Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 509


Chapter 509 This guy turned out to be Titled Douluo! (Please subscribe)

Seeing Qianyu decisively slaughtered Zhao Yu, the spectators below were all shocked and said, "The Captain of Shrek Academy actually slaughtered the young Sect Master in front of three Titled Douluo-level powerhouses. Too domineering!"

"Damn it! Do you want to be so passionate?? I feel like the whole person is boiling!"

"But this Shrek Academy Captain is courting Death! I heard that there is no Shrek Academy powerhouse coming this time!"

The faces of the three Titled Douluo on the stage suddenly became contorted...

"What, this guy actually killed the young Sect Master!"

"Absolutely unforgivable! The young Sect Master is the future of our sect! It turns out...ahhhh Ahhhh!!!"

"must kill this kid! One blade after another will cut him into pieces, and then fry him until crispy... In short, take his life to avenge the young Sect Master!"

next moment, The terrifying coercion of the three Titled Douluo are all strikes on Qianyu, and they seem to be ready to do it at any time...


The faces of the Tang Sect people in the audience are ugly. When he got up, Bei Bei frowned, "Crap! There are three Titled Douluos! Even Qianyu shouldn't be an opponent!"

Jiang Nannan pursed her thin lips and said, "But our Shrek Academy's The elders didn't come, and Sun Moon Empire will definitely not stop it in time!"

With what they know about the urgency of Sun Moon Empire, they can't wait to let the three Titled Douluo take Qianyu Kill here! It also disguised the removal of a seedling that is likely to become a terrifying enemy!

As for Shrek Academy's investigation, it will definitely only prevaricate the reason for not stopping it in time...

In that case, the Elder of Shrek Academy really can't say anything... ...

Tang Ya's eyes were full of worry, "Qianyu is a little impulsive, this is Sun Moon Empire, killing people here, if the other party wants to do something, there is no one to stop it! "

Only Tang Wutong was not worried at all, said with a slight smile "Don't worry everyone, Qianyu has no problem with three ordinary Titled Douluo!"

Ma Xiaotao pursed his thin lips and explained, "It can be seen from the last time Evil Spirit Master attacked the Shrek team! Qianyu's strength is definitely not comparable to the three Titled Douluo".

Xu Sanshi heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he cried out in surprise, "Yeah! The two Level 95 Super Douluos who chased and killed us last time were like killing chickens in front of Qianyu!"

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the Tang Sect softened a little...

Since they can brutally kill two Level 95 Super Douluos, it is not that difficult to get rid of the three ordinary Titled Douluos thing!


Dai Yaoheng behind Qianyu looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "Three Titled Douluo, Qianyu Elder is the one who killed each other, The old one came out again"

Ning Tian said ill-humoredly "Hey, Senior Brother Dai, why don't you have any worries on your face? If Qianyu Elder hangs up, we have to play too. It's over!"

Xiao Xiao's corner of the mouth twitched, "I don't think the two of you seem to be very worried."

He Caitou nodded and said, "Well Hmm! It seems that everyone trusts Qianyu Elder's strength!"

Suddenly, a weak cough sounded, "cough cough..."

In an instant , all the Shrek team members approached...

Ling Luoshang, who was holding Wu Feng, opened the mouth gently and said "Wu Feng, how are you, is there any discomfort? "

Wu Feng shook the head and asked, "It's alright, just a little pain in the abdomen, what happened to that... duel... duel?"

Ning Tian said with a slight smile " Don't worry, Wu Feng, you won the duel, and the guy who almost killed you has already been slaughtered by Qianyu Elder!"

Xiao Xiao's face showed a bit of fear and said, "Mmmm! Both hands were forcibly torn off, and it made my scalp tingle just now!"

Dai Yaoheng swallowed when recalling the scene just now, "Indeed, the means are extremely cruel"

When Wu Feng heard the words, his beautiful eyes flickered a bit, and he murmured, "Is that so..."

Immediately, he closed his eyes again and fell into a coma...


The most common soldier who was sitting at the front walked up to Xu Tianran cautiously, bowed down and asked respectfully, "His Royal Highness Crown Prince, do we need to go up and stop them?"

Xu Tianran glanced at him, indifferently said "No need!"

With the master's strength, it is no problem to pack three Titled Douluo, the most important thing now is to be careful People taught by Holy Spirit!

The other party is not an obedient pet, and it is not impossible to bite back!

The soldier heard the words and said respectfully again "I know, Emperor Your Majesty"

Then, got up and returned to the position where he was standing before...

The orange next to him, his beautiful eyes that were as warm as water flashed a little worried, and looked at Xu Tianran next to him, "Qianyu, is he really okay?"

Xu Tianran's With a slightly respectful tone, he said, "Please rest assured, Master's true strength, even if all the Top Rank powerhouses in the entire continent combined can't compete!" Die...

He whispered in his mouth, "Is there no way the entire continent can resist it?"


At this moment, the three Titled opposite Qianyu The spirit rings under Douluo's feet lit up one after another...

I saw three huge Spirit phantoms, a lion, a wolf, and a frog, appear immediately behind them...

One of the Titled Douluo angrily shouted "Come on! Hurry up and tear him up to avenge the young Sect Master!"

In an instant, they rushed towards Qianyu with a strong killing intent...

Qianyu indifferently said, "It's interesting, if you don't use Spirit, you'll be in trouble."

Next moment, the whole space began to shake violently, a force that was enough to destroy Exterminating Heaven and Earth The terrifying coercion spewed out...

I saw behind him, a phantom of Goddess of Light with beautiful eyes closed quietly solid, that extremely amazing cheek, as if the most blessed by Heaven's artwork, so beautiful that one dare not look directly at her face...

next moment, rays of light Goddess opened her beautiful eyes, her whole body released a white halo, and then , the divine aura that can purify everything surged out of her...

And at the foot of Qianyu, nine million-year-old spirit rings with golden rays of light slowly rose... …

That almost desperate coercion enveloped the three Titled Douluo rushing towards Qianyu in front of them. The enormous power made them unable to even move!

The eyes of the spectators below shone, and they stood up directly to cry out in surprise "Damn!!! golden spirit ring! This has never appeared on continent, right?"

"Your attention is wrong! That Captain of Shrek Academy, Tmd is actually Titled Douluo! I said why he never uses Spirit!"

"Mother, what did I see today, participate in the whole On the continent's youth Spirit Master elite tournament, some people have reached the Titled Douluo level! This also makes other people compete with each other!"

"This huge atmosphere is simply not the ability of the three Titled Douluo just now. Comparable!”


(End of this chapter)

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