Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1714


Chapter 1714 filmed, 600,000 (please subscribe)

Xu Xiaoyan asked, "Gu Yue, do you say That thing on the booth is very important to you? But it looks like an ordinary stone!"

Ye Xinglan is also nodded, "Well, even the powerhouse of the auction can't be identified, it's probably a gimmick"

Xu Lizhi echoed, "Mmmm, Gu Yue, don't be fooled, this thing is a scam!"

Gu Yue smiled slightly when she heard the words, "It's okay, I'm pure and simple. I want to take this as a collectible!"

Xie Rui said nothing, looking at the former with a complicated look...

Because he could also feel the atmosphere on the booth In that stone, there seems to be a giant dragon roaring...

The reason why Gu Yue's face has become so bad is that it has nothing to do with it...

Just as they were talking, the female Auctioneer forced a smile, "Then... the starting price of this auction item is 500,000 yuan, and the auction starts!"

After the words fell, there was no auction. The buyer asked for the price, but started to talk about it...

"che, this thing is useless at all, and it's sold for 500,000! What do you buy it for? Is the auction perfunctory for us?"

"That's right, this thing is also put up for auction, no one will take advantage of it!"

"It's just a broken stone, it feels like it's passed in the auction, and then hurry up to the next auction item!"

"Only fools would buy it, hmph! auction is really not treating us as human beings!"

Hearing these words, the female Auctioneer's expression was a little ugly...

Obviously, if it goes on like this, this auction item will be passed in...

However, it seems to be to take care of the auction, one of the guests said without thinking "510,000! "

Seeing this, the female Auctioneer finally felt relaxed, "Guest No. 56 bid 510,000, are there any other customers who want to bid?"

Although the price was somewhat different from what was expected, But as long as it doesn't leak, it's enough!

"600,000 for the first time, 600,000 for the second time..."

Just before that, Gu Yue raised her hand, "600,000!"

The female Auctioneer was delighted, opened the mouth quickly and said "Guest No. 64 bid 600,000!"

"600,000 once, 600,000 twice, 600,000 three times, sold!!”

“Congratulations to the sixty-fourth guest who sold this mysterious stone at a price of 600,000!”

The rest When the auctioneer saw this, he couldn't help being a little snort disdainfully...

"What a hairless brat, this kind of broken stone even bid 600,000!"

"Look at their appearance, He must be a child of a certain family, and he has brain issues to spend 600,000 on such a piece of shit!"

"Tsk, from the expression on the female Auctioneer's face, it seems that she is still very dissatisfied with the price, If someone is willing to take a picture of a broken stone, it will give enough face to the auction!"

Xie Le smacked his lips and said, "Fuck, Gu Yue, you actually spent 600,000 to take this broken stone! I...I see. I feel bad for you"

Xu Xiaoyan teased "What do you feel bad for? It wasn't your money that was spent, besides... If you feel bad, it should be Gu Yue himself."

Xu Li Zhi whispered, "But... the other people just looked at Gu Yue's expression, like they were taking advantage of him."

Ye Xinglan waved his hand and said, "Li Zhi, you can't say that, that stone can block spirit power perception, definitely It's not that simple, Gu Yue would be good to use it as a collectible."

Of course, if it were her, it would definitely be impossible to buy such a broken stone with 600,000!

Gu Yue was not annoyed at this, but was glad that she took the picture at a lower price...

Immediately, she turned on the contactor and waited for Tang Wulin to connect. , said, "Wulin, I really want something, it costs about 600,000 yuan, can you come earlier?"

And Tang Wulin on the other side naturally came with a positive answer. "No problem!"

This sixty thousand is almost all his worth!

But for some reason, out of trust in Gu Yue, he did not refuse!

Of course, most importantly, he also wanted to know what Gu Yue spent so much money on!

Gu Yue's ruddy complexion a bit, "Thank you"

Xie Re gave Gu Yue a complicated look and applauded, "One minute, let a man spend six hours for me. One hundred thousand! Learned, learned!"


On the other side, after the dishes were ready, Mu Xi held the menu and stared pitifully at Tang Wulin. "Dear guests, the dishes are ready!"

Tang Wulin, who felt guilty by this look, tried to open the mouth and said, "That...Sister Mu Xi, why don't you sit down and eat too? Dinner?"

Little did he know that the former was waiting for this sentence, he sat down unceremoniously, patted Tang Wulin's shoulder and said, "Sure enough, Wulin younger brother treats me well! I didn't feel pain in vain before. You!"

Tang Wulin embarrassed said with a smile "Hehe...hehe"

Does it hurt myself?

He remembered being mocked when he first met Mu Xi...

Mu Chen covered his mouth and coughed, "Mu Xi, pay attention to the occasion!"

My daughter, her personality is getting more and more cheerful now!

Mu Xi pouted, "Che...cheapskate, if it's not Wulin's younger brother, I'm afraid I have to stand and watch you eat?"

Mu Chen fiercely Glancing at the former, he said to Tang Wulin, "Wulin, to be honest, I'm very relieved. Some time ago, due to certain things, I had to leave Shrek City, so I can't teach you personally!"

" But you didn't let me down, you stepped into a Level 6 blacksmith at such a young age!"

Tang Wulin scratched his head, modestly said "You are overpraised, I was able to break through to a Level 6 blacksmith so quickly! , can't do without the help of the two teachers!

Next to Mu Xi, she was stunned and said in surprise, "Ehhh? ? Wulin younger brother, you won't really be a Level 6 blacksmith! ”

Then, he looked towards Tang Wulin's chest...

As expected, the Level 6 Blacksmith badge is exuding bright radiance...

After seeing it clearly, she grimaced and said, "Why is this... You were only a Level 2 blacksmith at first, and you left me behind in a blink of an eye! "

Tang Wulin blinked, "Sister Mu Xi, don't show such a sad expression, haven't you also reached the Level 4 blacksmith?" "

As soon as these words came out, Mu Xi's face became gloomy, "Can I understand that you are mocking me? ”

In such a long time, I just broke through from a Level 3 blacksmith to a Level 4 blacksmith, while Tang Wulin has crossed to a Level 6 blacksmith!

Between the two I can figure it out with my butt...

Mu Chen, who was interrupted again by Mu Xi, finally opened his mouth and swallowed...

He couldn't help but feel He sighed and said, "Hey, it's my fault that I doted on Mu Xi too much."

But Tang Wulin seemed to remember something and stared at Mang Tian, "Mang Tian teacher, I have a teacher. Questions I want to ask you! "

Seeing the expression on his face, Mang Tian immediately guessed it and sighed, "You want to ask your parents about it!" "

Tang Wulin said urgently, "Yes, I am now a Level 6 blacksmith, can you tell me where my parents are?" "

Mang Tian shook the head, "Sorry, Wulin, the time hasn't come yet, I can't tell you!" ”




(end of this chapter)

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