Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1675


Chapter 1675 Conditions of Shrek Academy! (Subscription required)

Shrek Academy, in Dean's lounge!

The messenger looked at Cai Yueer in front of him, and blunt said, "Elder Cai, you are also a happy person, so I will say it straight, I don't know what conditions Shrek Academy needs before they are willing to help our Star Luo Empire!"

Rather than being passive, take advantage of the conversation!

Otherwise, you can only be led by the nose!

Cai Yue'er's beautiful eyes narrowed and she said, "Well, our Shrek Academy's condition is very simple, that is, Star Luo Empire contributes 1% of precious forging materials and The Star Luo Empire army has certain jurisdiction!"

Don't look at the only one percent of the forging materials, according to the base, it is enough to use Shrek Academy for half a year or even a few years!

As for the jurisdiction of the Star Luo Empire's army, she did it on purpose for maximum profit!

Hearing this sentence, the messenger's face turned black, "Elder Cai, this condition is a bit too much! Star Luo Empire's team jurisdiction cannot be regarded as a condition!"

The only advantage of Star Luo Empire is the number of Empire soldiers!

If even this is distributed to other forces, it is equivalent to weakening the Emperor's rights in disguise!

Cai Yue'er indifferently said "You don't have to be so excited, isn't there room for negotiation?"

Hearing this sentence, the messenger's face softened a bit... …

But I already know in my heart that I have lost this battle of words, and it is very thorough!

After taking a deep breath, he grim said, "I said before that I donate one percent of the precious forging materials to Shrek Academy every year, I can agree on behalf of Emperor Your Majesty!"

After a pause, he said again, "But, forgive me, I can't agree to split the jurisdiction of the Star Luo Empire army, and please ask Cai Elder to change the terms!"

Cai Yueer, who had expected this answer, did not In a hurry to put forward another condition, instead, he changed the subject and said "If I remember correctly, when the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family was attacked by the Evil Spirit Master, two Super Douluo fell."

The messenger frowned , "It's true, but what did Cai Elder say these are?"

He always had an ominous premonition in his heart that he would be slaughtered by the other party "incompletely"

Cai Yue'er glanced at him , continued, "There are many powerhouses above the Super Douluo level in the Holy Spirit religion, and their existence is a huge threat to the Sea God Pavilion!"

"So, dispatch the Sea God Pavilion Elder to Star Luo continent support, which means there is a chance of losing high-end battle strength..."


I don't know how long the two have been talking, but I only heard the messenger "pu "With a bang, I lay on the sofa, my eyes were completely lost...

On the other hand, Cai Yueer, neither fast nor slow, took a sip from the teacup to relieve the dry lips...

Only then did he say "Your Excellency, since there is no objection, it is such a happy decision!"

Hearing this, the envoy forced a smile, "Yes, a pleasant decision. It's over..."

The ghost knows how many times his heart has gone up and down during this period of time, and this has barely minimized the loss!

then stood up, "Since the mission here has been completed, we will stay soon! Farewell"

After saying this, he walked out of Dean's lounge. ......

I have been waiting for the other messengers outside to see this, and they all leaned over and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Shrek Academy It shouldn't be too much. conditions?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, if it's not too much, how can his face be so ugly!"

The messenger headed obviously didn't want to explain , sighed, "No need, let's go, set off back to Star Luo Empire!"


Seeing these 100,000 Year Spirit Beasts fighting in Armageddon, Le Zhengyu couldn't help it Excitedly, he opened the mouth and said, "It's good, right, right, kill it, shouldn't it bite off its head?"

Yuanen Yehui next to him glanced at him and reminded " I said...Le Zhengyu, what are you doing?"

This guy, I'm afraid I've forgotten the purpose of coming here!

Le Zhengyu came back to his senses, scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Ah? Then what... of course we have to wait for the opportunity, when the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast is hit hard, we can just make a bad move. !"

The fight between the 100,000 Year Spirit Beasts was so much fun that he almost clapped his hands!

Yuanen Yehui coldly said, "Really? Look carefully, these 100,000 Year Spirit Beasts have stopped fighting!"

Sure enough, these 100,000 Year Spirit Beasts have been hit hard. Spirit Beast seemed to know that they couldn't tell the difference, and gradually stopped fighting...

Seeing this, Le Zhengyu was quite surprised and said, "Although the result is quite different from what I expected, we At least found the weakness of that rock dragon"


That's right, the most vulnerable part of the rock dragon is its eyes!

As for how to tell this, it's actually pretty easy!

Compared with other 100,000 Year Spirit Beasts that are drenched with blood, the huge body of the rock dragon leaves only faint traces...

The only place that was seriously injured, It's the left eye that has been slashed blind, and the blood of bright red is constantly flowing out...

Yuanen Yehui raised his chin and thought, "That is to long as its other If only one eye is injured, it loses the ability to hunt us down!"

Le Zhengyu straightened his chest proudly, "Yes, when the time comes we just need to take turns to attack and restore spirit power, Sooner or later, this dead old snake can be consumed!"

Anyway, he knew from the very beginning that hunting 100,000 Year Spirit Beast was not something that could be done in a short period of time, which is why he brought so many attacks and Defense spirit tool!

Yuanen Yehui showed a rare smile and said sincerely, "Le Zhengyu, many thanks to you this time!"

If there is no former, perhaps he is still fighting hard Bar!

Le Zhengyu raised his brows, "No need to thank you, but next time I come to hunt 100,000 Year Spirit Beast, you can't refuse me, right?"

Yuanen Yehui heard the words and said in a positive tone, "This is natural!"

Although the former's personality is not very pleasant, there is no doubt that he is the one who can entrust himself with his back!


The night is coming!

Still waiting for Xu Xiaoyan and the others outside the women's dormitory in the outer courtyard, they all yawned...

Xie Ru said sleepily, "Those messengers from Star Luo Empire It's been a long time since she left, why hasn't Gu Yue come back yet? Isn't she really angry with Wulin?"

Tang Wulin scolded "Thank you, I've said it many times, yes Master Old Xu made Gu Yue angry!"

I don't bear this blame!

Only Ye Xinglan said worriedly with a full face, "You said... Gu Yue will have an accident?"

Xu Xiaoyan frowned "It should be impossible, even if Gu Yue is angry, It doesn't necessarily mean that he will do anything extreme!"

Xu Lizhi nodded echoed, "I also believe in Gu Yue, maybe because of something, I can't go back to the Academy for the time being"

At this time, Tang Wulin's eyes suddenly narrowed, "But waiting like this is not the way, I remember Gu Yue said when he left that he wanted to go to the Blacksmiths Association! Maybe it's still there"

"Everyone will go back first. Rest in the dormitory, I'll find her alone!"








(end of this chapter)

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