Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1711


Chapter 1711 End of term (please subscribe)

Xu Sheng chuckled and asked back, "Then I can refuse Is it?"

Hearing this sentence, the other Elders all showed stunned expressions...

Then, Zhuo Shi said with a bitter smile "Xu Elder said this, If you don't want to, can we still force you to go?"

Yali also nodded and said "Yes, we respect Xu Elder's choice, otherwise why bother asking"

Tang Yinmeng echoed, "Elder Xu, you'd better say it directly, don't sell it, if you don't want to, go to another elder!"

This scene made the newly added Yuanen Zhentian didn't know what to say, and secretly said in his heart, "Sure enough, this Elder Xu has a different position in the Sea God Pavilion, not only the other Sea God Pavilion Elders, but even the most powerful Pavilion Lord in him. In front of me, they all behaved so respectfully!"

No wonder Yehui's strength has been raised so terrifying!

Perhaps, you can try it yourself!

Xu Sheng glanced at everyone, opened the mouth and said "Just as the end of the term is about to end, let's go with Cai Elder"

Cai Yueer relaxed, "Then That's it, after the end of the term, Elder Xu and I will go to Star Luo University...

But suddenly, Yuanen Zhentian stopped and said "wait a minute"

Everyone, including Yun Ming, looked towards him...

Cai Yueer said curiously "Yuanen Elder, do you have anything to say? "

Yuanen Zhentian covered his mouth and coughed, "Well, Elder Cai, let me and Elder Xu go. After all, Sea God Pavilion and Shrek Academy are inseparable from your management. Just joined, just so there is nothing to do! "

Of course he didn't simply want to go to Star Luo Empire, but wanted to take this opportunity to get to know this Elder Xu!

Hearing this, Cai Yueer was stunned. I was stunned, and then I understood Yuanen Zhentian's intention...

Hesitantly said, "But the Yuanen family..."

Yuanen Zhentian He waved his hands and said, "It doesn't matter, my son Yuanen Tiandang is in the Yuanen family, I am very relieved! "

Since it's all said, Cai Yue'er has no reason to refuse, opened the mouth and said "I see, then please allow Elder and Yuanen Elder to go with us on this matter!" ”

Xu Sheng just looked at Yuanen Zhentian in surprise, but soon recovered his calm...

Whoever went to Star Luo continent with him There is no difference!

Yun Ming slowly stood up and said, "Okay, today's Sea God Pavilion military conference is here, everyone go back! ”


About a week later......

The final assessment of the entire Shrek Outer Court has also ended. Ruthless elimination...

Guyue entire group who walked out of the teaching building couldn't help but take a deep breath...

Tang Wulin couldn't help sighing, "The end of the term is over, wait until Starting next semester, we are also students of the inner courtyard! "

Ye Xinglan also said excitedly, "Well, although the Academy's inner courtyard students are not as good as before, but with this status, Spirit Pagoda and other Great Influences will give certain preferential treatment!" "

Xu Lizhi was moved and said, "After so long, I can finally return to the inner courtyard!" "

Gu Yue pursed her thin lips, "Actually, if you want me to say, it's better to stay in the outer courtyard, after all, Elder Xu is teaching a class!" Instead of just teaching us"

If you enter the inner courtyard, it will be completely your own cultivation!

Xie Ru also pouted and said, "Ancient medicine, you are fussy. Don't fight, the goal of the dens is the inner courtyard...! "

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Xiaoyan jokingly said "Xie Ru, your face is swollen like a pig's head, stop talking!" "

After a pause, he said with some disappointment, "But without Master Old Xu's teaching, it would be really unpleasant!" "

Wu Siduo glanced at them, suddenly opened the mouth and said "Are you worried about this?" Even if you become a student of the inner courtyard, it is not that you can’t find Teacher Old Xu.”

If you have time to think so much, you might as well go to cultivation!

Of course, this does not include me, After all, that kind of thing happened not long ago!

Tang Wulin was stunned, lightly said with a smile "Wu Sido is right, after becoming a student in the inner courtyard, maybe there will be more time. Find Xu Elder to teach! "

"Let's go, let's relax today, and relax"

Xie Ru's eyes gleamed, excitedly said "Wulin, what do you mean, Are you a guest? "

Xu Lizhi also drooled and stared at Tang Wulin, "Really? Really?" During this time at the Academy, I am tired of the food in the cafeteria! Wulin~~"

Ye Xinglan also coughed, "didn't expect Wulin to be so grand, he deserves to be a Level 6 blacksmith! "

Xu Xiaoyan raised his brows, "Xinglan's words are wrong, Wulin will be a Level 7 blacksmith soon, isn't it normal to invite everyone to a meal?" "

Wu Siduo was stunned, "Can I go too? "

Xie Sha rolled her eyes at her and said, "Isn't this nonsense, we are all a group now, we can't do it without anyone!" "

Tang Wulin was a little stunned, "It seems that you have been planning for a long time, but it is rare that everyone is so happy... Anyway, I will invite everyone to a feast today!" "

At this moment, he suddenly heard a shout from the front...

"Wulin!" "

After turning his eyes to the side, he found out that it was his teacher, Mang Tian and Mu Chen!

He said to the others with a bit of apology, "Everyone, go first, When I talk to the teachers, I will come! "

Gu Yue and the others nodded and left quickly...

At this time, Tang Wulin trotted in front of Mu Chen and the others, happily saying "Mang Tian" teacher, Muchen teacher! How are you here? "

"It's not about finding you brat, who knows where you'll be after the Shrek Academy term is over?" ? "

In the next second, his eyes were attracted by the Level 6 blacksmith badge on Tang Wulin's chest, and he said in shock, "Xiao Wu Lin, actually reached the Level 6 blacksmith!" ”

He remembered last semester that Tang Wulin was only a Level 4 blacksmith. He hadn’t seen him for a while, but he caught up with himself as a Level 6 blacksmith!

Tang Wulin scratched his head a little sadly, "Fuck, luck..."

Next to Mu Chen looked calmer, opened the mouth and said "Wulin breakthrough Level 6 blacksmith, Zhenhua I've been told in advance, of course... If it wasn't for the lack of spirit power, it might be able to hit the Level 7 blacksmith! ”

Although I say this, I am very pleased with the innate talent of forging in or for Tang Wulin...

You can hit a Level 7 blacksmith at a young age, wait until 20-30 If it's years old, it can even impact Divine Craftsman!!

Mang Tian sighed, "It seems that you were not accepted as a disciple of Wulin, you are correct! "

Otherwise, I'm not as good as a student as a teacher, what a shame!

Tang Wulin shook the head and said seriously, "No... I always regarded you as a teacher." Come and see! "

When Mang Tian heard the words, his eyes flickered with emotion...

Mu Chen smiled and stroked his beard, "Okay, okay, since I haven't seen you for so long, I'll find someone." Let's reminisce about the place! ”





(end of this chapter)

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