Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1658


Chapter 1658 Conditions of Tang Sect Division (Subscribe)

On the other side, Xu Sheng I have come to the special reception room with Leng Yaozhu...

After Leng Yaozhu sat down, he opened the mouth and said "Elder Xu, please take a seat!"

Xu Sheng did not hesitate, She sat down opposite her...

Immediately, after looking all around, she lightly said with a smile "Master Leng, this Spirit Pagoda's facilities are much more luxurious than Shrek Academy. "

Leng Yaozhu didn't deny it, and said with some pride, "Yeah! Although it is a lot worse than Shrek Academy in terms of high-end battle strength, Spirit Pagoda is also ranked in the top of the list in terms of funding." The continent is at the forefront!"

After all, only Spirit Pagoda can sell artificial Spirit Soul in the entire continent, so the speed of accumulating money is also impossible to compare with other forces!

While speaking, she also poured a cup of tea for Xu Sheng with a very elegant posture, and then poured a cup for herself...

After Xu Sheng took it, she asked casually "Thank you, but the owner of the cold tower, I am very curious about one thing, why Spirit Pagoda wants to ban the sale of artificial Spirit Soul, which is absolutely not for Spirit Pagoda"

Who knows, hear this Leng Yaozhu, who said the words, picked up the teacup and took a sip, and a strong bitter taste spread on the tip of the tongue...

This is said with a bitter smile "Actually, doing this is purely a matter of In desperation, because the previous tower owner was deceived by Holy Spirit's Evil Spirit Master, all the artificial Spirit Soul produced during that period were sent out, which resulted in Spirit Pagoda currently not having enough artificial Spirit Soul"

"A few days ago, the price of an ordinary man-made Spirit Soul of a century-old cultivation base has soared to hundreds of thousands of federal coins along with the market!"

Xu Sheng looked thoughtful and said, "That is, Said, in order to bring the price back to normal, so Spirit Pagoda intends to mass-produce the artificial Spirit Soul during this period?"

Leng Yaozhuaffirmed "Yes! Only in this way can we make more Spirit Master can afford artificial Spirit Soul!”

Although she is the tower owner of Spirit Pagoda, the price of artificial Spirit Soul is never artificially set, but is based on the two factors of quantity and quality of total output. To make an assessment...

Immediately, her beautiful eyes flickered, "Xu Elder, I have told Spirit Pagoda such an important secret, can I ask you a question too? ?"

The previous words were just to bring the relationship closer, and now is the purpose of inviting Xu Sheng to talk!

Xu Sheng, who had already anticipated this, did not choose to refuse, "Of course you can"

Leng Yaozhu took a deep breath, "Xu Elder, the spirit emanating from you. Power fluctuations should only be Spirit Saint, why can it be the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion?"

Xu Sheng glanced at her with his dark eyes, and shrugged his shoulders and said, "This question... I'm sorry I can't answer it, probably Is it the other Sea God elders who like me?"

Realizing that Xu Sheng was perfunctory of his own Leng Yaozhu, he did not get angry, but covered his mouth lightly said with a smile "Xu Elder really knows Just kidding, based on what I know about the elders of the Sea God Pavilion, they won't let anyone join just because they like it!"

Xu Sheng seemed to have heard the unspoken implication, but he still pretended to be puzzled. "What do you mean by Leng Tower Master??"

The former's beautiful eyes suddenly became very serious "Let's be honest, I want to have a brief discussion with Xu Elder"

He I really want to know why this man who only has Spirit Saint level makes Yun Mingdu particularly jealous!

At this moment, Qiangu Qingfeng suddenly opened the door and walked in. In an instant, the two lines of sight condensed on him...

He had to cough. "cough cough ... Tower owner, please forgive me for breaking in without your consent!"

Leng Yaozhu actually planned to discuss with the Sea God Pavilion Elder just now that he heard it right!

Leng Yaozhu waved his hand and said he didn't mind, "No problem, what's the matter with the deputy tower master?"

Qiangu Qingfeng who came back to his senses, his face changed Very grim, "Hmm..."


Right in front of the Tang Sect being repaired!

The three Hall Masters are closely watching the scene in front of them...

Strength Hall Hall Master Zhao Song said with excitement, "Looking at the current appearance, it should be a month or two away. It's completed!"

Speed Hall Hall Master Liang Xiaoyu nodded and said "en! Although not as domineering as the original Tang Sect, it's not bad, at least it won't make people feel shabby!"

Guo Xiaoxu, the Hall Master of Dou Soul Hall, seemed to have thought of something, frowned "By the way, most of our Disciples in the Tang Sect Soul Guidance Hall and the sect master were sacrificed under the attack of the Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball, the spirit tool is only afraid of To develop from scratch!"

Besides gathering intelligence, Tang Sect is best at being a spirit tool!

At this moment, another strange man with his head buried beside them, folded his arms and thought seriously, "Well... that's true, it seems that we Tang Sect also want to Learn Shrek Academy, open enrollment!"

Zhao Song's eyes lit up, "en? Something was wrong, he looked towards the former, and said, "Wait, who are you?"

The other two Hall Masters also noticed this, showing a bit of hostility on their cheeks...

The man hurriedly lifted the head and waved his hand, "Don't be nervous, the three Hall Masters, it's me, Hu Jie!"

After seeing him clearly, the three Hall Masters all He opened his mouth wide...

Guo Xiaoxu frowned "You are... Hu Jie? Where have you been all these days?"

Zhao Song coldly shouted " That is, we almost thought you betrayed Tang Sect!"

Hu Jie rolled the eyes, "How could I betray Tang Sect, as for where I went some time ago, needless to say? It must be Star Luo Continent's branch!"

And, I discussed it with Chief-In-Charge over there! "

The faces of the three of them were blank, "So what? "

Hu Jie proudly said, "After I explained the situation, I was allowed to lead some Disciple, which is good at spirit tools, to come!" "

As early as when Zhao Song wanted to rebuild Tang Sect, he had already thought of this, so he went to the branch to ask for help!

Immediately, he simply The Clapped, hidden in the dark, the Disciples of the Tang Sect branch all came out...

At first glance, there are probably hundreds of people!

Liang Xiaoyu doubtfully said, "Hu Jie... ...the branch did not come up with any conditions? "

Hu Jie said with a bitter smile "Of course! It is said that the Tang Sect of Star Luo continent will become the headquarters in the future, and our side will become the branch! "

Zhao Song suddenly became anxious, angrily shouted "What! Hu Jie, how could you agree to such a condition without authorization! ! "

Who knows, Liang Xiaoyu and Guo Xiaoxu were unexpectedly not angry. What does the name mean? "

"That's right, we are not qualified to negotiate conditions with the branch, Hu Jie has done his best!" "

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Song gradually calmed down...

clenched his fists and said, "I... I understand, but some can't accept it!" ”

At this moment, several people fell into silence...

If the sect master is still there, the branch will also have the courage to make such excessive demands!




(end of this chapter)

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