Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1733


Chapter 1733 Dragon Leaping VS Yuanen Yehui (please subscribe)

Zhuo Shi was stunned for a moment, then covered his mouth and coughed. "cough cough...I know it's a joke, but it's not impossible for these things to happen!"

In order not to embarrass the former, Tang Yinmeng echoed, "The elder of the turbulent world is right, if the two have a showdown If there is any accident in the middle of it, you still have to immediately stop the duel to avoid accidental injury!"


As for the dragon leaping in the ring, looking at the calm Yuanen Yehui in front of him , the pressure in my heart has grown a bit again...

The guy in front of him, from agreeing to his invitation to the duel until he stepped into the ring, did not show a bit of grim expression!

It's just an insignificant thing!

This made him say solemnly "In the next match, I will use true strength, I hope you can take it seriously, will lose badly!"

Original En Yehui's beautiful eyes glanced at him, "I will, what about the duel rules? According to your Star Luo Empire?"

dragon leaping coldly said "No need, a normal duel is fine!! nonsense, let's start!"

After the words fell, he released his Spirit, naked eye visible, behind him appeared a monster about tens of meters in size, covered all over With brown dragon scales, a giant dragon exuding powerful oppression!

It is the Top Rank Beast Spirit, the Mountain Dragon King!

Seeing this scene of Yuanen Yehui, the whole person's expression became serious, and his heart swept in surprise, "en? It turned out to be Top Rank Beast Spirit! Are you sure?!"

I saw dragon leaping controlling the Mountain Dragon King behind him, making a harsh dragon cry, and then coldly shouted "Release your Spirit!"

Yuanen Yehui pursed her thin lips, and without any hesitation released the fallen angel with black breath all over her body...

Six spirit rings slowly rose under her feet...


Especially the last two bright spirit rings, constantly exuding the rays of light of scarlet...

The coercion of terrifying seems to devour everything in the entire arena, making the entire space It became extremely dull...

At this moment, the legs of dragon leaping on the opposite side trembled a few times, the pupils could not help tightening, and the whole person was completely sluggish...

The woman in front of me has not only reached the Spirit Emperor, but... the fifth spirit ring and the sixth spirit ring are both 100,000-year-old spirit rings! !

If the normal Spirit Master absorbs it, it will definitely explode and die!

How did she do it!

Xie Ru, who was watching the battle below, looked at the dragon leaping who was in shock, and couldn't help but taunted "dragon leaping, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and start the fight, it's just solemnly. Did you vowed to say that he would not lose?"

Xu Xiaoyan didn't think it was a big deal and coaxed, "That's right, the one who solemnly vowed just now said that he would not lose, that he would not become soft-footed as soon as he came to power. Shrimp, right?"

Le Zhengyu raised his brows, "Don't shrug, is it possible that Monster Academy students only have this kind of guts?"

His current Not to mention so cool!

Ye Xinglan raised her arms lightly said with a smile "Looking at the dragon leaping like that, I should have been frightened. Also, the ratio of Yuanen Yehui's spirit rings is simply not comprehensible to ordinary people! "

Xu Lizhi nodded echoed, "Well, even the few of us joining forces are not Yehui's opponents, this dragon leaping is asking for trouble!"

came back to his Senses' dragon leaping, only felt that his previous performance was shameful, gritted his teeth and said, "The third Spirit Ability, the blood of the Dragon King!"

He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the woman in front of him, but he backed away now. , will only make the spectators see a joke!

Instead of this, it's better to fight with her when the other party doesn't know anything about him! !

In an instant, blood energy emerged from the bodies of him and the Mountain Dragon King, and their own attack power gained great amplification! !

Immediately after, the Mountain Dragon King behind him roared again, and the sharp dragon claw moved towards Yuanen Yehui in front and crushed it away...

Yuanen Yehui frowned, "I'm ready to do my best at the beginning, this guy..."

However, if you think that you will be careless, you are wrong!

No matter whether the opponent is strong or not, she will exert her full strength! !

"Second Spirit Ability, Demon Sword of Darkness!!"

A burst of rays of light flashed from the black eyes of the fallen angel, and then, his hands snapped together. ...

A black long sword with a size of dozens of meters solidified in his hand, and immediately cut it off with the dragon claw that came...

"Bang!!! ”

The sword end and the dragon claw collided together, making a loud noise...

The dragon leaping increased its strength again, but found that it could not gain the upper hand no matter what. ...

The strength of the opponent is like an unshakable mountain! !

After shedding a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, he secretly said, "Sure enough, the amplification brought about by two hundred thousand year spirit rings cannot be compensated by one of my own Spirit Ability!"

On the other hand, Yuanen Yehui on the other side looked very relaxed...

Opened the mouth and said word by word, "If you only have this level, you can't defeat me!"

dragon leaping took a deep breath again, and Brace Oneself said, "Less arrogance!! What if you have two hundred thousand year spirit rings??"

The next second, The fifth spirit ring underfoot lights up...

The fifth Spirit Ability! Dragon Emperor Soul Shattering Wave! !

At the same time, the Mountain Dragon King opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, allowing his own spirit power to be continuously injected into it...

A shocking The palpitating white light wave condensed out of it and aimed at Yuanen Yehui!

The latter, who felt the danger, tried to dodge backward...

How could Dragon Leaping miss this opportunity and try his best to bind Yuanen Yehui to Yuanen Yehui. The ground...

"Want to run? I won't give you this chance!"

Seeing that the energy contained in the white radiance in the mouth of the Mountain Dragon King is getting bigger and bigger, Yuanen Yehui Coldly shouted again "The third Spirit Ability, the Fallen Angels are coming!!"

Since you don't allow yourself to dodge, then confront it head-on! !

The fallen angel of the third Spirit Ability was released, all attributes were greatly improved, and the dark Demon Sword in his hand was clenched...

The white in the mouth of the Mountain Dragon King At the same time as the radiance was released, he slashed head-on...

Yuanen Zhentian, who was watching, cry out in surprise "Not good, Yehui was careless, no matter what the other party said, he was still a Spirit Emperor level Spirit. Master! There won't be any advantage in such a head-to-head confrontation!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to rush up to stop the duel...

But he was pressed on the shoulder by Zhuo Shi, " Yuanen Elder, don't worry, don't you know Yehui's character? She won't do anything she is not sure about!"

"Besides, even if Elder Xu didn't take action, it means that I'll be fine!"

Hearing this sentence, Yuanen Zhentian looked at Xu Sheng's cheek, and found that the latter did not look worried at all...

The excitement in my heart has calmed down a lot, but I still look at the arena with worry...






(end of this chapter)

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