

After a pause, he said again, "Everyone , During this time, as long as Shrek Academy and other forces do not take the initiative to provoke them, then ignore them and gather Evil Spirit Masters from Star Luo continent as much as possible!"

Since the Holy Spirit teacher attacked Star After Luo Empire Imperial Family, in just ten days, hundreds of Evil Spirit Masters from Star Luo continent have joined Holy Spirit to teach!

As long as it develops stealthily, the number of Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit will reach a terrifying level. When the time comes, no force can resist Holy Spirit teaching!

Hearing this sentence, a bowed Evil Spirit Master standing beside him hesitated, "But Sect Lord... We are now on the Star Luo continent, allowing Shrek Academy to develop smoothly, It is likely to hinder us in the future!"

Another Evil Spirit Master said with a sneer "hmph! The cultivation of our Evil Spirit Master is much faster than that of ordinary Spirit Masters, that is to say , it is completely possible to stop a large number of high-end battle strengths during this period of time! Why should Shrek Academy fight against us?"

"That's right! Shrek Academy can hinder us, only those few people. The Elder of the Sea God Pavilion and the students in the inner courtyard, when they re-train the next generation, our Holy Spirit teaching has already united the continent!"

The Ghost Emperor just glanced at them coldly, without saying a word... …

It takes at least a few years, or even a dozen years, for ordinary Spirit Masters to cultivate from the two rings Spirit Grandmaster to Spirit Emperor, but Evil Spirit Masters are different, they only need to absorb people blood or even soul, the spirit power level can be multiplied!

To put it simply, during this period of time, Shrek Academy has at most cultivated a group of students from the inner courtyard, while Holy Spirit teaching can create a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse! !

Of course, this also has a drawback, that is, the lifespan of the Evil Spirit Master who raises the spirit power level by this method is generally short, but it is obviously enough, all Evil Spirit Masters are good for him. After all, it's just a pawn!

In the end, it was Harotha who scolded coldly, "Shut up, you can think about it, will Sect Lord and Demon Sovereign not think about it?"

Immediately, he He turned his gaze towards Ghost Emperor again, narrowed his eyes and said, "Sect Lord, we all understand what you said, but how should we deal with the Star Luo continent Imperial Family and those forces?"

Faced with this problem, Ghost Emperor took a deep breath, and a terrifying killing intent erupted all over his body...

"How to deal with it? Nature is secretly eroding, turning them into a member of our Holy Spirit teaching. , if you don't want to, then destroy them all!!"

Only relying on the power of the Star Luo continent, there is absolutely no way to compete with their Holy Spirit sect, like the most powerful sect, at most Just a stronger ant!


On the other side, Xu Sheng has led Tang Wulin and the others to the headquarters of Spirit Pagoda...

However, different from the past. Yes, today's Spirit Pagoda is very deserted, naked eyes can hardly see much silhouette!

Xie Ru's face said curiously "en? Why are there so few Spirit Masters at Spirit Pagoda headquarters today? I remember that every time I came here, it was full"

Xu Xiaoyan too She frowned and said, "Indeed, I've never seen such a deserted situation. Could it be that Spirit Pagoda has done something wrong?"

Gu Yue opened the mouth and said abruptly. "I've probably heard that it seems that Spirit Pagoda has restricted the sale of Spirit Soul, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of many Spirit Masters! This is where the current situation appears!"

Ye Xinglan said quite puzzled " Restricting the sale of Spirit Soul? Isn't Spirit Pagoda ruining its own brand by doing this?"

Xu Lizhi whispered while eating the food in his hand, "I think Spirit Pagoda just wants to increase the price. !"

Wusido indifferently said "that is to say...our action this time seems to be in vain"

Just as everyone was thinking about it, Spirit Pagoda's work The personnel have already walked over...

I saw her with a formulaic said with a slight smile "Dear guests, our Spirit Pagoda has stopped selling artificial Spirit Soul, if you want to buy Spirit Soul If so, please choose another day!"

Although he said so, those eyes were still attracted by Xu Sheng's face...

He secretly said, "Don't get excited, don't Excited, I am a staff member of Spirit Pagoda, not a slut!

Xu Sheng saw this and explained, "Hello, we are not here to buy artificial Spirit Soul, but to use the Ascension Platform! "

This magnetic voice directly melted the heart of the female staff member, and her cheeks suddenly became hot...

She said shyly, "Okay...Okay." Yes, several guests, please come with me. Currently, the Ascension Platform can be used normally! ! "

Immediately, the entire group was led by the female staff member to the place where the Ascension Platform was used...

On the way, Xie Ru couldn't help but said jealously, "Damn, Master Old Xu." The charm is still not reduced by half, that female staff member is going to be fascinated! "

Xu Xiaoyan blinked his beautiful eyes, "Of course, Master Old Xu is so handsome and strong, to be a teacher in Shrek Academy, oh no, Elder, he is indeed too talented!" "

Tang Wulin reminded, "I said... if Old Xu is not a teacher, we won't have a chance to enter Shrek Academy, right? At first, it was almost eliminated! "

Gu Yue opened the mouth seriously and said "If there is a man in this world who can be called perfect, it can only be Master Old Xu!" "

Wusido nodded and said "I agree with this too! ”

Of all the men she met, Xu Sheng was the only one who could make her heartbeat quicken!

As they were talking, the elevators were slowly opening ...

As soon as I walked out, I encountered a woman who exuded a cold and coercive force, and her appearance was not weaker than Yali!

is the owner of the Spirit Pagoda tower. , Leng Yaozhu!

Seeing the former, the female staff hurriedly said, "The tower master! ”

Leng Yaozhu's gaze swept across the female staff, and placed it on the extremely conspicuous Xu Sheng, and instantly recognized his identity...

Slightly surprised Said "en? Are you... Elder Xu from the Sea God Pavilion? "

Xu Sheng also recognized the other party, face doesn't change and said, "Long Pagoda master, didn't expect such a coincidence, it's rare to come to Spirit Pagoda to meet you!" "

Leng Yaozhu covered his mouth and smiled, "Yeah, but it's rare for Elder Xu to come here, why don't you go upstairs to rest?" "

She also wanted to take this opportunity to get to know the man who made Yun Ming and the Sea God Pavilion Elders jealous!

Xu Sheng did not refuse, "If it is cold If the tower owner personally invites, I would be very happy! "

Leng Yaozhu glanced sideways at the female staff, instructed "You take these children to the Ascension Platform, by the way, remember that the fee is free"

The latter Hearing this, he respectfully said, "Yes, tower master! "

My God! This young man is actually the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion!

I'm sorry that I just wanted to communicate with him in depth!




(end of this chapter)

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