Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1730


Chapter 1730 Dai Yuner's Request (Subscribe)

Next day!

Dragon leaping very early, immediately found Dai Yuner, and when she saw her sleepy appearance, she asked, "Yuner, how are you sleeping?"

Dai Yuner pursed her thin lips, "It's alright, although it's a bit crude, but at least it doesn't have that kind of uneasy feeling."

When she was resting in Star Luo Empire, she always recalled being taken by Holy Spirit teaches Evil the torment the Spirit Master suffered after being caught!

For fear that if one is not careful, it will fall into their hands again!

But within Shrek Academy, there is no need to worry about this happening!

dragon leaping

nodded slightly, "That's good, besides, I already checked it out for you yesterday, that Sea God Pavilion Elder's office is..."

After the former finished speaking, Dai Yuner's beautiful eyes lit up and excitedly said, "Thank you Big Brother Long, didn't expect you to have already asked!"

However, dragon leaping added One sentence, "But... that Elder Xu didn't seem to return to the Academy, most likely he had something to leave!"

As soon as these words came out, the excitement on his face disappeared immediately, and there was a deep disappointment in his eyes. , "Ah? Isn't that... I haven't seen Elder Xu for a while?" Seeing this, dragon leaping patted her shoulder and said, "Don't be disappointed, we're not going to be at Shrek Academy. Are you going to stay for a while?"

Dai Yun'er was stunned for a while, then echoed, "That's right, Elder Xu is the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, it should be impossible to leave for too long!"

Afterwards , the two simply ate breakfast in the cafeteria of Shrek Academy...

During the period, they also met Tang Wulin and the others, but in order to avoid what happened yesterday, they simply said hello ...

Le Zhengyu pushed Xie Le next to him with his shoulder, "Who are they? It always feels like you guys are a little bit repulsive!"

Next to Yuanen Yehui also Cast a curious look, because she has never seen these two people!

Probably not a student of Shrek Academy!

Xie Ru said angrily, "Those two guys are exchange students of Star Luo Empire, and one of them is the daughter of Star Luo Empire Emperor!"

Yuanen Yehui Quite surprised, "Exchange students? Looking at the overall situation, this Star Luo Empire is powerless to defend himself, and he still has the intention to send exchange students here!"

Xu Xiaoyan whispered "Who knows! If it wasn't for Cai We don't even want to say hello!"

Tang Wulin scratched his head, "I don't think there is any need for everyone to be so hostile, right? Actually, Dai Yuner and the dragon leaping temperament It's not bad!"

Xie Ru said contemptuously, "Come on, Wulin, don't you know who we excluded Dai Yuner because of?"

Xu Xiaoyan also pouted. "That's right, it seems that you have thoroughly forgotten what happened on the giant ship!"

Ye Xinglan calmly said "Well, Wulin has a great responsibility for this!"

Tang Wulin wanted to explain, but found that it was indeed the case, "I..."

Le Zhengyu withdrew his gaze and said eagerly, "Hey, don't worry about those two, Are we going to have an actual duel today?"

Wusido said abruptly, "I'm fine!"

Yuanen Yehui's beautiful eyes flickered, "Okay. , just last time there was no winner!"

Ye Xinglan shrugged, "Lizhi and I can do it!"

Xie Re stretched his waist, "Just think of it as Xiaoshi. Now, Wulin, Gu Yue, how about you?"

Tang Wulin shook his head and refused, "No, I will go to the Blacksmiths Association with Gu Yue later!"

Gu Yue Affirmed "Well, it's been a long time since I went to see the teacher!"

Dai Yuner, who heard this not far away, suddenly became interested...

Gather up the courage He stood up, walked over to Tang Wulin and Gu Yue, his face turned red and said, "That...Tang Wulin, are you going to the Blacksmiths Association? Can you bring me one!"

"Of course, Big Brother Long he won't be with him!"

She's not a blacksmith, she just wants to visit the Blacksmiths Association!

In Star Luo Empire, there weren't that many opportunities!

Tang Wulin looked towards Gu Yue, and saw that the latter's attitude had not changed much...

Then he agreed, "No problem, let's go together in a while. !”


The Blacksmiths Association……

Makino scratched his head and wandered back and forth……

Mouth Li whispered "Damn, what is the little fellow doing? How long has it been since you came to see the old man?"

Moreover, he didn't go to the Body Sect to find himself. Could it be that the problem of bloodline in the body has been solved? already?

Zhenhua took the teacup and took a sip, helplessly said "I said Muye, can you stop dangling, I'm dizzy!"

Muye He glared at him angrily, "What do you know, if this goes on like this, my plan will be in vain!"

If Tang Wulin didn't owe him a favor, how could he join the Body Sect!

Zhenhua smacked his lips when he heard the words, "tsk tsk tsk, who told you to be sentimental last time, let me tell Wulin that you are back in the Body Sect!"

Makino rolled the eyes, "Don't I think that this kid is very concerned about the situation in his body?"

Zhenhua replied with an indifferent expression, "Come on, I advise you to take back those thoughts, if you really want Tang Wulin joins Body Sect, it's better not to use these little tricks!"

Makino glanced at him and replied "hmph, Zhenhua, you keep talking about me, it's not necessarily your Disciple coming to see you. You!"

At the same time, a voice came from outside the door...

"President, Tang Wulin and Gu Yue are here!"

Zhenhua's corner of the mouth raised, glanced at Muye, and said proudly, "Look, isn't this coming?"

Immediately, he said again, "Bring them here!"


Not long after, the three Tang Wulin came to this room...

After seeing Zhenhua, Tang Wulin and Gu Yue respectfully said, "Teacher!"

But after the former's eyes saw Makino again, surprisedly said "Makino senior, have you come back?"

Makino sparsely voted, "Well, the matter of Body Sect has been dealt with Alright, I came back last night!"

Zhenhua's eyes looked towards Dai Yun'er who was behind them and asked in confusion, "Wulin, Gu Yue, who is this girl?"

Tang Wulin saw this and explained, "President, her name is Dai Yuner, Her Highness the Princess of Star Luo Empire! Muye senior should also know her!"

Muye glanced at Dai Yuner, After thinking, "Well, there is indeed such an impression!"

Zhenhua looked thoughtful nodded...

Tang Wulin introduced to Dai Yuner again "Dai Yuner, this is The president of the Blacksmiths Association, Zhenhua, is also Gu Yue's teacher!! That's the Body Sect Sect Master, Muye senior"

Dai Yuner smiled and said respectfully, "Hello, two seniors! ”

Although She didn't show anything, but there were a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead...

She just wanted to come to the Blacksmiths Association to have a look, didn't expect to meet the Body Sect Sect Master and the Blacksmiths Association the president!

The pressure in my heart is so great!

(end of this chapter)

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