Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1689


Chapter 1689 Promotion to Yellow Rank Fighter (Subscribe)

Xu Lizhi saw this and immediately He trotted over, squatted down and sensed the former's breath, and found that after fainting, his heart was quietly relaxed...

Immediately opened the mouth to the others and said "Don't worry, Xiao Yan is fine, she just passed out!"


Tang Wulin then looked at the Tang Sect Elder who had smashed the human-shaped pit in front of him with fearful eyes, and grim said, "What is this Tang Sect Elder planning to do? To be so cruel to Xiaoyan!"

Ye Xinglan said suspiciously, "It is estimated that as a Spirit Douluo, he was injured by a few of us and felt fly into a rage out of humiliation! I want to kill a witness to silence them!"

Wu Siduo coldly said "didn't expect Tang Sect to have such an Elder, it's a shame!"

Xie Lai agreed, "That's right, we still let us take action before... ..."

Just as they were discussing, Tang Sect Elder in the humanoid pit let out a heart-pounding laugh...

"hahaha ha~ hahaha ha, You little fellows really pissed me off!"

I saw him stand up slowly, with a strong killing intent in his eyes...

I can't wait to ask Chopped up Tang Wulin and the others ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

Just as he was about to start, a voice suddenly sounded...

"Tang Sect has an Elder like you, it's a shame!"

The person here is the Strength Hall Hall Master, Zhao Song, who has been hiding in the dark to observe!

He thought that this Tang Sect Elder was just flying into a rage out of humiliation, but he still retained his rationality, but absolutely didn't expect, when he treated the children in front of him, he even planned to kill!

Seeing the former, the Tang Sect Elder immediately restrained his killing intent, swallowed his throat and said, "Tang... Hall Master, why are you here?"

Strength Hall Looking at the former with cold eyes, Master Hall asked, "If I don't come, are you still going to kill these Disciples?"

Tang Sect Elder, with a somewhat guilty cheek on his face, explained "Hall Master, I didn't mean that, just..."

Seeing that he was still arguing, Zhao Song angrily shouted "Enough! You really think what happened before, didn't I see it? "

In an instant, the terrifying power of his Super Douluo level instantly enveloped the former...

The Elder of Spirit Douluo level, in this brief moment, seemed weak and powerless , I don't even have the courage to look at Zhao Song!

Zhao Song opened the mouth again and said "Get out now, go to Law Enforcement Hall to collect the penalty!"

The Tang Sect Elder tremblingly opened the mouth and said "Yes. , Hall Master ”

After saying this, he gave Xie Rui and the others a fiercely look and left quickly...

When the former left, Tang Wulin immediately cup one fist in the other hand said, "many thanks Hall Master, otherwise we will be in danger!"

The others also opened the mouth and said "many thanks Hall Master!"

Seemingly seeing their emotions, Zhao Song suppressed the anger in his heart and said softly, "You little fellows, don't be nervous, I have seen the situation from beginning to end!"

The bottom of everyone's heart The big stone just fell, but fortunately, the Hall Master is sensible, and there is no brainless to cover up the previous Elder!

Xie Ru coughed and asked cautiously, "Hall Master, since you have seen the situation, do you know about our promotion to the Yellow Rank Fighter?"

Zhao Song was stunned. He was stunned, "Promoted to Yellow Rank fighter? You just fought for this?"

He was at first, thinking that these Disciples were asking the Elder for advice!

didn't expect to be promoted to the Yellow Rank fighter, with the cooperation of these little fellows and the spirit power level, it is fully qualified to be promoted to the Yellow Rank fighter!

Ye Xinglan nodded, replied "Yes, let Master Hall you laugh"

Zhao Song shook the head, "Smiling? No, I think your cooperation is very good, the six The Spirit King teamed up and was able to injure a Spirit Douluo-level powerhouse"

"As for the Yellow Rank fighters, I agree!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed. Hi, excitedly said "many thanks Hall Master!"

Zhao Song smiled slightly, "Let's go, now that you have been promoted to Yellow Rank fighter, I will take you to collect the new Tang Sect secret skill!"



Sea God Pavilion!

Yun Ming looked at Yuanen Yehui in front of him with a complicated expression, and said with emotion, "Yehui, it seems that you have obtained the second 100,000-year spirit ring!"

As Limit Douluo, he can already see at a glance that the latter is stronger than when he left!

Yuanen Yehui slightly nodded this 0, "Yes, Pavilion Lord, but thanks to Le Zhengyu's help, otherwise I would not be able to kill the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast alone!"

Next to Le Zhengyu felt a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "hehehe, mainly Yehui found the weakness of the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast!"

But to be honest, he is now Not to mention how proud I am!

Cai Yue'er said with a slight smile "Don't be humble to each other. The situation where a Spirit King and a Spirit Emperor kill 100,000 Year Spirit Beast has never happened in the entire continent!"

Zuo Shi also stroked his beard and praised, "Yes, with you two, the Shrek Academy's inner courtyard will soon develop to Peak!"

Yali was covering up. Mouth teased "This is all thanks to the teaching of Yuanen patriarch, no, it should be called Yuanen Elder now!" But without this ability, Yehui used to have a good innate talent, but now it's the difference between Heaven and Earth!"

After a pause, she looked towards Xu Sheng meaningfully, He said with emotion, "The reason for such a big change should be due to Elder Xu!"

If he thought he could train Yuanen Yehui well, he wouldn't let him come to Shrek Academy to study!

Hearing this, Yuanen Yehui also cast a grateful look...

Only the corner of Xu Sheng's mouth just raised an arc, and he didn't want to say more ...

After a brief chat, Cai Yueer opened the mouth and said "Yehui, Le Zhengyu, you two should leave first!"

Without showing dissatisfaction, he respectfully said, "Yes, Mr. Cai!"

Immediately, she turned and left the Sea God Pavilion...

Immediately, Cai Yueer's eyes looked towards the original again. En Zhentian asked, "Yuanen Elder, forgive me to speak bluntly, how long do you plan to move the clansman of the Yuanen family to Shrek Academy?"

The latter raised his chin and thought, " It will take about seven days, after all, we have to clean up the big and small things in the family!"

But he seemed to have thought of something and hesitated, "By the way, I remember that Shrek Academy should only have dormitory buildings, if it is clansman Will it be too crowded if we enter?"

Feng Wuyu waved his hand, "This point, Yuanen Elder, please rest assured, there are still unused buildings in our Shrek Academy, which should be enough for the original building. The En family lives here!"

Yali affirmed "That's right! No matter how many clansman there are in the Yuanen family, it is impossible to have more than 2,000 people, so it can be accommodated completely!"

"In addition, If the clansman of the Yuanen family needs it, as long as the spirit power level is up to standard, they can also enter Shrek Academy!”




(end of this chapter)

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