Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1681


Chapter 1681 Yuanen Zhentian (Subscribe)

Yuanen family not far from Spirit Beast forest!

I saw Yuanen Zhentian who was resting in the first seat, and his heart suddenly throbbed...

Suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole body burst out. The terrifying spirit power breath, if you feel it carefully, you will find that its strength has reached the terrifying Super Douluo level!

ugly complexion said, "This is... telepathy? Not good! I'm afraid Yehui is in danger!"

Their original family is the Spirit Beast family. Each clansman has the bloodline of Spirit Beast in his body, so he can clearly feel each other's state, especially between blood relatives, which is more accurate!

And the reason why he was able to immediately find out that his granddaughter Yuanen Yehui was in crisis was also the reason!

As expected, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open...

A middle-aged man hurriedly entered from the outside, ugly complexion said "father!"

Yuanen Zhentian raised his eyes and glanced at the former, his face was ice-cold saying "Tiandang, it seems that you sensed it too, Yehui is now in danger now!"

Yuanen Tiandang nodded , anxiously said "Well, but I can't sense Yehui's breath, I'm afraid she's not in Shrek City!"

Yuanen Zhentian raised his eyes slightly and asked, "So what do you want to do?"

Yuanen Tiandang took a deep breath, and grim said, "father, I will go to Shrek Academy immediately and ask about the specific situation!"

Yuanen Yehui is a member of the Yuanen family. The person who inherited the purest bloodline is also his own daughter!

must not watch its vanished fragrance and crumbled jade!

Yuanen Zhentian waved his hand, stood up from his seat, coldly said, "No need, you stay in the family to guard, I will go personally, if Yehui's situation and Shrek Academy If it's related, then we have to get an answer anyway!"

They just trusted Shrek Academy, so they sent Yuanen Yehui, the best innate talent, to study!

If something goes wrong, even if everything from the Yuanen family is exhausted, the other party will have to pay the price!

Yuanen Tiandang bit his lip, "father, then Yehui will ask you!"

As Yehui's father, no one is more anxious than him, But at the same time, it is also clear that with his strength, even if he goes to Shrek Academy, he has no right to speak!

Yuanen Zhentian was slightly unable to nod in the air, his whole person burst out with a powerful breath, slowly ascended to in midair, and disappeared at the speed of naked eye to see the Yuanen family...

Seeing the former leave, Yuanen Tiandang clenched his fists, "Yehui, don't have any trouble!"


In the Sea God Pavilion!

I saw Cai Yue'er's eyes narrowed, and she said, "Pavilion Lord, I noticed that a Super Douluo-level powerhouse is approaching the Academy!"

Yun Ming's slightly nod, not What more to say, but those deep eyes clearly understood everything...

The frowned, "It doesn't look like the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit, but it's a bit like..."

Feng Wuyu answered, "This aura, I remember, is the patriarch of the Yuanen family, Yuanen Zhentian!"

Tang Yinmeng was puzzled and said, "But this Yuanen Zhentian! What are you doing here? Is it for Yuanen Yehui?"

Long Yeyue shook the head, "I remember that Yuanen Zhentian entrusted Yuanen Yehui to our Shrek Academy, and there was no news. , and now actually came in person, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"Come!" As Yun Ming's calm words sounded...

The door of the Sea God Pavilion was slowly opened. Pushing it away, I saw Yuanen Zhentian, who was exuding a terrifying aura, strode into it...

The moment I saw Yun Ming and the others, I restrained them...

Immediately cup one fist in the other hand and said, "Pavilion Lord, all Elders! Forgive me for interrupting!"

Cai Yue'er took the lead and asked, "Yuanen, patriarch, don't be polite, but this time Come, why?"

Yuanen Zhentian took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said expressionlessly "Pavilion Lord, elders, I want to know my granddaughter Yuanen Yehui now Where is it? Why can't I sense her breath!"

Lan Muzi said in surprise, "Yuanen Yehui is not at the Academy?"

After a brief perception, his face became a little heavy , "en? You really haven't sensed her breath!"

Zhuo Shi also lifted his chin and said, "It's strange, I haven't met Yuanen Ye in the past two months. Hui!"

Cai Yueer's pupils shrank, "So... Yuanen Yehui disappeared two months ago?"

Long Yeyue said solemnly " But the Sea God Pavilion didn't send her to do any tasks, I'm afraid she left without authorization!"

Seeing that the expressions on their faces did not seem to be fake, Yuanen Zhentian opened the mouth again and said "frankly, just now, I sensed through the bloodline that Yehui was facing a life-and-death crisis! "

It seems that it is not the elders of the Sea God Pavilion who have caused Yehui to fall into crisis!

Hearing this, all the elders are cry out in surprise " What? Life and death crisis? "

Yuanen Yehui is the best candidate for the current Shrek Academy!

If there is an accident, it will not only cause the Yuanen family's anger , and it will set back the days of the rise of the inner court by decades!

Only Yun Ming calmly said "This matter, Yuanen patriarch may ask Xu Elder, and he should be able to get a reasonable price. explain! ! "

Yuanen Zhentian heard the words and wondered, "Pavilion Lord, who is Xu Elder? ? "

He remembered that when he sent Yuanen Yehui into the Academy, there were only a few elders present, and he had never heard of an elder!

did not wait for Yun Ming to answer , Cai Yueer explained, "Elder Xu is an Elder who joined the Sea God Pavilion in one year! It is normal for Yuanen patriarch not to know! "

Yuanen Zhentian suddenly realized "so that's how it is!" "

I'm afraid that the newly added Elder Xu will be at least at the same level as himself!

The foundation of the Sea God Pavilion is indeed terrifying!

Upon seeing this, Yun Ming said in a flat tone, "Since the situation is urgent, Mr. Cai, please lead Yuanen patriarch to see Elder Xu! "

Cai Yue'er did not refuse, "Yes, Pavilion Lord!" "

He looked at Yuanen Zhen Heavenly Dao "Yuanen patriarch, please come with me!" "

Yuanen Zhentian was not hypocritical either, cup one fist in the other hand and said, "The elders, I will leave first"

So, follow the former to teach Walking down the stairs...

At this time, the other Sea God Pavilion Elders turned their attention to Yun Ming and asked curiously, "Pavilion Lord, do you know something? "

Yun Ming didn't deny it, replied softly, and then told what he knew...

Zhuo Shi's throat swallowed, and he said in a daze, "Yehui that little girl , actually planning to hunt down 100,000 Year Spirit Beast with Le Zhengyu? "

Long Yeyue's rare scolded "Damn, how could Elder Xu agree?" The power of the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast is not something they can resist! "

Feng Wuyu also excitedly said "Yeah Pavilion Lord, with only the two of them, wanting to deal with the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast is tantamount to a lamb in a tiger's den!" "

Tang Yinmeng clutched her dizzy head, "If something happens to Yuanen Yehui and Le Zhengyu, the Holy Angel Family and Yuanen Family will fight with our Shrek Academy!" What the hell was Elder Xu thinking! "

Today's Shrek Academy is not in the peak state, and now it is taking the initiative to provoke two Top Rank families, which is tantamount to making things worse!




(end of this chapter)

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